4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 89: Third world

"It... in the third place."

Finally, the shadow found the creature that taught it.

This has something to do with it going to Ershi and the world of pompoms.

After knowing the situation of Ershi from the brain of a certain flamestone, the shadow was discovered from the brain of another flamestone... the world of pompons.

It’s just that the world of pompoms is not as directly accessible as Ersh.

A flamestone once flew past the world of pompoms.

Although it took a short time to contact, the shadows carefully felt the appearance of the pompom world from its memories.

The range of perception of each flamestone is different.

Like the one that fell on Ershi, it can perceive the situation of most of the Ershi... And this flying over the world of pompoms, even if it is more than 100,000 kilometers away from the surface, it can sense the pompoms. The creatures of the world.

The broken shadow noticed that the creatures in the world of pompons are very similar to Ershi, and it is very strange why the two worlds are so close.

However, it did not notice that Lin was there.

The shadows produced a wonderful idea at the time, and it can be said that a special feeling appeared in its thinking.

It feels... there is a third world.

It doesn't know why this feeling comes out, but it just feels that there is a third place that is similar to the world of pompons and Ershi.

After a long time, its idea began to become more and more intense... Slowly, its position even emerged in the third world.

It felt that it should find a way to know what the location was.

At this time it also perceives more and more flamestones by constantly 'exercising', but there is no single flamestone close to the position of the 'third world'.

Broken shadows continue to try to influence the flamestone.

It always feels that it can control a flamestone, and if it can control any one, it can travel in the normal void.

At present, the shadows can only accept the memory information of these flamestones after the trip.

At some point, it suddenly found these flamestones... there was a chance to be saved.

Every flamestone is self-death, and after they have finished recalling... they will feel that they have no regrets, and their journey of life has arrived.

When they think like this, their brains will die out.

Before the shattering, I couldn’t perceive the deep thoughts in the flamestone brain. Before, it only felt the memories.

However, it now finds that after the idea of ​​the flamestone, it has been trying to send information to these flamestones.

Almost all of the flamestones did not respond to the information of the shadows. In fact, they did not know whether they sent the information to them.

At some point, the shadow suddenly succeeded.

It successfully affected a flamestone, and this flamestone survived because of it.

At that time, the information sent by the shadows was mainly a large number of 'stimulus signals'.

That is, let the flamestones feel that there is no regret, let them have the idea of ​​wanting to live, and send a lot of things they have not seen.

This flamestone that received the broken image, it did react.

It feels like...it shouldn't die like this.

However, it does not want to go to other places, but suddenly it has the idea of ​​not wanting to die.

Even started... very afraid of death.

Flamestone generally has no fear of death, but this is a wonderful way to fear death.

It desperately wants to live, but it can't do anything.

Its brain still dies because of energy exhaustion, and it can't control the movements of the body.

Finally, this special flamestone is also dead.

However, before it died, it seemed to be related to its very strong idea, some of the dream energy was attracted... into the inside of this flamestone.

This flamestone itself is located in an environment with a lot of dream energy.

It’s just that these dream energy were originally floating outside, and they poured into the interior of the flamestone for some wonderful reason.

Broken shadows should be related to its successful sending of signals to the flamestone.

Even more amazing is that the shadow can continue to perceive the situation in the flamestone through these dream energies.

And it can continue to send signals that have some effect on the organs of the flamestone.

The organ of the flamestone does not die immediately after the brain dies, but it stops working and then slowly dies.

But under the signal of the shadow, the organ of this flamestone became active again.

Then... the shadows found that it could control this flamestone activity.

Although the flamestone itself is a free-floating creature, it actually has organs that control its movement in the void.

It is only these organs that are generally not used, and when the shadows find that they can affect these organs, it begins to try to control the flamestone to move around.

Organs that control movement cannot be used all the time because they consume a lot of energy.

However, the shadow only needs to change its position and float to the desired target.

In general, this flamestone was alive again, and after a long period of drifting, it reached its destination.

That is what the shadows think... the position of the third world.

Shame does not know why I want to find a third world, but it always feels that I should find it.

And it was not found.

What it considers to be the third world is an ordinary void environment.

But the shadow is found here... the creature that taught it.

This creature seems to be floating in the void.

When I found it, the shadows had a kind of unbelievable feeling.

This creature still maintains the appearance of the Ershi people, and it also discovered the shimmering shattered flame.

However, this creature did not say anything, it was just... so looking at the flamestone.

Broken shadows try to send some signals to it to see if it responds.

At this time, the creature floated over, and it was gently placed on the surface of the flamestone by hand: "I found it..."

Then, it told the flamestone... It found the concentrating consciousness that the distant shadow sent to the normal void.

This concentrating consciousness itself floats somewhere in the void, and it tries to guide this consciousness... and let it begin to grow.

But it also led to the destruction of the third world.

For the creature's statement, the shadow has a kind of feeling...not very understanding.

The creature simply said it to it. It means that Ershi, the world of pompons and the world here are one.

It knows that the shadows understand this, although not much is known.

The concentration consciousness caused one of the three to be destroyed, because the consciousness itself was very dangerous.

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