"The exception must be erased, it interferes with our connection."

Countless things made up of dense fog flew down from the sky and slammed on the ground.

When the ground produces countless potholes, they also gather toward the pothole where Lin is located.

They are a lot.

But it is not very difficult to deal with.

Under a burst of fire-intensive shooting, many dense fog creatures dissipated.

But some of the people are dead, because some dense fog creatures fall directly on their heads.

The entire Ershimin team had more than three hundred departures, but now there are only two hundred.

In order not to make the number less, they are working hard.

Lynn has been paying attention to the situation of the sky from the beginning, the creature that just said to destroy it.

Because the minis also said that he knew it.

From the previous repair of a lot of damage points to the present, Mini has almost nothing to say, just to give some advice on the content of the data.

And now the minis is a bit excited.

"It should be the thing that affected us at the time..." Morsh said: "Maybe it was here at the time...it couldn't be done, or even almost collapsed."

"Then need to take a closer look." Said, Lin took out the ‘cognitive bomb.’

This is Lin's coming from Ershimin. Lin directly used her hair to throw the bomb at the sky.

The huge fog in the sky did not react. After being thrown in... Lin found that its shape was almost unchanged.

It just changed from a thick fog of condensation to a thick fog that slowly rotates.

To say that it was like a cloud before, it is like a misty tornado.

"Destroy it!"

At this time, Lynn felt the signal from it... The surrounding monsters rushed in the direction of Lin at this moment.

Most of these monsters have been played by the Ershi people with cognitive bombs, and they have been transformed into a horror work.

In front of Lin, there are a few monsters that look like a lot of cockroaches.

But Lynn doesn't need to do anything. When these monsters rushed to Lin, they were all overwhelmed by the riddled holes.

Because they all tried to bypass the Ershi people to attack Lin, this has reduced the pressure on the people.

The dense fog in the sky is not very acceptable.

Lin found that it was spinning faster and faster, and a huge bolt of lightning slammed in the position of Lin.

But Lynn escaped.

After all, it is not really lightning, but a monster like a gathering of lightning.

It flashes like a real electric light and makes a squeaky sound, the shape is not fixed.

But it was pierced by Lynn in the next second.

When piercing it, Lin didn't feel anything related to electricity, just felt like piercing ordinary flesh and blood.

But in the next second, Lynn found that the pierced lightning monster lit up a pretty dazzling flash.

Its brilliance seems to obscure everything around it... Accurately, Lin can only perceive it in a short time.

This lasted for a little while, when the flash ended, Lynn found out... Veronica is no longer on the ground.

Veronica's current position is in the fog that is constantly rotating in the sky.

However, Lin did not rotate with the surrounding fog, but felt that there is a powerful force to ban Veronica, so that it is difficult to move the whole body.

"Need to be crushed thoroughly."

Suddenly, a small piece of Veronica's skin broke away from the body and floated into the dense fog.

After a second, the skin completely turned into a powder disappearing.

Next, the skin of Veronica's body is the same.

They are stripped from the whole body very quickly and then completely shredded... so Lin couldn't put them back together.

Veronica itself has no way to get out of here, but...

‘Hey! ’

The dense fog of the whole group suddenly shook abruptly.

At any time Veronica’s ‘disintegration’ has also stopped.

Because this thick fog was hit by a large tree root, which was drilled from the ground below.

And it's not just one.

There are also many roots that are also drilled from the surrounding ground. They attack the surrounding monsters and help the people to get rid of the predicament.

At the same time, Lin's Veronica found the opportunity to break away.

When the dense fog was hit by the roots, Lin felt that the force that had shackled Veronica around it had weakened a lot.

So Lynn immediately stabbed with a lot of hair... the core of the dense fog.

In fact, it is the part of it that has been talking. Although it seems to be a little fog, in fact, that position is the core.

The creatures here are not talking through vocal organs, but are sent directly from the thinking organs.

Stabbing the part of it that speaks is equivalent to piercing its thinking organ.

At the moment when the organ was pierced, Lin felt that the dense fog around it stopped.

Veronica then fell directly from the dense fog and returned to the surface.

A large number of plant roots on the ground stretched out into the sky, entangled the slow fog.

Although it looks like a mist, there is no way to plung it directly from the outside, it feels like a transparent and sturdy... sphere.

But these roots have already wrapped around it, and Lin feels they should be able to solve it.

These roots are the defensive weapons of Ershi.

They used to be un-started, so Lynn felt that there was something important in the pothole.

Therefore, Lin has never stopped repairing the potholes, even in the battle.

Later, as Lin thought, the pothole itself was indeed a device to start the weapon.

In fact, it is a 'detection device', which is used to sense the position of the enemy, and the weapons themselves have no detection function.

Lin originally thought of this and thought that the weapon detection system might be located elsewhere, but it was not sure whether the hole was a detection device.

It now appears that... the hole in this position is just the location of the detector.

If it is something else, then Lynn's Veronica may be dead.

It’s even more difficult to come here again, and Lynne has to find a way to make more arms.

'boom! ’

A violent explosion suddenly sounded in the sky.

The roots that entangled the thick fog were all blown up by the explosion into a paragraph on the ground.

At the same time, Lin looked at the sky and found that this group of thick fog... was many times bigger.

It seems that it is not so easy to deal with.

This thick fog began to spin more quickly, but Lynn paid more attention to the fact that it had some changes in the core of the piercing.

There was a strong radiance that began to turn into a... staring like a twinkling star shape.

"That is... comet!"

Suddenly, a certain Ershi people made an exclamation.

This group of thick fog... is the comet?

Lynn thinks this is very interesting.

The star in its center is very small, only ten centimeters, and the dense fog of the whole group has expanded to a diameter of more than 30 meters.

It is like a huge storm.

"Destroy... destroy them..."

At the same time, a large amount of information is constantly being transmitted from the star position, and all the people of Ershi have quickly raised their weapons.

"Wait a minute!" And the leader said that they did not continue to fire.

It seems that this leader... knows this creature very well, because Lin thinks it is the same.

This thick fog is actually a creature controlled by the comet. The comet itself was pierced by Lin... but it did not die.

However, its control over dense fog has declined. Now the thick fog is expanding but there is no immediate attack, that is, its resistance.

"Quickly destroy..."

Now you can see that the inner comet is constantly shaking, and after more than ten seconds, it flies out with a bang.

Lin saw the comet...and flew into the jungle in the distance.

The dense fog that swirled in the sky immediately flew toward the sky and flew into the fog that covered the sky.

Then, the whole piece of fog in the sky disappeared in ten seconds.

Lin did not look at the place for a long time, but quickly ran to the jungle.

After a while, Lin found the comet that flew out.

Lin found that it was falling beside a tree with traces of it crawling on the ground.

It climbed almost thirty centimeters before Lin came, and after seeing Lin, it immediately moved.

After grabbing this comet... Lin is ready to do some testing on it.

"You must be destroyed and cannot continue to be here."

When Lin wants to detect it, Comet said: "It will... unstable... unstable..."

“Why is it unstable?” Lynn questioned it.

"It will destroy you... It knows you... It will come soon... Mentor..."

"Let me do some research."

At this time, Lin, who had been holding it, jumped out and rolled to the ground.

"When the weapon was repaired, I could move, but I couldn't fly." The minis moved on the ground in a rolling way and rolled to the position one meter ahead of Veronica.

"Put it in front of me."

After the miniss finished, Lin also placed the comet in front of it.

Then, the mini Ershi suddenly rolled, and the whole was pressed on the comet.

“Searching in progress...” Morsh said: “The target was found... touch me.”

Lynn touched the minis, and Lynn felt that it sent a lot of signals to Lynn.

This is information about the creature of comet.

Comet... seems to be a very interesting creature.

They are species that live on the edge of unforeseen land. Since the birth of this creature, there has always been a pursuit, that is, control.

They are inherently controlled, mainly to control the surrounding dream creatures.

They can directly input their own consciousness into other dream creatures and then control it.

In general, comets will constantly try to control more and more powerful creatures, and it will also absorb the nutrients of this creature.

Since they often control creatures from the space of hope, there is some understanding of the normal void situation.

Comet is a threat to most species, and their characteristics make them like many parasites of cell biology, which are disgusted by many creatures, fear.

However, there is such a creature, but it is a relationship with the comet.

That is the fish scale ball... Lynn feels that the scale ball is better.

The squama and blood squama that Lin had seen before, they are actually the same creature.

These scale balls, which are not themselves controlled by comets, belong to a kind of mutual envy.

Because the scale ball is good at controlling non-life.

They are born with a 'projection' of their own consciousness into the surrounding dream energy, and then let the goal become the form that they expect.

Similar to Ershi people using imaginary materials to make things, but the scales can make more kinds of dream energy.

They can't control the creatures, or they can't control the living creatures.

If the scale ball tries to control the creature, it will separate its body structure and cause the creature to die.

Of course, it is for relatively fragile creatures. Compared to the 'strong' creatures, it does not respond to control.

In short, the scale ball can't directly control the biological thinking like the comet, so that the creature can make various actions in detail.

And comets can't control anything other than biological thinking.

They all envy each other.

Most comets will also want to control when they see the scales control the abiotics.

Conversely, a scale ball would have a fine control of the creature like a comet.

They all like each other's abilities, but they can't have each other's abilities.

So these two species formed the ‘Alliance’ relationship long ago.

They will work together to deal with some powerful creatures, or carry out various friendly activities such as food transactions.

It can also be said that it is similar to a symbiotic relationship.

But this kind of symbiosis is initiated by themselves, not what life is forced.

But their friendly relationship is also a little bit problematic.

To be precise, it is the comet trying to secretly do something, that is... scale ball.

It is more difficult to control the scales. If the other side is prepared, they cannot invade the thinking of the scales.

But when the scales are relaxed, they have the potential to control the scales.

Most comets and scale **** are very friendly, but a few comets have been quietly trying to control these scales.

Because they pretend to be friendly, some comets successfully controlled the scales.

But they were surprised to find that they had no way of controlling the ability of the scales.

When a comet completely controls the thinking of a scaly ball, it cannot command the ability of the scaly ball to control the energy of the surrounding dreams.

No matter how they try, they can't use this ability.

However, these comets still have not given up.

Because they want to control non-biological things too much, they have been researching and strengthening themselves.

But their control is even stronger, they can control very powerful creatures but still can't command the use of scale balls.

Some comets felt that this was simply impossible and gave up.

Later, more and more comets also gave up control of the scale ball.

Of course, their actions are very secretive, and then they are friendly with the scales and do not raise the issue of two races.

But it is said that there is such a comet.

It has been constantly researching... Finally, it succeeded.

Comet itself has some interesting levels of ranking, and they rank with control.

If they are translated in the way of Ershimin... that is the primary-secondary-intermediate-advanced-ultimate ranking, and the intensity of the species they can control at each stage will increase a lot.

And there is another ranking above the ultimate, that is the 'mentor'.

One is only in the legendary level.

Because all comets have their own control skills, other comets will not teach.

Mainly because each comet's thinking composition has different details, each comet has its own control method, and can not be imparted to the same kind.

Of course they do not teach this tradition.

And the legendary level of mentor... It is said that comets of this level can understand all the same kind of thinking.

Its control has reached an unparalleled level, it can teach all comets to improve their control.

Its control is also terrible, and it is said to control all the species it sees.

Such a comet... The only comet that successfully controlled the scale ball and let the scale ball make the ability, it gave the title of the instructor.

Of course it is not as strong as the true legendary mentor.

But all other comets feel that it has accomplished an achievement that has never been achieved by a star, so it feels like it is the highest 'mentor' level among them.

In fact, the 'mentor' itself is not a comet.

In this description, Lynn found that the instructor is essentially a new species.

It is a creature that combines comets and scale balls.

Generally, the comet can freely leave the host it controls, but the instructor can't.

It is fully integrated with the scale ball it controls, and no comet knows how it is done.

Of course they don't care, they just think that this mentor is really strong.

And this mentor did a lot of wonderful things.

The creature of Comet itself has a very fragmented lifestyle.

They don't have any form of civilization. They occasionally come together to cooperate with each other and dispose of themselves.

They don't come together to live together, and there is no idea of ​​exploration.

A comet's life is almost always spent on tempering control techniques, and has always lived on this edge.

This mentor integrated a large group of comets and taught them how to control the scales.

In fact, it is to teach them how to blend with the scale ball.

The same is true of the mentor’s own ideas.

It believes that comets and scale **** are themselves the same creature and may have been separated for some reason a long time ago.

They should be reintegrated together and become a unity.

Many of the comets have successfully merged with the scales, and because of the large scale, the race of the scales has also found this.

And the scales...they are not exclusive, they begin to actively merge with the comet.

At the same time, the instructor also discovered a new way of integration.

That is the individual after the fusion... can be merged again, from two to one.

Later, their two populations, under constant integration, became a very large creature.

This creature is called 'the only figurative'.

It is invincible...at least it thinks so.

All creatures close to it will be controlled, and all non-living things will be distorted by it and become the shape of their expectations.

Lin feels that this is quite similar to the distortion of the sea of ​​creation. The sea of ​​creation is to control the things in the normal void so freely.

Of course, after integration, it has only one consciousness, one mind.

It didn't want to do anything special at the time, it was swaying in the unpredictable land.

Its activities pose a huge threat to the surrounding creatures and have a significant impact on many creatures.

No creatures stop it, and anyone who knows it tries to avoid it.

But there is one creature that doesn't avoid it, but keeps following it.

That is... the mentor.

The mentor did not integrate with them, and it left itself to the end.

Then it follows the ‘sole figurative’ and observes its activities behind it, without doing anything special.

The ‘the only figurative’ does not pay attention to the mentor. It has been trying to influence more things.

There are no powerful creatures to stop it.

Or it doesn't live when there are enough powerful creatures to discover it.

Because of this ‘the only figuration’, its life is not very long.

After a period of activity, it slowly entered the state of 'collapse'.

It is like slowly decaying, and its entire huge group has dissipated and collapsed.

In the end, it became a dead body.

The two races, the comet and the scale ball, seem to have perished.

In the end, only the mentor is left.

The mentor lived on this huge body for a long time.

No one knows what it did, and the body of this huge creature began to grow.

This is a little different from before. This new way of growing is like a plant.

It is spreading slowly.

The mentor also lives in this slowly growing body.

The body began to grow bigger and bigger, even more than the size of the previous fusion.

It just doesn't have any wonderful ability, or the growing body doesn't use special abilities.

It does not have any effect on other things, which also attracts some wildlife to live here.

After a long period of time, nothing special happened... The instructor seems to have used some method to extend his life and therefore live here for a long time.

A dream creature like it has a life limit.

However, their life limit is more interesting, mainly related to their thinking.

After a long time... this huge body has some wonderful structure at some point.

These structures can be referred to as 'conscious projectors'.

Its role is to ... cast this control effect on biological or non-biological far and far.

Moreover, only the tutor can use this 'projector'.

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