"What should we do?"

Veronica held the minis and walked slowly on the edge of a rift.

Those members of the parliament flying in the sky...they did not attack Lynn.

They don't seem to find Veronica, so Lynn can move slowly under them.

The place where Lin is going now is mainly the main control room of Dreamland.

This place is also the data repository for Dreams, and some other key features.

If you go there to fix it, you might be able to start the dream again... and continue to jump.

Although the possibility is relatively small, I still have to try it.


At this time, Lin noticed that the members of the parliament in the sky were flying lower and lower, and many of them landed at a height of several tens of meters.

And Lynn also found that these low-flying members began to have a lot of cracks from their bodies.

In the crack, many pale creatures were drilled.

They look like a ball with a pair of Ershimin's legs, each with a height of one meter.

Many members of the parliament have released dozens of such 'legs', which started to run around when they landed on the ground.

Because the dreams of Ershi still maintain gravity, these things are running on the ground... although there is not much left in the 'ground' here.

However, it is not a problem for this group of leg balls. They can easily jump over the rift or pothole with their legs.

Now there are a few leg **** that are so smashing in front of Lynn's Veronica, staggering along the edge of the rift.

These leg **** didn't seem to notice Veronica's swaying in front, until one of the three meters in front of Veronica, it seemed to suddenly slammed and took a step back.

It fell back and hit the other two leg **** behind him. The two legs suddenly fell into the depths of the Rift Valley.

And this leg ball did not seem to notice the companion behind him, but half-squatted in front of Veronica.

At the same time... Lynn noticed that the surface of the ball suddenly split and an eye-like structure appeared.

Its eyes are carefully staring at Veronica, seeming to observe every part of Veronica in detail.

And Lin used the minis to squint at it.

'Snapped! The moment when the leg ball was smashed seemed to suffer from severe pain, and it made a scream of violent screams.

At the same time, its body also fell, falling from the edge of the rift.

Lin grabbed the minis with her hair, and Lin noticed all the legs around her... they all looked at this moment.

They all had one eye on their spherical body, and the eye burst into a white light, directly to the position of the leg ball that had just been smashed.

Of course they didn't take anything.

Lynn thinks... these things are weird, their perceptions seem to be poor, and Veronica cannot be found directly.

And the floating members of the parliament in the sky seem to have no reaction to this, still floating there.

Lin waited for a while, and after watching the ball for a while, they took back their gaze and continued their exploration.

Then Veronica continued to go.

Veronica has been on the cracked land for a long time.

All the way to see all the leg balls, these legs are quite interesting, if they find something special, such as a semi-destroyed plant or something, they will stare at it.

It seems to be going on for a long time, but they won't open their eyes when they don't encounter something.

The other one opened his eyes when they were attacked by the same kind.

As soon as they are attacked, they will scream and the surrounding legs will look.

But they are always slower, so Lynn can easily solve a leg ball and leave quickly.

As for any other accidents, such as falling into the Rift Valley, they will not scream.

Because of the wonderful nature of these things, Lynn can easily shuttle between them.

Then, Lin finally arrived at the destination.

This is... a ruin.

Originally a city of Ershimin, it is now only possible to see the debris of the building.

These wrecks remain relatively intact, and there are no huge potholes and cracks here.

Because these cities do not attack, the attacks are not so fierce.

Here, like everywhere else, there are leg **** throughout the ruins of the city, most of them staring at some of the larger pieces on the ground.

Veronica entered the city, and after a while, Lynn came to the entrance to the underground.

From the exterior it looks like a subway station buried in pieces.

Lin used her hair to quickly dig up the pieces that blocked the entrance and went deep into the ground.

Although the entrance part is like a subway station, after going down the stairs, the surrounding environment looks like...the golden temple.

Because the walls and the ground on both sides have become golden, and there are various kinds of erish people who have strange shapes...reliefs.

Most of the special buildings in Dreamland are like this.

There didn't look like any damage here. After a long walk, Lin suddenly noticed a gunshot in front.

Lin turned a corner and found that six people in the front channel were constantly firing.

And in front of them, there are a lot of ... leg balls.

These leg **** did not attack them, but they all squatted on the wall and looked at the reliefs on the wall.

Even if they were hit, they didn't stop watching the relief movements... These legballs are indeed the same. They fall into the state of looking at something and seem to have no reaction to everything else.

These Ershi people quickly killed each leg ball and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

But they quickly noticed Veronica.

"You!" These Ershi people suddenly became nervous and used weapons to target Veronica.

The first Ershimin said: "Here... what the **** is going on? Is the world...has it destroyed?"

"Now want to avoid that kind of result." Say, Veronica has gone to them.

"What do you want to do! It's all caused by you, you still want to..."

The words of this Ershi people have been stopped before they have finished.

Because it saw... the embossing on the wall moved.

Of course, Lynn also noticed that these reliefs were originally part of the dream system of the dream, but now... there seems to be an abnormality.

The first thing they did after they moved was to rush to Veronica.

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