This seems to be their stronghold.

The void in the unpredictable land has no starry sky, but it is not dark. You can often see all kinds of floating objects here.

And now Lin sees the biggest float that I have ever seen.

It is much larger than the dream of Ershi, a sphere with a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers.

The detector controlled by Lynn is already close to it.

The surface of this place is full of ... things.

They look a bit like plants and some like fungi, and countless growths spread around the ground.

At the same time, between these strange growths, there are still many creatures wandering around.

They are creatures that have previously invaded the dreams of Ershi, and of course include comets and scales.

This position... is the base of the 'mentor'.

Although the place looks great, this place cannot be used for travel.

As for the things that look like plants on the ground, they are actually the 'materials' that they have been collecting all the time.

They always wanted to build a transportation vehicle and collected a lot of materials... These materials were piled up here to form a jungle-like environment.

Of course, the main reason these materials can become jungle is because they are 'live'.

These materials are mainly 'stripped' from various dream creatures.

Lin currently knows that the physiology of the body of most creatures grows around the core of thinking. Once these ‘flesh and blood’ are separated from the core of thinking, they will immediately stop all activities.

The instructor used some method to keep the creature's flesh and blood growing after leaving the core of thinking.

But this growth is very...random, they spread like plants or fungi, covering the surrounding environment.

Of course, you must also provide them with nutrients.

Lin mainly wants to see... where is the mentor?

In fact, Lynn can detect which of the things here is a mentor, and as long as they are close, they can feel their thinking information.

A total of ten detectors flew here, and Lin now controls two surfaces that have flown over this ... sphere.

Although the creatures on the ground will pay attention to the detectors, they have not made any attacks.

Lin originally thought that they should attack, but since this is the case... then look around and look at it.

The detector flew at a height of almost one kilometer from the ground. Looking at the wonderful things on the ground, Lin felt that it was a bit like a plague fungus.

'boom--! ’

After flying for a while, Lin was still attacked.

There are some huge objects flying up on the surface. They look like cotton **** with a diameter of more than ten meters... but they are very powerful.

The moment the detector was hit, it was instantly shattered... it could no longer be controlled.

But at the moment the detector was shattered, Lin also felt some interesting information.

Because those cotton **** were originally one of the growth of the ground, they themselves did not react to the flying detectors.

When there were some signals sent to these cotton **** in the distance, they suddenly moved and attacked the detector.

Now that Lin has nine detectors left, Lin immediately lets the other two detectors fly to where the signal occurred.

These detectors first circumvented the signal transmission point at a distance of 20,000 kilometers from the surface, and then rushed at the fastest speed.

Because Lyne perceives that this signal transmission point is on the surface, as long as it is close, it can be seen.

'boom--! ’

When approaching the surface, the two detectors were also shattered by the things that flew up.

But... Lynn did see that signal source.

It should be the mentor, and it looks like it looks like an ordinary scale ball.

It is not so common to say the size, because there are more than three hundred meters in diameter.

It's just that its appearance is similar to the scaly ball that was seen before, covered with silver scales.

Lin can detect the signal of the instructor from its body.

The thinking information is similar to the biological 'brain wave', and each creature is different.

Since Lynn had previously detected the data in the 'air wall', the air wall itself can be said to be a very special thing, it is like a 'memory reverberation zone'.

There is a lot of memory information stored in it, and this information is transformed into a message that Lin can understand through a special way.

It can also be said that half of the entire air wall is the original data, while the other half is the data of the 'translated'.

It can be said that the original data is the 'local biological thinking' that Lin can't understand.

Inside the air wall is something that can be said to be an automatic translation device... translating the original incomprehensible part into understandable data.

However, Lynn also carefully examined the information that had not been translated. Lin believes that this information should be... The instructor has put some of his memory information here.

Lin recorded all the things that could be felt in the air wall. By studying the information and the 'translating device'... Lin can slowly understand the local dream biological thinking mode.

At the same time, Lin also had the method of detecting the 'mentor'.

As long as it detects a similar 'thinking' in the air wall, you can know which one is the instructor.

Of course, this can also be detected from a distance, and Lin can determine this big scale ball...that is the mentor.

Unless the data in the air wall is not designed by the instructor personally, although Lin feels it should be designed.

In short, after determining the location of the mentor, Lynn decided to attack it.

The weapon used in the dream of Ershi, the dream of Ershi, some weapons that can reach a long distance, of course, Lin can also control.

In fact, Lynn had started a weapon and probe to fly to the mentor's ‘roller’.

The weapon looks like a building that is more than a hundred meters high.

Now, Lin sends this building and all the remaining detectors at full speed to the ... instructor.

When Lin was here to detect, the 'air wall' that surrounded the dreams of Ershi also moved.

They had been parked for a while before, but now they are all flying towards the dreamy high.

Although these walls are smaller than the dreams, they are very numerous.

At present, flying to the dream of Ershi... There are a total of one hundred and dozens of kilometers of walls.

Although Ershimin is very flustered, they have no way.

And Lin did not intend to let the dreams of the people to avoid anything, they directly let these walls hit the ground.

At the moment they hit the surface, the building-type weapons that Lynn controlled also hit the same time... the mentor.

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