“We are always collecting these creatures and getting them to the right place.”

This creature and Lin said a lot.

It can be called a 'desert collector'.

Of course, this is also the name translated by Lin... They are responsible for receiving lost creatures here.

The main thing that Lin had seen before was to cure any close creature.

Generally, the creatures that have just arrived from the original zone to the zone m are translucent, undetermined creatures that need to live here for a long time to finalize.

However, almost all living things do not survive when they are set, for various reasons, they always die early.

One of the biggest reasons is that you can't eat.

It is said that unshaped creatures are unable to eat... so many will starve to death.

The ‘mouth’ is set up to help these tragic creatures, and they can set the creatures in advance... no need to live long.

But there is a little problem, that is, it will make the creatures... not very satisfied.

This way of forcibly curing the biological form in advance often causes the creature to become a form that it does not like. Usually, after seeing its new form, the creature will fall into a panic and run around.

And it's 'desert collectors' are specifically looking for these panicked creatures.

It is called "the eternal dark desert" here, and it is already within the scope of the unforeseen land, so the lamp has no effect.

Lin feels that it may take a while to formally enter the unforeseen, but it seems that it is easy to enter now.

However, just like many of the void environments of normal voids, here is nothing creature, no food... only a small amount of useless things drifting.

The average creature will die when he gets lost here, just like this group of people.

Desert collectors have set up a lot of 'food' in many places where there is a possibility of living.

In fact, it is a way of pinching a kind of dream energy into food. When the creature sees it, it will feel that it is the food that he knows.

And it collects these creatures like this.

It is very strange for Lynn's appearance, because it feels that Lin is solidified, but it is not solidified.

In short, these two feelings are constantly surrounded by the thought when it discovers Lin.

Lin also asked about it... Collecting these creatures and fixing them in advance is the purpose. Why collect these creatures?

It is that He Lin said that they are 'good to help the tragic creatures'.

Because Lin didn't think so, so she asked more, so it told Lin why it was more specific.

Originally they collected these creatures, mainly using them as 'ecological fillers'.

They live somewhere on the edge of the desert, and the creatures in that place have been decreasing and there is no increase.

If it continues, the ecology will collapse and they will continue to search for a large number of organisms as ecological fillers.

But the old things are gone.

Their ecology has returned to normal, and there is no need to collect organisms to be used as fillers.

However, in the process of collecting organisms, they are affected by the emotions of these creatures, and thus they have sympathy for them.

So they are still helping them very 'simplely'.

Although it said so, Lin felt strange.

However, these Ershi people continue to stay here and die, so Lin still let the collector see them.

When the collector sees them, they create some edible dream energy.

And the hungry and dying Ershi people were also very excited to eat.

Although they have no mouth shape, they can be eaten by slap the food by hand and then smash the food on the head.

It looks... very interesting.

Although the group of people had doubts, they were too fast to eat the food given by the collectors because they were too hungry.

Then, under discussion, they decided to follow the collector to the place, at least to leave the desert.

At the same time, they also asked the collectors a lot of questions, the most important thing is to ask if they can change back.

The collector stated that this is possible, but it is necessary to do some 'testing' in the place where it is.

So... the new journey has begun.

This seems to be easy, because they are all riding the collectors.

The collector's current look looks like a big...cake, and they sit on the cake.

Although the collector was not sure about Lin's form, it decided to take Lin to go to that place.

On the go, this huge cake will pop up some small cakes from time to time.

These small cakes can be eaten, as the food of these people... Of course, Lin can also eat.

The journey on this desert lasted for a long time, and there were really no interesting things around.

After almost thirty days of staying up late, the desert collector finally said...has reached the destination.

"That is... the destination?"

All the people of Ershi feel very strange about the destination.

Because it looks like a small... building.

It looks like a cottage of Ershimin, and it floats so lonely here.

"This is the place." The collector said: "When you go there, you can reach our place."

"Really... is it here?"

These Ershi people are very skeptical, but there is such an Ershi people drifting toward the hut.

It suddenly opened the door of the hut, and when he went out to look at it, he suddenly exclaimed: "It's big... it's big... it's big!"

After it was exclaimed, other Ershi people gathered together.

Lin also followed them into the hut.

After entering, what Lin can see is... a tumbling person.

This tumbling person has a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, and it looks strange. It has many huge holes in its body.

It looks like it was dug by something huge.

At the same time, there are many similar huts floating around the tumbling man, and there are several rush people around these huts.

To be precise, like Lin’s group of Ershimin, it was forcibly solidified into a strange form of Ershi.

Is it true that there are actually a lot of these people?

"This is where you live."

The collector who became a huge cake at this time also squeezed from the previous door.

“The ecology here is saturated, but it still accepts a lot of new creatures. You can live here.”

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