The void... cracked.

Extending hundreds of thousands of kilometers, thousands of kilometers of huge cracks appear everywhere in the void.

They are constantly spreading, affecting that object instantly at the moment of contact with any object.

Whether it is a floating stone, a tumbling person, or even a stellar or a vortex, it will split into two in the moment of encountering this crack.

It seems to have been opened.

However, these things that are opened are not harmed by 'substantial'.

Even a thousand-kilometer crack has smashed the star into two halves, and the star still looks normal as usual.

The star still maintains its original brilliance and normal operation.

However, this seems to be only temporary.

Over time, the rips in the center of the star become larger and larger, which causes the two halves of the star to slowly move toward both sides.

As they move further and further away, the stellar radiance becomes more dim, and a variety of different colors emerge.

When a crack between tens of thousands of kilometers is tens of thousands of kilometers, the star has become safe and dark, and when the crack reaches hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the star will emit some strange colors, making the star like a rainbow. general.

When the crack reaches one million kilometers, the star will be completely extinguished, and the whole star will be transformed into a special substance.

A substance that is not in this void.

Lynn saw such a phenomenon appear everywhere in the void.

To be precise, almost every twist point has such a phenomenon, and the cracks in the void spread all the things on their way.

And these things that are opened up will be transformed into something very strange.

Now, Lin is paying attention to a transformed star...

The star originally had a diameter of nearly a million kilometers, and it was like a different thing, and was cracked by a crack.

After the star was opened, its two halves experienced mutual separation, rapid changes, etc... Finally, it became completely the current state.

Some of Lin's arms are on the stellar surface of the star, which looks like an endless dusty plain.

The surface is mainly composed of a large amount of black matter such as shredded paper. If it runs on it, it will cause countless debris to scatter.

In fact, the entire star has been replaced by this seemingly very fragile structure.

Although the two halves of the star are darkened and emit various colors while slowly moving away, they are still functioning normally.

After moving away from each other for a certain distance, the sudden moment was converted into this... ‘shredded paper’.

The converted star has no gravity and no temperature, and it can be seen as a huge pile of debris.

These crumbs are made up of Lin...the structures that have never been seen before.

Even if they are piled up in such a large amount, there will be no special changes, but they will always maintain a kind of ... very normal feeling.

In fact, this transformation of Lin was seen in the space of the creation of the sea, a star completely turned into a pile of debris.

And this change does not only appear on the stars, but in addition to this star, Lynn also observes many other things.

These cracks appearing in the void all affect the objects in their vicinity... If a relatively ordinary rock is tumbling and affected, it will eventually become a mass of mud-like material.

And if something like a void vortex is touched, it will disappear into the void.

It doesn't have to be cracked 'opened', but it will change slowly as soon as it touches the crack.

As for those objects that have not been cracked, they will disappear directly into the void.

Of course, it also includes Lin's ... arms.

Lin has thought about testing so that many arms are close to these cracks.

As soon as they enter the crack, Lin will completely lose contact with them.

However, if only a part of this unit is exposed to cracks, it can still maintain the feeling of this part.

Therefore, Lin can also observe the inside of the crack in this way, but it is as dark as the solidified void.

Nothing can be felt.

These weird cracks don't affect large spaces, but Lynn finds them attracting energy.

The transmitted energy around the crack will accumulate toward the crack and eventually disappear completely in the crack.

These cracks have now spread out of the twisting point and spread to the surrounding void.

Lynn feels that the plan to create the sea has been successful.

That is ‘re-war.’

Re-warming does not necessarily have to fight the bus, but to make this emptiness a dramatic change.

Just like what Lin sees now.

The number of twist points is currently more than 100,000 found by Lin, they are scattered all over the void... and each has a similar situation.

They are rapidly affecting the surrounding virtual environment, causing many abnormalities in the normal void, and also affecting ... transmitting energy.

After Lin and Ershi discussed this matter, Ershi also showed quite a... worry.

It now believes that it seems completely unclear what the planning process will be for the sea of ​​creation.

How did the sea of ​​creation achieve this all... How to exert this influence in such a huge extent in the void?

It may have started very early... it was done by setting the twist point.

It’s just these twists, how they work, and it’s still a mystery.

But Lynn still has a chance to stop it.

Because all this has not actually been achieved.

These changes in the void are all kinds of distortions... dreams.

This also includes Maya, but it is not just a dream of Maya.

Because Lynn also discovered another twisted creature, Lynn learned about it from a short time later.

These twists created by the Sea of ​​Creation will soon have a series of huge changes affecting the void around them.

The words have actually changed a bit now, because Lynn saw small cracks at some twist points.

It’s just that they haven’t spread yet.

But there is already the effect that the dream sees.

If you don't stop it, it will obviously have a huge impact on the void... and if you stop it, it seems that there will be less interesting things.

Because Lynn also wants to see how it will eventually lead to changes in the void.

But for now it is better to stop it.

If it really has the effect of letting the transmission energy disappear, it will obviously have a considerable impact on bus creatures.

At the same time, there is no small impact on the long-distance travel of the void, although there are some other ways of travel.

As for the impact on other things, it is still unclear, but Lin feels that she still has to keep... transmitting energy.

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