4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 23: Want to know the secrets of this world?

Making a brain is not trustworthy.

This is what every dragon has known since childhood.

Brain-throwing will often say all sorts of weird words, such as how you help me, what I will do for you.

If you really believe them and do something for them, they will kill the helpers immediately.

Sometimes they just attack when they just promise to help them.

The brain-hunting blame never promised, and never even remembered what he said.

So there are some special ways to use the ‘knowledge’ of the brain to get the benefits.

In fact, it is torment them.

When they are tortured, they will tell some truth, usually in this way to obtain intelligence.

However, this assassination of Tucker's Snapdragon did not ruin the brains. It was directly outside to communicate with a brain-making monster, and believed that the other party said it was true.

In this place, there are no strong brain waves that can affect other creature spirits.

Although they communicate in a manner similar to brain waves, they do not have the ability to affect the spirit.

So this is still very interesting... Lynn decided to go see this brain-making monster.

Mainly because the unknown things in the city of Xiaolong are almost finished, so go out and explore.

Communicate with Tucker and learn about Tucker’s various things in ‘Exploring the Unknown’.

As for the Feiyuyu, they have forgotten who told them that killing Tuck will restart, they just remember... this thing.

Next, Lin left the town of Xiaolong.

Tucker did not ask any questions about where Lin went. It only knew that Lin was indeed here and was very confident.

Lin turned the spy back into a pompon form and flew to where the assassin knew the brains.

After flying in the jungle for a while, Lin found that the ecology here is very similar to the dinosaur continent, and the species are close.

At the same time, Lin also found some ... Li Wei.

These squadrons are groups of hunting squads that operate on the ground, and their cities are not built on the ground but underground.

They look similar to the earliest of the world of pompoms.

Lin did not carefully investigate the shackles and continued to float in the jungle for a while, and Lin arrived at the location of the brain-creating.

It is also here... It seems that there has been no change.

"Come on, here's the news you want to know and the news you don't want to know and the news you don't want to know!"

The brain-creating monster was staying in a small open space in the forest. It piled up a table with stones and the like, and continued to yell at the surroundings.

“Don't anyone want to know the mysteries of the world? Is there no one who wants to know the cause and effect of everything?”

At this time, Lin found that a creature that had become a fine dragon ran to the front of the brain.

"Do you want to know the secrets of this world? Now you only need three coconuts to exchange."

“Hey?” The fine dragon licked his head.

"Do you dare to marry me?" The brain-screaming suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the fine dragon into his mouth, and quickly chewed it into minced meat.

Then it continued to shout here: "Who wants to know the secrets of the world?"

"The creature over there! You want to know the secret when you look at it! Do you want a secret?"

Lin made the pompom turn into a dragon and approached the brain-making monster. When she saw Lin, she immediately yelled at this side.

After Lin came to it, it said to Lin: "Do you want to exchange three pine nuts for a secret or one?"

"Zero," Lynn replied.

"That tells you the secrets that can be obtained." The brain-devil said: "The end of the world."

Said, it said a lot... things that were known from the Snapdragon Assassin.

That is to say, killing Tuck can restart the world or something.

"Where did you hear about this?" Lin asked.

"It's hard to say." The brain-stricken scream said: "There are other secrets, do you want to know? These secrets are..."

Then it said it by itself.

And Lynn found it to be quite interesting... It said that it is about to be flooded by the flood, and the world will usher in the end.

The only way to stop the end of the day is to keep the world "restarted."

That is to kill Tucker constantly, every time you kill Tucker, the world will enter the restart phase, once they are conscious... even if the restart is completed.

Then they will immediately kill Tucker and let the world restart again.

As long as the world keeps the world in a state of constant restart when the flood is over, it will surely escape the end.

It's such a statement... very interesting.

The doomsday it says should be related to the sea of ​​creation. After all, the sea of ​​creation will begin to contact other hope spaces after occupying the largest space of hope.

But why do you know this brain? Is the rogue telling it?

This point is not willing to say.

"What do you want to do! Do you want to kill me?" When the brain was found to be close to it, it suddenly became nervous and yelled and retreated.

Lynn thinks that this brain-building monster seems to be more timid.

In general it should be bitten directly, but this has escaped very quickly.

"Come on to save me! Who will save me? I can guarantee not to kill you!"

The speed of making a brain escaping is very fast, so Lin has let the dragon go back to the state of pompoms to catch up.

In the process of pursuing it, Lin found that it often ran in the direction of the Lieutenant Squad, and Li Yi immediately avoided it.

It seems to be afraid of what it looks like.

However, this brain-hunting has not been so much, and a Lieutenant team avoids it and goes to another team.

Followed by it, Lin also found some different stereotypes, such as some of the lieutenant has the ability to change color, can become the color of the jungle and escape the brain.

The brain-creating geeks are also particularly concerned about these disfigurements. When they evade Lin, they try to catch them.

Now, the brain-cress sees a group of creatures in the distant trees that look like they are changing.

It immediately rushed toward the other side, and yelled while rushing to the side: "Save me soon! Otherwise you have to live!"

'boom! ’

The answer to it is a ... bullet.

Opposite the group of '立蝎' launched a shooting on the side of the brain-making monster, a large screen of the bombs flew from the air, but most of the shells of the brains were bounced off.

"You dare to beat me! I want you to live without it!"

The brain-creating screams and rushes to the other side, when Lin sees a violent explosion exploding on the brain.

The brains are in the explosion... fly out.

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