4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 30: The last place

"This is the last place, the last hope, the last... bright."

Lynn Veronica embarked on this vast grassland.

And the people who followed the costumes here came to their homes.

A town built on the golden plains.

It is indeed a golden plain, and the grass that Lin has come all the way to see is green, but the grass around the town where they are located is golden.

It’s not the kind of golden yellow that seems to have dried up. It seems to be a special golden look. This is quite interesting.

The houses in their towns are mostly tens of meters high, rarely hundreds of meters, and the shape is quite strange.

There are pyramid-shaped, screw-shelled, and two squares that are stacked with sharp corners.

They are all white and look like plastic structures in appearance.

“This is where we live.”

After several people took Lin's Ershi people into the town and came to the streets of the town, Lin saw that the residents here and there are usually walking around in silver or gold clothes.

They looked at Veronica with curiosity, perhaps because the clothes worn on Veronica were made of fluff.

After Lin entered the town, almost all the people of Ershi were scattered, leaving only one of the tallest standings here. It said to Lin: "Come on, I will take you to handle... formalities."

“Is it easy to stay?” Lin asked in confusion.

In fact, they said some suspicions when they first met Lin, but they quickly decided to bring Lin here.

“Yes, we welcome all the similarities from other worlds.” This tall Ershimin brought Lin to a building in the center of the town.

The building looks a lot like the head of the Ershi people, and the entrance is its open mouth.

Lin feels that there is a feeling of disgust in the general Ershi people entering here, but this Ershi people seems to be fine.

After entering the building, Lin found that there was no furniture inside, that is, an empty hall, and a... great Ershi.

The Ershi people here are generally taller and generally can approach two meters.

And this Ershi people, who are also considered to be very large in the general high school, have a size of nearly three meters, which can be regarded as a monster in the eyes of the general Ershi people.

But it is actually the main consciousness here.

"Welcome to you, visitors from afar." This huge Ershi is also very old-looking, its beard is almost long... dragged to the ground.

It is also like the role of various myths in Ershimin.

"So you want to live here?" The great Ershi people slowly walked to Lin's Veronica and asked and squatted down.

It fell a lot bigger than Veronica, and Veronica asked it: "Why is this called the 'final place'?"

"I have a story." The great Ershimin said: "Do you want to hear it? It was a long time ago..."

It didn't wait for Lin to say that he wanted to hear it and said it himself.

But what's more interesting is that its story... is what Lin knows, or the first half knows.

It tells Lin that they used to live on a tumbling man called ‘尔什’ and simply talked about history.

Then, it also said that Ershi is alive, this world is conscious.

At some point, Ersh carried them away from the familiar galaxy and began a journey in the void.

The purpose of this trip...is to go to a safe place to live.

A lot of things happened during the trip, and there were many dangers. Even many times, the disaster was almost destroyed by successive disasters.

But in the end, it was still successful.

Ersh arrived in a safe place.

The people of Ershi have also lived from here... a happy life.

Due to the numerous crises and disasters that have been experienced during the journey, they have united them incomparably. After arriving at the target, all the people are working together to create a new home.

There are no criminals, no pain, and every citizen is full of laughter.

However, this did not last long, and with their development, selfish people began to appear, and criminals began to increase.

The civilization of Ershimin once again ‘fallen’ back to its original form, and wars of all kinds have continued.

Ersh did not intervene any further on their development.

There are a group of people who miss the original time very much. The one who has just arrived in the safe zone and all the people work together has no time for disputes.

That era was full of beauty and full of hope, and they were eager to see that era reappear.

As a result, the people gathered and used some method to spread their strong hopes to the void.

Then, this place was formed.

Of course, the specific process details of this Ershi people did not say.

This place is a place of hope forever. The people here are always in the hope, there is no dispute, no pain.

Always living in a wonderful, calm state.

Simply put, this is a place like ‘heaven’.

They also accept the same kind from other hope spaces, that is, other Ershi people come here.

There are also other people in the space of hope, and these people can move to this space in some special way.

When this space is restarted, it will follow this space instead of the original space, which is disconnected from the original space.

The residents that Lin sees now are all 'collected' from other spaces.

The number of original aborigines here is very small, but it is not a lot after the collection.

It is said that the residents of the entire space are about 10,000 people, similar to a small town on Ershi.

"You...do not belong to any one world." At this time, this huge Ershimin said to Lin: "It is very strange, is it belonging to those groups? But you are not like them."

This huge Ershi people seem to know something, so Lin also feels that it should check its brain.

"Don't do this." But when Lynn planned to do something, it seemed to notice.

"There should be no harm in this act." The great Ershimin said: "If you don't want to live here, leave."

"Can you ask more questions?" Lin asked.

"Yes, as long as it is something I know... I will tell you."

Although it said so, after asking for a while, Lin felt that there were many things that he did not say.

But Lin still knows a lot of things.

But there are more detailed situations, and Lin feels that she should only know from other creatures.

For example, the Doomsday Tunnel and the rogues, and ... there.

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