4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 50: protection

This place... Why are you so desperate?

Lin is now coming to a new space of hope.

This place looks very bright and looks like a huge space.

Here is a vast grassland, the ground is covered with dense low-lying plants, the sky constantly sheds a strong light, and the place is very bright.

Lin was originally testing where the desperation was the strongest and then came over.

But in fact, I only felt desperate in the process of testing. After coming here, I found this place to be a place full of hope.

So it will show this kind of scenery.

Of course, the scenery is biologically different. If it is a creature that likes black, it sees the dark environment.

In short, this place does not look like a boneless doll.

So, Lin began to test the environment here.

Lin’s pompoms stay in the locomotive-shaped device and detect the surrounding environment.

This space is small, and the diameter is more than ten kilometers, and Lin found it... there is only one creature.

So Lin let the pompom fly out of the train and fly towards the location where the creature is.

Lin soon found this creature... Its shape looks like a whole body of light.

Or the shape is somewhat like Ershimin, which is a ‘head’ plus ‘four limbs’, but there is no joint.

When Lynn touches it, he can feel its emotions.

It is considered the main consciousness of this space, and it is now immersed in strong ... hope.

It can also be said that it feels that it has reached a perfect state of happiness, and everything else is irrelevant.

After Lin examined it carefully, Lin found that it was in a state of despair.

Because this space was once invaded by the boneless doll.

When these dolls invaded a lot, the creatures in this space also struggled to resist, but it was of no use. The main consciousness was desperately desperate during this period, and the space continued to shrink a lot.

Originally this space will soon disappear because of its despair, but it was suddenly saved at some point.

It is a foreign ‘emotion’ that saves it.

It feels that there is a strong emotion that is passed to its space.

This sentiment is full of enthusiasm and hope, and instantly let all the desperate emotions disappear before it disappears.

And the boneless doll in its space doesn't know why it all retreated.

Thus, although the space has shrunk a lot, it still maintains this space with hopeful emotions.

The most special thing is that its hopes can be said to be out of control.

That is, it did not do anything here, but it always maintained strong hopes and always felt that he lived a wonderful life.

So this space has always maintained its current state.

This seems quite interesting, why this space will always maintain this strange state, and Lin wants to know this.

However, there is no useful information to be investigated from this subject consciousness. At most, it can only be known that it is in the void... a relatively special creature called ‘flash shadow’.

After watching for a while, Lin left here.

The pompoms returned to the 'locomotive' again, and then started to start it... to detect the surrounding space.

After a while, Lin found that the space was filled with strong despair.

Lynn found a relatively more desperate position and started moving.

The locomotive slowly floated on the ground and marched toward the 'sky' of the space.

Its speed has also become faster and faster in a short time, and when the surrounding scenery is blurred, it has reached a new place.

Since the space was very small, it can move to the next place very quickly.

If it is a relatively large place, it takes longer to detect.

And it's not just about detecting the surrounding terrain, but also detecting something else, like the creatures here... thinking.

It’s like Lin knows Tuck’s space that most of the ‘knowledge’ is obtained by knowing Tuck’s experience.

And other spaces... so too.

Lin found that the pompoms once again came to a space that was very similar to before.

It is also a place full of hope. Although it looks like the environment is different, the ground here looks like a metal of various colors.

After landing on the ground here, Lin began to test it here.

Soon, Lin found that this is also a place that is more than ten kilometers in size.

At the same time, the main consciousness here was also found by Lin. It looks like a stone, so it is located in the center of space.

Just like other consciousness, it is also... there is no despair at all.

And its experience is similar to the previous consciousness, that is, when the boneless doll invades almost desperate, it suddenly feels hope.

Then, it stayed like this.

Lynn thinks... The situation in these spaces is like this, and there is a lot of desperation around them.

And these desperation feels like they were created when they were originally invaded, but when they feel hope, they put these despairs out.

But despair did not disappear, but the space that always wrapped them.

"Why can you come here?"

When Lin’s pompoms flew back to the locomotive, I suddenly found a creature next to the locomotive?

It also looks like a pom-pom, but its hair is red.

"who are you?"

Lynn questioned it.

The red ball said: "I let them survive, but you will let them be discovered."

"be found?"

After Lin and some detailed exchanges with it, Lin learned that it is mainly to protect the space that these boneless dolls invaded... a creature.

These spaces are desperate because they were invaded, and what they do is trying to protect the subjective consciousness of these spaces.

In a special way, it makes the main consciousness here full of hope.

And it makes the space here desperately wrapped, which makes the doll think they have invaded this place, so ... will not be invaded.

But... there may be different situations.

That is, if Lynn enters these spaces, it may cause them to be discovered by the doll.

But one more thing is that it also said it was surprised at Lin's appearance.

Because the 'hope energy' that protects these spaces is mainly from a place...that is, Tucker's space.

It means that Tucker's space is the most intense space he has ever seen.

Only there is the possibility to save somewhere else.

:. :

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