4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3313: Dream journey

"Need to call it..."

Lynn's pompoms continue to wander around in this stormy place.

Although it is a storm, because the wind speed is actually not very strong, it is still very easy to wander here.

The main concern of Lin here is the ‘biological’ here.

The more common scenery in this place is the stone pillar except the storm.

This number of stone columns is very large.

They have a stone pillar of this kind almost a few hundred kilometers away.

The stone pillar itself is also hundreds of kilometers long, but usually has a thickness of less than one hundred meters.

One end of the stone column is a 'head' because there is a circular platform at this end.

Every time Lin approaches the stone pillar, almost all of the illuminants are found on it... After investigation, Lin also found that they are some dream creatures.

Lin feels that they can also call them ‘dreams’.

Because these creatures are the formations of various biological thinking and consciousness in history.

Mainly a variety of creatures living near the twisted field, seems to have been from a long time to the present.

The reason why Lynn sees that they are different in shape is that they are different creatures. They are the same shape as before, but they are the same in size. They are usually two or three meters in size.

And what they do is also consistent.

That is... calling for the phoenix.

These 'dreams' will gather on the platform of the stone pillars, and various worship actions belonging to their races.

If they do this, the debris caused by the storm that blows through it may converge in the center of the platform to form a phoenix.

What is more interesting is that these phoenixes are all phoenixes that have been seen by the stars in the past.

In fact, whether it is shape or character, it is the same.

The purpose of these creatures calling for phoenix is ​​to maintain themselves.

Because they are active in this storm, the figure will become darker and darker, and when their light completely disappears... it seems to be dead.

Phoenix can use its power of ‘nothing to cohesive’ to influence these ‘dreams’.

Let them become... very bright.

The dreams that become brighter will also become more powerful, they can fly at high speed in the storm.

They will fly upwind immediately after gaining 'power', but after a while, their light... will be darkened again.

Then they will stop on a nearby stone pillar and call the phoenix again.

This is also the main part of their lives.

Constantly heading against the wind, calling for the phoenix, continue to head against the wind.

It's just that the whole process won't go smoothly, because calling Phoenix is ​​not always successful.

Lynn observed a lot of dreams because they couldn't call the phoenix, causing them to become darker and finally disappear completely.

As for the phoenixes that are called out, they seem to understand the ‘language’ of different kinds of dreams.

At the same time they will be willing to share their strength.

But for creatures other than the dreams... For example, Lynn's pompoms, the Phoenix is ​​always full of hostility.

If there is no target in the future, the phoenix will seem to be lost, and it will sway everywhere here until it is extinguished.

Phoenix itself will dissipate like those dreams, and the duration will be shorter.

This is mainly related to the storm here.

This storm can take away part of their 'power' when it is blown.

Whether it is the phoenix itself, or the dream energy.

This is also the reason why these creatures will become weaker after they have been here for a long time.

At present, Lynn is strange...what is it here.

And what is the meaning of these creatures moving constantly.

Lin has now captured some of her dream creatures for research, and Lin found that most of them have memories of life.

They can recall the overall experience of living in their own civilizations.

This passage includes all the memories from birth to death.

I came here after their own feelings seemed to be dead.

And when they first came here, there was some knowledge about it, like the way to call the phoenix, and the need to go somewhere.

They didn't know where they were, but they knew they needed to go up the wind.

Until... arrived at it.

They themselves have a strong idea to go against the wind.

Lynn is very curious about whether there is any connection between the sea here and the sea of ​​creation. Why is it that the explosion of the void will come here?

So, Lin also let the pompoms move in the direction they want to go.

Now, the pompom has come to a more special position.

This place seems to have gathered a lot of dreams.

Lin saw a big... platform, a lot bigger than the previous stone pillar platform, more than ten kilometers in size.

However, it does not have any stone pillar connection, it is completely a disc-shaped object floating in the void [.].

Here gathered hundreds of calendar dreams, and Lin found that these different shapes of the dreams gathered together in a few places, seems to be chatting there.

Although they come from different civilizations, because they are all dream creatures, there are very direct ways to touch each other and let the other party know what they mean.

So, Lynn also approached them to see what they were saying.

When Lin Fei flew over the platform, Lin let the pompoms sprinkle a lot of micro-arms to contact these dreams to detect them.

Lynn can also learn about their ideas by touching them.

Lin found that the purpose of gathering here is mainly to talk about their own life.

Because they come from different civilizations, they are very interested in each other. They also come to this place after discussing why they died. Because they don't know that many of them are different times, there is no discussion of time.

But there is one more important goal, that is... robbery.

In addition to the Phoenix, they can also get energy from their peers.

These dreams gathered here are intended to form a squad to attack other dreams to gain their energy.

Because on a one-on-one basis, each of the dream strengths is similar, and their own individual actions are more dangerous, but if they form a small team, they can continue to survive by attacking other dreams along the way.

Lin thinks that they will do this very interesting...

More interestingly, however, Lin found a special dream in this group of dreams.

That is a... creator's dream.

To be precise, it is the creator's thinking that has entered here to form this kind of dream energy form.

It looks obviously different from the creatures around it, and it is going to attack all the creatures here.

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