"Once... we wanted to kill it completely."

"We... have been investigating all the time."

The sea of ​​creation, this is said to be the origin of all creators, and no one knows exactly what it is.

However, many buses dominated by Ershi think so, and the sea of ​​creation is data.

To be precise... is ‘life data’.

There are many creatures in the void, their forms of life... These include all the data from their birth to their demise, and at some point they converge somewhere.

Thus, these data form the sea of ​​creation.

The reasons for the formation are not clear. Ershi believes that there are many possibilities...maybe a ‘miracle’ to bring them together.

Perhaps it is created by some powerful creatures, or it is purely coincidental.

Since the birth of the Sea of ​​Creation, it has been collecting various data constantly, and at the same time it has created... a lot of things with the data it collects.

There is a question here, that is, cell biology.

Cell biology may have been created by the sea of ​​creation, but it may have been before it was born.

Compared to other creatures, the Sea of ​​Creation pays more attention to cell biology. Although the source of birth is a mystery, most of the cell biology in the void... is indeed the sea of ​​creation.

To be precise, the creators of their manufacture spread it.

The creator can be said to be a collection of cellular biological data, their main role is to collect data.

After a long period of time, they don’t know how large the database is, but even so, the action of collecting data has never stopped, and countless creators have created one after another in the void. And harvest them over and over again, and the cell creatures that fled the harvesting field began to live freely and spread in the void.

Ershi felt that the sea of ​​creation might try to find the end of evolution.

Cell biology is constantly 'evolving' in various environments, producing countless species that have been increasing all along.

This kind of 'evolution' can also be said to be whether the change will have a result. Whether the sea of ​​creation will collect all the ...... evolutionary at some point, that is, when the cell biology can no longer give birth to a new species.

Although it has been a long time since, it is obviously not at that time.

However... it is not clear whether its goal is not the case.

But in fact, the sea of ​​creation is not just collecting data on cell biology, but also collecting other creatures... and various situations in the void.

Although they have always been the main target of cell biology.

In addition to collecting data, creating... is also the main thing that the Sea of ​​Creation does. It creates a lot of things, including creatures, from the countless data collected.

‘Twisting’ is actually a creation, but a method of creation invented by the Sea of ​​Creation.

That is, putting some data in one place and letting the surrounding environment change according to the content in the data.

The feeling of twisting to Ershi is a kind of manifestation of the sea of ​​creation trying to control everything.

Perhaps in the process of collecting various data, the sea of ​​creation feels that the data itself is not perfect. It tries to rearrange the contents of the data and let everything develop in the direction it wants.

This is also the reason for the birth of distortion.

In the long years, the Sea of ​​Creation has extended its power to a very large extent.

In general, all creatures of the creator's population are the source of creation.

But it is said that there have been times when the sea of ​​creation was ‘open’ to let other creatures join their population.

But now there seems to be no such thing.

In fact, most creatures in the void have an understanding of them, and they are limited to some creators.

Even ordinary creator individuals find it difficult to find them in ordinary civilizations.

However, some creatures have discovered the 'mystery' of these creatures through research and investigation.

And also found the place where the sea of ​​creation.

Ershi knew that the main reason for the creation of the sea was... the first war.

The sea of ​​creation hardly works with other creatures. Although the various creators may cooperate with other creatures, its entire population itself has consistently maintained its goal.

And that might be the first time... with another group of species trying to make the void collide.

That seems to be the only time when the Sea of ​​Creation was ‘individually involved in the war’.

Because all the previous records have never mentioned the creation of the sea to fight in person.

After the war, Ershi believed that only the sea of ​​creation might make the war happen once.

As a result, it constantly tries to understand the sea of ​​creation, through various aspects, and also research with other buses.

The buses that participated in the battle were almost all buses that knew the sea of ​​creation.

With enough knowledge, they began to create weapons against the sea of ​​creation.

What Lin is bringing back is indeed a small part of this weapon.

The main role of this weapon is to interrupt the 'data' of the sea of ​​creation.

The sea of ​​creation...maintains its life, or something of consciousness, when Ersh thought it should be ‘data’.

And weapons can push the sea of ​​creation to somewhere.

In fact, this place has been known before, Lin is the location where the miracle creature died.

Between the void and the void, Ersh called it the ‘no’ zone.

This place is very interesting, because in general two virtual spaces have nothing, but since there is no... why can there be space?

There are a lot of space in the two virtual spaces. The ‘the gap between the void and the void’ that Lynn has been to before is essentially a special space.

This is what Ersh said.

When two voids are disconnected, there are many situations in their space, most of which are connected to a side of the void.

And some spaces can't connect to any void, and anything inside can't leave this space.

But in fact, it is still... there is a way to leave. Ershi believes that these spaces are in a low position called ‘no’.

In the past, Ershi also did the investigation of the virtual space zone, that is, ‘no’.

Ersh believes that there are ways to get there, and weapons are a kind of weapon that throws the sea of ​​creation there.

At the same time it has another feature.

That is ‘data crash’.

It can disintegrate the various data that the creators have been collecting.

Because at that time, Ershi already knew... the data of the sea of ​​creation was stored somewhere.

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