4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3329: the other side

"In the infinite space, they are moving slowly."

"They tried to arrive, but they could never reach the end."

"They can only repeat their behavior continually until... forever."

The pyramid... exploded.

In fact, it is blown up by itself.

Lin has been thinking of ways to stop the sea of ​​creation from continuing to build her own consciousness, mainly to find out what it has built.

To be precise, Lin wants to destroy these parts.

From the outside, and after the death of the dream, these dream-like dream energies seem to be in contact with the pyramid... and they will be transformed into the consciousness of the sea of ​​creation, and automatically assembled in a certain position.

Some locations have assembled quite a bit of awareness of the creation of the sea, so Lin made a bomb to see if it can destroy this consciousness.

This type of bomb is mainly capable of driving the surrounding dream energy to cause them to cause an 'explosion' effect.

After Lin tried to blow up, he found that he did not blow up the gathered consciousness blocks of the creation sea, but blasted the pyramids.

In fact, these blocks of consciousness are far away from the pyramid, but after the explosion, the block of consciousness is not damaged, and the pyramid is broken.

It seems to have something to do with Lin’s bombing of the consciousness block.

Although Lin and Zero's overlapping pompons are in the pyramid, the process of the pyramids is not hurting the pompoms.

Now Lin is mainly concerned about the location of the pyramid.

The phoenix, originally located at the top of the pyramid, fell into a shocked mood after discovering that the pyramid was broken... It began to fly around and continually yelled.

This phoenix also uses dust language, but they do not use physical dust.

They use dream energy to make this language, so every time it talks like it spills a lot of glowing debris.

When these swarf are scattered in the broken position of the pyramid, some 'echoes' will be produced.

This 'echo' is a kind of dream energy signal.

The content of the signal is almost a description of a seemingly endless place where many creatures continue to advance in that place and want to reach the end.

But no matter how they move, they can't reach where they want to go.

Because I feel that this 'echo' is very fun, so Lin is like a phoenix, letting zero sprinkle some light.

With the increase in light shavings, the content of this 'echo' has also increased... although it is all meaningless.

It is mainly to describe how endless that place is, how to make creatures desperate and the like.

"This is impossible... this is impossible!"

Suddenly, Lin found that the phoenix became very excited.

The phoenix, which has been around for weeks, has suddenly accelerated and rushed directly into the debris of the pyramid.

The moment the phoenix rushed into the debris, it disappeared.

Lin found that the process of its disappearing was very interesting, as if its whole body was instantly squeezing toward a position, and it looked like the phoenix was shrinking very small in an instant, and then disappeared completely.

At the same time, Lin also felt that... the 'power' that made the phoenix disappear is affecting the overlapping pompons.

The pompons are slowly being drawn to a place.

And on the way to being sucked, Lin can still feel some wonderful emotions.

This sentiment includes a lot of creatures desperate emotions.

Lin seems to be able to directly feel that many creatures are desperate in an endless journey.

In fact, they are very similar to traveling on this muddy sea.

After discussing it with Zero, Lynn decided... not to resist this 'power' and slowly attracted it.

Soon the overlapping pompons also reached the position where the phoenix disappeared.

After an instant, Lin felt that the pompoms shrank a little, but quickly expanded.

It just has this feeling, not really shrinking.

At the same time, Lin also found that the surrounding environment has undergone great changes.

This place... seems to be the same as the space of the dream calendar.

It is a vast, dark space. Some differences are that Lin found that there are many creatures moving in one direction.

They are not dream creatures, they are all creatures with entities.

Accurately speaking, they are all kinds of biological species seen in mud.

Including those like clouds or creatures like empty jellyfish, they are very large here, there are tens of thousands around the pompoms.

They are constantly moving in one direction, but at a very slow pace.

What is special is that there seems to be no dream energy here, but these creatures that rely on dream energy life can live here.

"You can come here! Why can you come here?"

At this time, Lin found the phoenix that had just come in.

It seemed to notice Lin's overlapping pompoms immediately, so it quickly flew over here.

Lin tried to communicate with it before, but it ignored it.

But after coming here, it seems to be willing to take the initiative to communicate with Lin... So Lin asked him about where it is.

"You don't even know! Why can you come here without knowing it? It's impossible!"

After suddenly saying a lot of surprised words, he suddenly calmed down and said, "Do you really don't know? Here is... its body!"

"The body? Whose body is it?" Lin asked.

"This is the greatest, the most magical, the most powerful, the most...the horrible creature of the legend! It can make everything condense."

After Phoenix introduced it for a while, Lin finally understood what creature it was talking about.

This creature is really amazing.

It is a creature similar to a phoenix.

The general phoenix mainly maintains its own body shape by its own cohesion. They usually gather dust and other substances.

And this creature is condensed...is a biological civilization.

It uses some wonderful method to make its own ‘no cohesive’ effect on different biological civilizations.

Then they will gather these civilizations together to form their own bodies.

Although the phoenix did not say the details of how this condensation works, it tells Lin that it can fully confirm that the cohesive force of this creature is homologous to the condensate of the phoenix.

This phoenix says it worships this creature so much that it has been following it and wants to find it.

And now it has indeed found this creature as it wishes.

It's just that the situation here is a little different from what it expected, because it didn't expect the creature to die.

Lynn also feels very interesting about this, because the creature that the phoenix worships is actually... the convener.

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