"Destroy... it."

The sky is shining.

A group of three hundred kilometers of 'dense fog' is launching a large number of ... flying objects at the entrance of a space.

These flying objects, like themselves, are also a thick fog.

At the moment they hit the entrance to the space, there will be a shock in the entire space.

To be precise, it is not that the space itself is shaking, but that the various substances in the space are shaking.

This space is one of the 'experimental spaces', and Maya used a lot of space for space expansion and other experiments.

In fact, a lot of space was created in these experiments.

This is one of the experimental spaces.

'boom! After another explosion caused the space to shake, Lynn decided to make some moves.

Lin first sent Maya from this experimental space to other spaces.

At the moment when Maya left... Lynn found that the defender stopped the attack.

I saw that his figure became thinner and thinner in the void, and seemed to slowly disappear.

It seems that it is indeed chasing Maya, Maya can 'dream' defenders... defenders can also trace it.

What Lynn thinks is more amazing is how this huge defender arrived here, even if it uses the transmission or the passage of ancient space, it is quite a long time to come from the domain of order.

So Lynn wants to figure out how it came over.

‘Hey! ‘

The defender who is slowly 'disappearing', its body suddenly shines with a dazzling light.

Its shape is no longer slowly faded, but it is restored to its original state.

This ray of light was made by a branch of Lin, who was aiming at the defenders more than 100,000 kilometers away.

In fact, there is not just one unit, and there are many other units in Lin.

These are arms of several hundred meters in size and resembling bees.

They can be fired from the head... some bombs that can be called 'empty flares'.

In fact, it is a bomb that can blow a strong light.

Some special things about this kind of bomb are... can instantly skip multiple small space attack targets.

Because this has a lot of small space, it is actually experimentally made, and the number of these small spaces is large.

The small space itself is not suitable for use as a weapon because it is too small.

But it can be used as a 'bounce point' for a bomb.

At the moment a bomb is fired, it will pass through multiple bounce points... It will appear to reach the target position in an instant.

Then ‘Boom! ’

Their bursting light can make this void bright, but this piece of light itself has no killing effect.

Their effect is mainly to 'locate' the defenders.

That is, detecting the space around the defender, detecting the transmitted energy... and detecting the defender itself.

The large dense fog of the defenders is mainly composed of a large amount of debris.

It was quite similar to the situation of the burning star at the time.

These crumbs are some of the 'crushers' of about a centimeter, and they are shaped like the skulls of the people.

And in the 'skull' there are many small, constantly moving edges that cut and break down any material that enters.

At the same time, they will also actively attack various things around them. For example, the bombs that Lin will launch will be surrounded by them.

At the center of these finely divided matter, Lynn believes that it should be a core of control in controlling these things.

Although Lin did not detect anything related to the transmission, space, but it detected its ... traces.

Because of the large number of skulls that make up this defender, Lynn finds the surrounding void... there are also some.

When Lin comes into contact with the defender, he will immediately detect whether there is anything related to it in the surrounding void.

As a result, Lynn discovered that there are many such skull-shaped things in the void... arranged in a straight line that extends far away.

Lin feels that this is the ‘travel’ that it has left all the way.

These things are actually very few, but they are also scattered, but they can still be found when Lin is deliberately testing.

Does this seem to be a transmission or a space to come here, but fly directly?

When Lynn was confused, Lin found that the defenders had moved.

It fired a thick fog containing countless miniature skulls for each unit around Lin.

Lynn found that the thick fog spread out when it flew 10,000 kilometers away from the defenders.

The miniature skulls inside are flying fast in the void, as if they all become separate activities.

And... the defenders are constantly scattering these tiny skulls.

Even more amazing is that these miniature skulls stopped flying for a while.

Because this void is the domain of Lin, there are many mini-arms and 'monitoring systems' everywhere.

Lin can detect the flight of each miniature skull, and they generally can only fly a few thousand kilometers away.

At the same time, the defenders, after constantly firing these skulls around, are becoming smaller and smaller.

From the size of three hundred kilometers slowly changed to one hundred kilometers... thirty kilometers... one kilometer...

The original huge ‘body’ was completely dispersed in a short period of time, leaving nothing left.

Because Lynn looked at the whole process of its spread, and found the inside of the defender... nothing.

It seems to be entirely composed of miniature skulls.

But when Lin contacted it with a bomb, she could feel a 'gravitational point' inside.

That is, something like a gravitational organ is controlling the miniature skull.

But now... nothing?

At the same time of doubt, Lin also launched a number of micro-arms to detect the scattered skulls.

These miniature skulls have not been moved after they have been scattered, but when Lin touched them, they also found...

They seem to have completely stopped working.

Lin thinks that after they have flown a certain distance, they urgently stop the brakes and stop themselves in the void, and then stop all the structures in the body.

They... Why do you want to do this?

And what about this defender?

Lynn found that every micro-skull stopped working.

Lynn thinks... they can find the answer at their ‘source’.

That is to follow the traces of Lin’s inspection, Lin found the source that might be the defender.

This place is a vaginal vortex.

In fact, there are many types of void vortices, some of which are just some abnormal phenomena in a space, and some are caused by a virtual collision.

And this vortex Lin thinks it can be called 'surge vortex'.

It will constantly rush a large amount of material from it.

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