4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 19: Different past

"Tucker, our food is running out and we have to move."

"Yes... but we can't give up here."

It’s very interesting here... Shown in front of Lin’s eyes is a rock building of more than 30 meters, and the floor between the buildings is made of stone brick.

Whether it is a building or a ground, it is made up of gold and green stones, and various patterns are engraved on the wall.

There are a variety of dinosaurs, as well as Snapdragon's own, but the most is still ... the pattern of pompoms.

A variety of pompom patterns are engraved on the ground, on the walls, and on handcrafted crafts.

The streets here are very lively, and many dragons walk around the streets. Most of them wear similar armor or leather clothes, while others hold large animals. Of course, there are many dragons selling all kinds of goods on the street. thing.

Lin found that these things include many weapons, food, and crafts.

This place is a very lively city, it seems that Tucker's memory data...has been very nice here.

On the street, Lin can see the huge building in the center of the city.

The building looks like a domed castle, and at the top of the castle is a platform plaza with a large pompom statue.

Under the statue, Lynn can see Tucker and a few other dragons looking at the prosperous streets below.

And they are also discussing a variety of things.

Lin is not sure how many times this ‘Tuck’ has been revisited. The place where it is now is already quite different from the normal pompom world.

Because... there seems to be no such thing as white dragons and jade dragons.

Lin learned from the surrounding dragons that they have never heard of other dragon species such as the Jade Dragon or the White Dragon.

But the world still has many other threats to them, such as Lie.

Lie seems to be one of their biggest threats. It is said that a large city has been established nearby and it is considered a civilized opponent.

And capturing brain-making monsters can get a lot of information, so they often go to capture brains.

According to them, brain-building monsters seem to be very special. They are similar to ‘wild animals’ here, that is, they never appear in the civilized groups of Lishen or other creatures, and they are generally swaying in the wild.

However, brain-creating people have knowledge about the surrounding civilizations, and they are also very dangerous, and they need some very powerful hunters to capture them.

In addition, this place has a variety of dinosaurs, dragons and other creatures in the world of pompons, but it is more amazing that there are some creatures that are not in the world of pompoms.

Like the spears that Lynn saw before, they are called ‘horror flying spears’, a kind of... flying spear creatures.

The dragon here is so called.

These spear-like creatures seem to be quite a lot, and some can be... tame as a hunting effect, and some are very dangerous.

It is said that the most powerful flying spear speed has surpassed the speed of sound and is called the 'explosive spear'.

There are also some other wonderful creatures, such as some who like to eat crystals... The body is also a crystallization of creatures, these creatures are said to generally live underground, they will madly engulf crystallize.

There is also a green creature that can fly, these creatures are very similar to pterosaurs, but there are three pairs of limbs.

In addition to these, there are some special creatures. Although they are different from the ecology of the pompom world, they form a complete ecology.

Now, Lin is mainly here as a spy.

Because Lin understands how to change the original dream pompoms, this is still very easy, but it has not been able to distinguish some micro-arms.

Lin is now walking into a building.

This place is known as the Pompom Temple. At the moment you walk in, you can see the various layers of pompoms on the golden floor and walls.

These pompom patterns... are actually similar.

They are the way in which the pompons stick out of the fluff to make a variety of different poses.

The ground in the center of the hall of the temple is a large hole, and a large trunk can be seen extending from it to the ceiling of the temple.

In fact, there are trees of this kind in every building. They are... dragon perch.

These dragons are also used here as buildings, but they are somewhat different.

Things like 'bricks' that make up the various colors of the building are produced by Longqimu.

The dragon wood here can grow a variety of different colors... by barking some special 'fertilizers'.

Then they peel off the bark and after processing, they can become the 'bricks' of various buildings.

It looks like a real mineral.

After bypassing the trunk of the dragon wood, Lin can see the pompoms enshrined in the temple.

It looks quite ordinary here, it is a large pompom statue, and then piled up with various tributes.

There are also many dragons who pray on the pompoms, and they are generally praying that they can hunt for anything.

Lin found that the dragon here has almost no food, whether it is plants or animals.

They are pure hunting cultures, and food is all from outside.

Since there was nothing special here, Lin looked away and left, and then Lin walked directly to Tucker's castle.

Tucker is still discussing with those dragons.

Lin's perception of this dream structure is similar to that of ordinary pompoms, so you can hear what they are saying.

The main thing is that there are fewer things about the nearby prey. They decided to move out of it. Tucker didn't want to move.

Lin wants to know what the situation is in the world in which it is located.

For example, what did it go through, and did it encounter such things as pompoms here?

And the world... According to the rogue, the creatures here are all 'real', but they are actually involuntarily.

Because this world will restart according to Tucker’s own death...

During the restart process, the creatures here are actually alive, but they will be assigned a new identity based on Tucker's memory data to re-run...life.

As the rogues said it was not very clear, Lin wanted to know... how it works here.

Of course, it is also looking for the next path to the space of hope.

Just explore enough of the 'unknown' to see the next path.

No matter where the unknown is explored, it seems to count.

"What do you want to do?" When Lin approached the castle, Lin had several guards who came up to say to Lin: "The general dragon can't get close to here."

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