4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 6: Another creature

Lin's pompom... was killed.

Killed by this creature like white gravel.

Its attack method is mainly to launch finely divided gravel at a very fast speed.

These gravel and Lin are usually about the same size, and when they are densely launched at high speed, they can quickly break the pompon.

However, Lin was not completely killed.

Because Lin's pompoms have released a lot of micro-arms not long ago, some have flew to the back of the 'ocean' for testing.

These arms still in the water can observe that this group of gravel did not leave after killing Lin's pompoms.

Instead, continue to send out some information here.

"I found something that was not foreseen, and was transmitting information... The target was not destroyed. But there was no problem destroying it and continuing."

After sending these messages, it moves to the distance and intends to leave.

But it just flew for a few seconds and stopped.

"You belong to the goal of ancient times... Why are you here? Do you want to destroy it? And you want to arrive at that place? But which one is impossible, impossible..."

After that, the pile of sand continued to move to the distance. It did not stop this time, but quickly moved away from it.

"It came from that place."

At this time, Lin suddenly felt the information of the convenor.

However, its information is not in the arms of any of the arms, but in the original location of the white sand.

This information content... is quite interesting, it tells Lin the origin of the white sand.

It belongs mainly to the other side, that is, a creature in an unforeseen place... that creature is said to be a very large creature, which can be called a 'doomsday tunnel' creature.

This creature belongs to a purely unpredictable species, and it has the same ideas as the sea of ​​creation.

That is to build a 'bridge' to extend to the normal void.

It seems that since a long time ago, it has been doing this... It is said that it has never been successful.

Because the bridge that it built itself can only stretch for a long distance, and can't connect to the normal void.

However, it has been using various methods to 'peep' the normal void, so there is a certain understanding of normal voids.

And the more you peep, the more you want to touch the normal void.

As for why it is called 'Doomsday Tunnel'... That is because the bridge it creates, or a channel, usually lasts for a long time.

Because it lasts for a long time, it is often a long time for creatures to enter this place to live.

Then, its channel will have a 'last day'.

If ‘normal’, the bridge channel can last forever, but it will always be ruined by many accidents.

For example, space collisions and the like.

In short, if this kind of incident happens, it will be a big event that destroys the entire bridge passage.

Of course, it also affects the living creatures inside, so it is called the 'doomsday tunnel'.

Despite this name, the Doomsday Tunnel is a very good-hearted creature.

Because every time an accident happens to face the end of the day, it will send some 'forces' to save the creatures in the passage.

The white sand that Lynn saw was the identity of this kind of rescue force.

It is said that some very old creatures have been living in the passage, and they are rescued every time the 'end of the day'.

Then they followed the 'Doomsday Tunnel' to the next passage bridge and continued to live there.

They have continued this way of life for a long time, and the name 'Doomsday Tunnel' is also given by this group of creatures.

And now the 'end of the day' has come again.

At least they think so.

The passage bridges created by the Doomsday Tunnel are connected to the conscious bridge of the creation sea.

This place can be said to be a very long passage formed by the mixing of the two sides.

The sea of ​​creation begins to extend its consciousness and quickly heads toward the end of the tunnel.

It can also be said that it is in the part of the bridge that swallowed the Doomsday Tunnel.

After discovering the consciousness of the sea of ​​creation, the Doomsday Tunnel thought it was similar to the last days of the past.

Then it sent the white sand forces to pick up the creatures that originally lived in the passage.

Originally picked up a lot of creatures, but there have been some ... problems.

That is the creation of the sea has also sent some creatures.

I don't know if it's the creator's species or what creatures. In short, there is a lot of creatures on the bridge of consciousness. These creatures pretend to be living in unforeseen creatures and let the white sand pick up.

After being picked up, they will carry out various ... destruction actions.

Like self-destruction.

In this way, they seem to have killed some of the Doomsday Tunnel troops.

So the Doomsday Tunnel noticed that the incident seemed to be more serious, so it began to strictly detect any creatures that were picked up.

As long as it is not a species that originally lived here, it will not be taken away but will be killed.

This kind of action has been going on for a long time and it is also very successful.

Because the white sand has almost completely cleaned up the creatures that have sneaked into the creation sea.

Just now they also regarded Lin as the sea of ​​creation, so it killed Lin's pompom.

And it seems to have saved all the creatures now, ready to leave this place.

Although they have tried to solve the growing consciousness of the sea of ​​creation, they can't do this.

So they are still going to give up this place and leave directly.

However, the conveners now say they will not give up as simple.

Because Baisha knows the convener.

The convener said that he had been in contact with the Doomsday Tunnel a long time ago and had some exchanges.

It just told Baisha that the consciousness of the creation of the sea is not a simple 'doomsday phenomenon'.

It is a channel that is always connected to the normal void.

As soon as you arrive at this passage, the Doomsday Tunnel can reach the normal void it has always wanted to go.

The convenor believes that the Doomsday Tunnel will now dispatch a large force to attack the consciousness of the creation of the sea.

If it is just an ordinary 'doomsday phenomenon', it will certainly not be managed, it will only be withdrawn.

But if it can go to normal void, it should do its best.

This will completely solve the threat of the creation of the sea, while still doing another thing.

The convener did not say what this thing was with Lin.

However, it is said to be very good for Lin...

After talking to the convenor, Lin did see it... In the darkness of the distance, there seemed to be a huge army.

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