4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3301: search for

"It's true... not here, not at all."

Lynn conducted a lot of investigations in all the spaces of ‘no’.

At the same time, according to the more memories recalled by Ershi, it is almost certain that the sea of ​​creation in these spaces is only a residual part.

These ‘ocean’ that float in every space are indeed part of its body.

But not all.

Or it has changed a lot compared to the original.

The main role of these oceans is to store those 'nuclear information sculptures'.

They put nuclear information in separate spaces, and once there is a creature like Lin going to the central space, these oceans will react.

The space in the center is also the space of the 'Esh weapons'.

If a normal creature enters the central space, it will soon be killed and broken down.

But if it is like Lin, if there is a 'certified' creature to enter, then there will be what Lin sees before.

That is to say, there are a large number of 'plants' with nuclear information sculptures inside, which are mainly controlled by some devices inside the ocean in the surrounding space, and send many substances to the central space.

In fact, this is a demonstration that shows visitors the nuclear information that the Sea of ​​Creation has collected for a long time.

Simply put, this place has now become a... exhibition hall.

It will show visitors this huge amount of data, and let visitors sigh the greatness of these exhibits.

Visitors who are not certified will be killed and made part of the exhibit.

That is to break it down, and then write a nucleus information sculpture here.

The star is responsible for some simple explanations, and it will be 'extinguished' soon after the explanation.

Then, after a while, the star will re-burn and continue to explain to the comers.

Why is there such a setting that is not yet known...but it is all controlled by the ocean of the surrounding space.

They are free to transport substances, energy, and ... in these spaces.

The main thing is to maintain this ‘exhibition hall’.

These oceans themselves have little thought, or they can only do things like this.

Lin has not yet investigated all the functions here, but it is still certain that the consciousness of the sea itself is not here.

It may have left very early.

Ershi also thinks so, after Lin told the situation here, Ershi also had some new memories.

It is the 'likeness' of the sea of ​​creation.

Previously, Lin believed that the sea of ​​creation was generally a tumbling man covered by the ocean, and it was not very big in itself.

In fact... the sea of ​​creation itself is quite large.

It is itself a 'ocean' with a diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers, which may be larger than the largest bio-Midegart pipeline that Lynd has ever seen.

That is, what Lin sees in these spaces is mainly composed of various relatively common liquids in the void.

There are countless...live nuclear messages inside.

Unlike the sculptures made by this solid material, the nuclear information in the sea of ​​creation is as living as a real cell organism.

Of course, there are a lot of other structures such as 'organs'.

Ersh has not entered the sea of ​​creation, and it is very difficult to approach it.

But it still knows a lot about the situation in the sea of ​​creation, but it doesn't fully remember how it is known.

Now this space can be said to split the whole of the creation sea into a number of parts, divided into different spaces.

And nuclear information has also become a sculpture.

After the consciousness of the sea of ​​creation left, it turned its body into this form that can be preserved for a long time.

But where did it go, and how did it go out?

This point Ershi thinks... It should be that it directly sent out its own consciousness.

The consciousness of the creation of the sea is a wonderful thing, and Ersh does not know whether it has a structure like a brain.

But Ersh believes that the consciousness of the sea that may be created... is distortion.

Or the distortion is its projection of consciousness.

Surrounded by a very powerful twist around the Sea of ​​Creation, it can also be called a 'twisting field'.

It can affect anything close to it and make them fundamentally change.

This is why it is difficult to get close.

Ershi recalled that in the beginning they used some method to 'resolve' the distorted field of the sea of ​​creation, and found that the distorted field has ... thinking.

It believes that the consciousness of the sea of ​​creation may itself be in distortion, and it is also this consciousness that is responsible for extracting data from nuclear information and ‘casting’ things in the void.

If this is the case, it seems that there are many similarities with Lin.

"At the time... how did you find out?"

Regarding this point, Ershi did not recall it. It also forgot what it was like to find ‘distorted thinking.’

It just remembers this thing and can't remember the details inside.

Ersh believes that this is likely to be achieved through weapons.

So it lets Lin test the weapon again to see if there are more features.

Lin also feels that Ershi's weapon is actually very complicated, and it should not only have the function of putting things into nothing.

But... how do you test it?

Lynn thinks maybe there is a way to try it.

That is the weapon on the side of the creation sea.

It is actually imitated by Ershi, or how to get it is not clear at present. Lin mainly found that although this weapon is roughly the same as Ershi, there are still many different places.

If you add Lin's weapon to the structure of the sea of ​​creation, you may find something.

Thinking, Lin decided to test it.

Because the bus structure in the weapons on the side of the creation sea is dead, and Lin is living here.

So Lynn can use these bus structures to perceive whether new things have anything to do.

Thinking, Lin began to take action in this regard.

Lin can find a lot of suitable materials in the void to create the structure of the weapon on the side of the creation of the sea.

At the same time, Lynn is also studying the various structures in all the 'ocean' to see if I can find any interesting information.

However, Lin always thought that the sea that might be created went to the end... At the beginning, the star had already told Lin.

The wonderful feelings that Lin felt from the imaginary sky may refer to the place where the sea of ​​creation went.

In other words...

It may be everywhere.

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