It hides in the shadows of the trees, its eyes staring at its target, its tip is covered with the poison of the poison dart frog, it is very patient, it is waiting for an opportunity.

Flying spear, the goal of this special emerald dragon is very clear - Mukla, who just jumped from the back of Yalong, in order to deal with Mukla, it also deliberately covered the spear with venom.

This amphibious organism called the poison dart frog is unique to the dinosaur continent. Usually, the amphibians are like cockroaches, and the skin is poisonous. However, the poison dart frogs have made this point to the extreme. They are not poisonous themselves, but they eat various poisons. The venom of the organism is stored in the skin, and then the light touches it, which may cause the strong nerve venom to penetrate into the body and cause fatality. However, the flying spear is obviously very good at handling this creature, and its spear-coated lance is now extremely deadly... ...

The spear is now on the trunk of a tree, and Mukla is just walking with the troops from below. The timing of this opponent is really good, but what if it succeeds? Jump out and command the troops? That other jade dragon will definitely doubt it.

Jade Dragon has a rule that can't kill the same kind, whether it is the people or the people, killing the same kind will always be slaves.

In fact, the Jade Dragon rarely kills the same kind. They usually only steal things at most, because stealing things as slaves only lasts for a while, but killing them is quite serious.

The spear seems to want to ignore this serious problem. It raises the spear and targets the Mukla under the tree.

‘Hey! ’

With a burst of sound through the air, the spear was firmly tied to Mukla...the ground half a meter ahead, Mukla before the spear throws the spear. It jumped back in an instant. I avoided the attack.

The moment the spear was inserted into the ground. Mukla and the guards behind him suddenly looked up at the tree, but there was nothing in the tree.

When I saw Mukla avoiding it, the flying spear hid behind the trunk. It must be very strange now. Why is Mukla able to escape?

Of course, Mukla did not temporarily feel that he was going to be attacked. It had long been thought of, and the spear had to attack it.

Mukla did not notice where the flying spear was. But when it came down from Yalong, it always pays attention to the surrounding environment. Maybe it realizes where the flying spear might hide. Then it is also familiar with when the flying spear will attack it. Mukla has always been very Watch out nervously.

Until the spear attacked it, Mukla saw the emerald figure on the tree... and it was able to escape...

Lin found that these jade dragons use this kind of method called 'heart meter'. It is really very powerful. Their thoughts on this aspect are quite complicated. One party is constantly thinking about how to calculate the same kind, and one side constantly thinks about how to not be calculated by the same kind. ......

The word of the same kind is the key... These creatures are quite selfish, and Lin even suspects that they are not considered to be social groups. Only a single jade dragon can't live in the wild, and they stay in groups when they have to.

The spear is not only trying to kill Mukla. It may even want to solve the entire search team, of course, it is almost impossible to do it yourself, but with the power of some creatures in the jungle, then it can go back and say that the search team has been destroyed for some reason, it itself Can formally become a throne.

Of course, now is impossible.

"Up, it just hides there!" With Mukhla's scream, the surrounding guards immediately climbed to the tree, and the flying spears did not hide. It jumped out from behind the trunk and then directly from the tree. Jumped to the ground and ran to the depths of the jungle.

"Catch! Don't let it run, you must solve it!" Mukla took a group of guards and immediately chased the spear. Mukla seemed determined to seize it.

The flying spear runs fast and has a flexible body. It constantly drills into the complex plants of various branches and leaves, trying to get rid of the troops chasing it, but Mukla’s troops are not only jade dragons, but also With dozens of electric gnomes, they are the best players to track.

In fact, when the flying spears tracked the troops, the electric gnomes had already discovered it, but because they were familiar with the flying spears, there was no special reaction, but now they also saw the flying spear attack and considered the flying spears to be hostile targets.

The gnomes rushed to the front, and they followed the spear in a special way of detecting scent. No matter how the flying spears hide, they can be chased.

After rushing through a bush, the spear felt a little tired. Just as it paused, a dwarf jumped out of the bush. It opened its mouth and bit it directly on the spear's leg.

The spear immediately pulled it down and kicked it out. It once again ran away from the blood-staining legs, and more gnomes rushed out of the bushes. They bite into the legs of the spears. Department, trying to limit its movement.

The spear flies away from the nearest gnome, and only listens to ‘嗖! ‘‘Hey! Several bows were inserted in the mud beside the flying spear. All the gnomes also rushed together at this time. They bite into the body of the spear. At this time, Mukla also arrived with the troops.

Although killing the same kind of person is only to become a slave and not to die, in fact, the flying spear is still constantly resisting, so other emerald dragons kill it without any problem...

Mukla and the guards did not say a word, they set the bow and arrow and aimed at the head and heart of the spear.

As the arrow flew out of the bowstring, the flying spear suddenly bent over and let all the bows and arrows all shot, and then it rushed to the ground and tumbling, smashing all the gnomes on the body. It also rolled into the grass itself.

Lin feels that its survival is really strong, but it doesn't make much sense... Just now Mukla has let some troops return to the city, they will inform the city about the spear, so that the spear can never be returned. Going to the city.

And it’s hard to say that it’s alive now, there’s a lot of blood on the ground, and its smell is always 'telling’ where it’s...

However, Mukla is still more prepared, and it will let the troops return to the city to announce in advance, that is, to prevent the flying spear from having any possibility of escape.

Mukla took the troops and opened the grass, chasing the blood, and they quickly found the location where the flying spear was hiding... a cave.

This is a cave with a diameter of more than two meters. It is deep and the bottom of the cave. The blood of the flying spear extends deep into the cave. Several gnomes turn around the cave and refuse to enter.

"This is... caves that wear sand worms, they have never been so far away." Mukla looked at the cave, and now hesitated to go in.

The sand worm is a large worm with a body length of more than ten meters. It lives on the edge of the jungle far away. It is also recorded by the jade dragons on the 'dangerous bio slate'. In fact, even some emerald dragons worship this. Kind of creature.

Of course, these things that are going to be grounded are quite difficult to deal with. They are much more dangerous than those of large carnivorous dinosaurs. If the flying spears run in, it may indeed be eaten by worms, but it is also possible to survive if Mukla decides to Waiting for it to come out here, if you wait for the worm to get in trouble, this elusive monster may destroy the entire team!

Lin knows that Mukla is still worried about a problem. The worm is too close to the city and poses a threat to the city. This underground worm suddenly changes its habitat and it is really strange to come to the depths of the jungle from the future. This kind of worm adapts. The force is not very strong, it has a lot of requirements for the soil, suddenly ran here...maybe what happened in the distance.

"Several of you, go back to the city to report." Mukla immediately issued an order. Several emerald dragons rushed back immediately after receiving the order, and then Mukla let the remaining guards spread out and let them hide nearby. In the trees, among the trees, in the grass, it still chose to wait for the spear to see if it will come out...

The worm relies on a special sense of smell to find prey. The general hiding is useless, but Mukla seems to be taking this risk. It has already ordered that if the worm comes out, it will run away immediately, and the spear will shoot it immediately!

As for going into the hole to find, it is estimated that it is impossible...

Lin felt that Mukla was unlikely to wait for the spear to come out. The flying spear certainly knew that Mukla had blocked it from going out. Lin’s flightman had already flown into the hole and saw the spear inside while trying to use the dirt. Covering the wounds that have been bitten out of your body while trying to observe the outside...

Both of them formed this stalemate, which lasted for several thousand seconds. During this time, the flying spear tried to show his head, but the arrow that came in at the instant made it understand that it was impossible to go out.

The two sides have been waiting for the night, Mukla still did not give up, even it let the guards ignite next to the hole, in order to prevent the flying spear from escaping from the night...

The spear did not seem to be coming out anymore, and it made a bold move. Lin found that it was crawling deep into the cave. The worm cave was probably left before a few days and nights according to Lin’s speculation. The worm may not be here, but there may be collapses and so on.

However, the flying spear did not encounter that situation. Lin followed it all the way into the cave. The cave was not twisted, but a straight path.

The spear continued to move forward inside, waiting for the night to pass, and when the day came, it saw a glimmer of light not far from the front.

That is...export! There are no worms in the cave! At the time of the discovery of the exit, Lin could clearly feel the joy of flying spears. The flying spear quickly ran out of the cave. Lin found that there was a river bank outside the cave, and the spacious torrent was constantly surging. ... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~15984567854~ monthly ticket~

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