"This place is always changing..."

"It has never been stable, but it has never been unstable."

"It... was kept."

In this organism, which Lynn temporarily called "the night", some relevant information was detected.

That is to say about this place.

The mixture of normal voids and unpredictable land... is what is now seen in a state of constant change.

Everything here often changes everything in position, shape, structure, and so on.

But they are very stable, that is, they will continue to change between different states.

It doesn't suddenly pop up some forms that are not there.

Only the time of change is random.

Generally speaking, when something changes, the things around it will change immediately, achieving a common change effect.

This change Lin feels quite interesting.

For example, in a mixed field, there is a ball and a square and a disc. The ball may become a square shape at a certain time, and the square will change into a ball immediately when the ball changes. It will change into a square.

This is just a metaphor. In fact, there are so many things in the mixed land. After a change, it will cause a series of common changes in the surrounding things, so there is a series of wonderful phenomena that Lin sees before.

Only ‘relateds’ will change together, and irrelevant objects will not change together.

So the phenomenon that Lynn saw before was not everything changed.

It seems that it is difficult to judge what and what is related. The creature detected by Lin can not judge the correlation of all objects.

Although it knows a lot of situations in mixed ground.

Another interesting point is that Lynn found that it was only a part of the creature.

Because the objects here are constantly transforming into form, this is also true of this 'night'.

It has ten forms, but only one of the ten will be conscious. In other forms, it has no thinking.

In fact, it is not just that there is no thinking. It seems that when it is transformed into another form, its internal internal composition will completely... become another thing.

It is similar to the feeling that a Ershi people have turned into a pile of water.

Only the only form in the ten forms can be a 'biological' activity.

And it can't control its morphological transformation because the transformation form is completely random.

It only happens to change into a conscious form, it can focus on everything around and carry out some actions.

But it didn't feel any discomfort about it. In fact, it lived in the mixed zone for a long time.

In its original thinking, it is also considered that normal changes in everything around it are normal performances.

It was only at some later time that it suddenly felt that this was not normal.

That's because... it came here.

The place where ‘black night’ itself lives is a mixture of normal voids.

Therefore, it also experienced the first void war.

Of course, it is not a warrior itself, just... it’s only part of the battle.

There is no special information about the process of war, only a lot of flashes and explosions can be seen.

And because it doesn't always remain conscious

But Lynn can find something interesting later.

That is, after the end of the war... the mixed land has not been completely destroyed.

It is stored as data.

Of course, this is done by the sea of ​​creation.

The Sea of ​​Creation has been recording mixed data during the war.

It seems that the mixed data is very difficult to record for some reason, so the sea of ​​creation was only a small part of the record.

However, this part already includes data on the creature 'Dark Night'.

Then after a long time... this small part of the mixed data was reconstructed.

The location of the reconstruction is here, on the 'bridge' built by the third consciousness of the creation sea.

That is, the night that Lynn is now encountering is not the one that originally lived in the mixed land, but the reconstructed sea with the data created.

However, it has memories of the night before.

At first it didn't know anything, and didn't know why he came here.

But when this place was just refactored, there is a creature called ‘Reconstructing Observer’.

It should be the creator's population, mainly responsible for observing the situation after data reconstruction.

The creature responsible for the observation did not have any communication with the night, and actually did not realize that it was a creature at night.

Just think that it is also one of the new wonderful phenomena here.

Later, this observed creature suddenly died at some point.

And its body exudes a lot of dream energy.

The night absorbs these dream energies... This makes it suddenly "awaken" a lot of knowledge.

This includes understanding of the void.

Although I experienced a lot of things before the night, it didn’t know what happened before.

But with this knowledge, it recalls things like those that have been experienced before.

And I also know that I have been reconstructed, in the consciousness of the sea of ​​creation.

Since then, it has always wanted to escape from this place.

In fact, it is not intended to escape the control of the sea of ​​creation, but is purely interested in the void outside.

It wants to see an environment that is not changing all the time, a long-term stable environment.

That kind of environment is very wonderful for it.

However, it has no way to leave because it does not have the ability to move.

Lin’s actions before he saw it pressed down were not made by himself.

It can't do anything in its own right... although it can look around.

But because of this, Lynn can learn a lot from it.

In general, the marginal zone of the mixed land is the most dramatic change, and it seems that the mixing is not completely complete.

Even so, they can maintain a state of change but not collapse.

The deeper you go, the more stable it will be and the last will not change.

After arriving at this place, it means that it has been fully mixed.

Lin also learned from the night... how to move in this changing place.

Because these changes will constantly adjust their position, you can quickly reach some places by taking a changing object.

However, Lynn also found that there seems to be no way to bring the ‘Maya’ or other creatures here.

In fact, they all belong to one of the changes, so they often change with the surrounding environment.

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