4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 42: collision


The doll of Veronica... was shot and flew out.

It falls into the crowd of boneless dolls below.

In the past, Veronica had been fighting it for hundreds of seconds, and finally Lynn used his hair to stab his head.

However, it was not pierced, but was shot and flew out into the boneless doll group.

This doll is now looking at Lin below.

Lin is also watching it... Lin feels that it is really strong.

It is very close to Lin, whether it is speed or strength, but it does not have the ability to regenerate quickly.

In the previous battle, its hair was interrupted by Lynn, so it could not defend Lin's next attack.

Lin also found that the resilience of dream creatures is mainly related to ‘consciousness’.

The general dream creatures...like here, they all have a 'brain' as the core of consciousness.

Then there are some dream energy that wraps around this core. These dream energies can be regarded as ‘body’.

The core of consciousness can make various commands and make various actions on the dream energy that wraps it.

However, it is difficult to recover after the part of the 'body' is damaged.

Simply saying that after a dream is cut, it can't be picked up by the handle on the wound.

It needs to eat this hand, and then slowly... grow a new hand.

This is also to be a regenerable creature in ‘setting’. If you are in a dream, you won’t grow a new hand even if you eat it.

But in the next cycle, it may play a regenerative creature that will regenerate the limbs.

But in any case, the rebirth of the 'body' part is very slow, and if it is too much, it may never recover.

However, their 'conscious core' resilience is relatively strong.

Even if the core of consciousness is cut into small pieces, that small piece is still consciously left. At this time, if you pick up the small piece, it will be restored.

But if you don't pick it up, the consciousness on this small piece will quickly dissipate, and then it will be useless.

If it is cut directly into two halves... then the two halves will slowly dissipate, but they can be restored to normal by putting them together.

Lin's situation is a little different from them, because Lin's dream unit is a part of the whole body that belongs to the 'core'.

So every part of the body has the ability to recover.

In general, the core of a dream creature is small, pierced or flattened, etc. Although it is not completely separated... but it may still dispel consciousness.

Lin’s consciousness can be said to be more stable, and it is easy to recover even after being hit hard.

Although energy is still lost during the recovery process, it can also be recovered by eating.

Therefore, Lin's arms are much more resilient than ordinary dream creatures.

These boneless dolls are also stronger than the average dream creature, for the control of the body.

Although they only have one core to control the body, they have a much stronger control over the body.

It’s like this imitation of Lynn’s doll is almost the ultimate feeling.

However, if it is only physical ability and resilience, these dolls are not very different from the general dream creatures.

So keep going, it will get weaker and weaker.

Now, it seems like it is going to attack Lynn in a new way.

It grabbed the boneless dolls next to it and directly lost it to Lin.

After Lin escaped the doll, it lost a lot of dolls.

And it is lost with hair.

These dolls are like a storm, and Lin is flying every flying doll.

Then... it did a wonderful move.

Lin found that it used hair to screw a lot of dolls into a big...ball.

Then it forced the ball to be lost.

Lin thinks that this may be done before Xue Lin.

When the doll ball flew to the heights... it suddenly exploded, a large number of dolls flew around, and many hit the body of Veronica.

When Veronica blocked the dolls with his hair, it jumped again and punched Veronica with a large number of heads and twisted into the shape of a fist.

Veronica, with the hair twisted into a spiral spike, directly stabs these fists.

All the fists were pierced at this moment... Of course, these hairs were twisted together.

However, Lynn’s hair is much more, so there are still some spikes that directly **** the other’s body.

At the moment the target was about to be stabbed, the doll suddenly broke all the hair and fell back to the ground at high speed.

Then it made a sharp call.

This 'sound' is quite special. It can greatly stimulate the perception structure of dream creatures. It can make a dream creature almost completely unable to perceive something in a short period of time. It can only 'listen' to its scream. .

However, Lin can still pay attention to it.

Lynn found it rushed over again, and this time it was very fast.

Because it rushed over... its legs blew open.

By the impact of the explosion, it slammed into Veronica's abdomen.

At this moment, Veronica's body... cracked.

But this is not the crack of it, but Lin broke it.

Because Lin thinks that it will be hit by it... It should be hurt more, although it can heal quickly, but the whole body may enter a paralyzed state after suffering a lot of impact.

So Lynn avoided its attack... and watched the doll fly to the sky.

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that it suddenly exploded when it flew high. The strong explosion shock directly caused Veronica to fall to the ground, and also flew all the dolls around.

It seems... blew it? But compared to the impact of the impact, Lin is more concerned about the place where it exploded.

The sky in the explosion position appeared in a different color.

This should be a space channel, but now it looks like a... a painting with a lot of boneless dolls on it.

They flooded from this discolored part like a flood, and they rushed to where Lin was.

Lin immediately flew up quickly and escaped the emergent army.

There are many different kinds of these dolls, but the smallest ones like the gnomes are the most.

They slammed directly onto the ground and looked around as if they didn't know what was going on.

And that doll that imitated Lin...it didn't die.

Lin found that it was in the ‘painting’ in heaven.

Everything in the painting is static, but it changes every few seconds.

You can see it in the painting... Look at Lin.

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