These special dolls have some ability to attack from a distance.

They hold the kind of miniature firearms that they used before.

These firearms are all made by themselves, and of course only the special ability of the boneless dolls will be made and they can be used.

However, the power of firearms is not so strong.

This Veronica is similar to the real self-healing ability, so it doesn't matter if it is hit by them.

Lin can fly at high speed and grab a special doll.

Now that Lin grabbed a doll and took it to the sky to check it, Lin found that the doll had a special mission.

They came here to seize the last great Ershi.

They seem to have suddenly got this mission to come here, because the capture of it is almost the occupation of this place.

But their task is a failure, and the huge Ershi people have now escaped, so they are changed to... attacking Lin.

However, these threats to Veronica are small because they were not intended to catch Veronica.

After the last Fort Rilin licked a few special dolls, they decided to send some more powerful Veronica.

Only those who are stronger have not arrived yet, and Lin has come here.

Although I don't know how the huge Ershi people ran, they can know a lot of information by catching these dolls.

So, Lin flew again, grabbed a boneless doll for testing, and then repeated the process.

Every time they catch them and detect them inside, Lynn also finds that it is not actually that they have no brain structure in their bodies... but the 'brains' in their bodies are initially difficult to be recognized by Lynn.

That is, you cannot perceive the thinking information in it.

But this 'cognitive ability' can be improved by the number of special dolls that come into contact.

The more dolls Lynn caught, the more information she can detect from them. It seems that Lin’s arms have happened here... some kind of ‘evolution’.

So after Lin grabbed a few more dolls, Lin found them... mainly to seize the huge Ershi people and carry out a comprehensive 'control'.

To be precise is to invade its thinking and to completely transfer this space into their own territory.

They have an ability to completely control space consciousness, and it seems that the more desperate this space is, the easier it is to invade and dominate.

It seems that they can slowly know all their purposes and abilities, but the special dolls here have already been finished...

However, when Lin thought so, Lin suddenly found that there were dolls that could be caught in the distance.

To be precise, it is a flying head.

When Lin came here, she saw the huge Ershi people, but did not see the head it was driving.

Now the head flew over, but obviously it wasn't the Ershi people driving, because there were still a lot of dolls on the head.

The head suddenly speeded up when it flew over, and the doll that was lying on it was smashed down a lot.

And this head slammed into Veronica and slammed it.

Veronica flew away to escape, and also took out a ... weapon.

This is a pistol that Lin had received in the fort. Before the head turned and hit it again, Lin also aimed at its eyes.

'boom! ’

After a moment, this huge head suddenly slammed down and flew down to the ground.

It seems... hit it.

The skull fell into a large group of dolls below, and after smashing a large number of dolls, Lin found that she had climbed out of her eyes... a special doll.

This doll is not in all the types of dolls that I have seen before. Other dolls can be said to be gnome dolls.

The gnome dolls are very small, only about 50 centimeters.

And this doll is relatively large, it is considered the doll of Ershimin.

It is almost one meter high, and the shape of the bones is also like the Ershi people.

It should be the method by which they made a doll of Ershimin.

In fact, it’s not so big to be a 'doll', but Lin plans to call it that way.

This may be stronger.

Because it crawled out, he took a look at Lin, and then took out a piece of things and threw it over.

This thing is a bit like a piece of earth, but the speed is very fast, and it expands ten times when it comes over, becoming a big stone.

But it was avoided by Lynn.

But at the moment Lin escaped, it also jumped from the ground to Lin.

At the moment when it rushed, Lin wrapped it with a lot of hair, but the hand of this Ershi doll was broken.

It directly caught Veronica's face, and the moment it touched, Lin felt a very interesting feeling.

This seems to be a lot... despair.

It can be felt that this side has despair from different spaces, precisely the more desperate emotions of the main consciousness of the space in the continuous reincarnation.

The final space becomes smaller and smaller and then disappears completely.

However, this desperate consciousness seems to have not completely disappeared.

This sense of despair is stored in this ‘hand’.

It mainly wants to use this kind of emotion... Let Lin fall into despair.

It’s just that Lin doesn’t feel this desperation, but is very interested in it. Why can it “storage” so much desperation here?

This gives Lin the feeling that it was collected in the disappearing position after the disappearance of other hope spaces.

But how does it do this?

When Lin was thinking about it, Lin found that the entangled Ershi doll... dissolved.

It quickly turned into a large amount of liquid, and then 'volatility' in the air.

This is more interesting.

Because of this, you can't detect it.

Lin felt that this might be the special ability it used to avoid Lin's detection, although it said that the 'hand' did not dissolve.

Then, Lin looked at the following, and the huge number of boneless dolls soon spread out.

They didn't try to attack Lin as before, and after they spread out...the original place was left with only some building debris.

In these debris piles, Lynn saw something special.

This thing... looks like a piece of construction around it, a white stone.

But if you look closely, it shines with some wonderful luster.

This stone is also the location where the huge Ershi people disappeared.

Obviously from here... what can be found.

When Lin flew down and picked up the stone, I could feel the words of the huge Ershi people.

This thing seems to be the communication device it left behind...

This stone is also the location where the huge Ershi people disappeared.

Obviously from here... what can be found.

When Lin flew down and picked up the stone, I could feel the words of the huge Ershi people.

This thing seems to be the communication device it left behind...

This stone is also the location where the huge Ershi people disappeared.

Obviously from here... what can be found.

When Lin flew down and picked up the stone, I could feel the words of the huge Ershi people.

This thing seems to be the communication device it left behind.

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