Here is a small... wooden boat.

It swayed slightly and sailed on a vast white misty ocean.

A fluffy ball is on the boat, watching the surrounding environment while waiting for it to move slowly.

Not long ago, after Tucker was placed, Lin’s pompoms took the boat that the trainer had made.

This is not what the cultivator himself has made, but it is made of the ‘trees’ in Tucker space.

It means that the ship can take the entrance to the unforeseen land.

As long as its 'lights' are not extinguished.

The light is a candle placed in a transparent container hanging from the bow.

As the ship progressed, it continued to sway, and the flame at the top seemed to be extinguished at any time.

However, the trainer said that this will not be extinguished.

This light represents the ‘will’ of going to the destination, and it will remain until it reaches the target.

It will not go out unless there is some accident, and the accident refers mainly to the creatures here.

Occasionally, some large creatures can be seen jumping out of the white misty sea and flying into the sky.

So far, no creature has attacked this boat...

Seems to be on the shore?

Lin found that the land appeared not far from the front, and it looked like a rock structure... almost the same as Tucker Island.

When the boat arrived at the shore, it stopped, but Lin found that the light on the bow was still shaking.

Suddenly, Lin found that the lamp had fallen from the boat and it was still struggling and moving forward after falling to the ground.

This seems very interesting.

So Lin let the pompoms pick up the lamp and continue to move forward.

Lin can feel the direction from which the lamp is going, so he continues in the direction of it.

This place... is much bigger than the island of Tucker. It can be said that this is not an island but a large land.

It looks like a vast rocky plain with things like gravel of varying sizes.

After advancing for a while, Lin found some creatures in front of a boulder with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

These creatures look strange, they are like a gray mist, the shape is very similar to birds, more than one meter in size.

Behind these 'fog birds' there is a small, ten-centimeter star object that looks like a rock.

There is a line from the star that is connected to the back of the bird, which looks like these stars and fog birds are holding each other.

And the stars and fog birds that are holding each other have been circled around this huge stone.

"Dissipated... unstable..."

Lin suddenly realized that some information was transmitted from a star, and then the foggy bird that was brought together with it suddenly turned into a mist of fog, disappearing in a few seconds without a trace.

And the star holding the bird was in the same place, it did not continue to circle, a little overwhelmed feeling.

"Must find the right...suitable..."

Lin can once again feel the information uploaded by the star body. This kind of information is relatively ambiguous, but in general it can be known that this thing wants to find another target.

"Fit...!" Suddenly, Lynn found it flew over the pompom.

Lynn noticed that its goal was actually not the pompom, but the lamp that the pompoms carried.

However, just as the star approached the one-meter range, Lin found that it also blew out.

Its popping is like a stone, turning into a lot of debris and falling to the ground.

But it wasn't explosive, but it was blown up by something else. Lin looked at the source of it and saw a familiar figure beside a stone.

It was an Ershimin with a gun.

Lynn thinks that Ershimin... seems to be everywhere.

At this time, the Ershi people raised the gun again, but this time it aimed at the pompon.

‘砰砰砰——! ’

The continuous shot did not hit the pom-pom, and the pom-pom flashed its fire and quickly approached it.

"What the monster is this... ah!"

At the moment of the last sentence, it was also pierced by the pompon.

However, it is still struggling, and although the joints of the whole body have been pierced, it has been unable to make any useful action, but it is still not dead.

Under the test, Lin found that this erish core of thinking is not in the brain, but in its heart.

Lin did not pierce the heart, so it was still alive.

'boom--! ’

Just as Lin planned to conduct a more detailed test, the Ershi people suddenly exploded.

Its explosion instantly shattered its body and also blown the pompom out.

Lin feels that the pompom has also suffered a lot of damage, but it can still be restored. As for the lamp, it is still fine.

Although this light looks fragile, it is actually very solid.

However, this Ershi people will actually blew themselves up. This is quite wonderful... Lin looked at the stars in the distant stone that still hold the birds, and they seem to have not noticed the matter at all.

Then, next... Lin became the shape of Veronica again.

And holding the light in one direction.

Although the Ershimin had blown up, Lin still detected a few thoughts before that.

These Ershi people have a camp not far away, where there are also many Ershi people.

The reason why Ershimin attacked Lin was mainly because it felt that the pompom is also a certain creature here.

So Lynn becomes Veronica's look to contact them and try to be optimistic.

After running on Ishihara for a while... Lin saw the camps in the distance.

The camps of the Ershi people are very conspicuous. They are surrounded by stones a few meters high. In the circle of entrances and exits, there are several armed Arms who are there.

So, Lin went in that direction.

"You...who are you?"

A few door-to-door Ershi people immediately raised the gun after seeing Veronica, but did not fire.

"How come you have this? Where did you find it?"

These Ershi people refer to the lights that Veronica holds. They look in amazement and say, "Why do you have this? Is this true?" "Where did you come from?" "You are Is it in the northern camp?"

But Lynn didn't answer them, but said to them first: "Let me go in and see."

"You haven't answered our question yet!" one Ershimin said: "Where did you come from! Why do you have this... this lamp?"

“What is the use of this?” Lin asked them.

"This can end us... the journey that has been going on." This Ershimin said: "Can take us to that place."


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