4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 107: Hanging terminal

Living in this paradise of enjoyment, they have forgotten everything.

These colorful clouds have been living a life that wants to have something... This has been going on for quite some time.

They don't feel tired of this kind of happiness, but they always like this kind of life.

Lynn found that their happy life was piled up by countless short-lived happiness.

This is similar to the way of looking for music in some period of individual biological civilization.

For example, the civilization of Ershi people, when they developed to a certain period of time, life and work became too busy, resulting in their inability to engage in longer-lasting entertainment, so they turned to find short-term entertainment.

It’s watching a very short-lived, but very entertaining piece of entertainment, or a game that has a short duration but can be more satisfying, so you can quickly get a lot of quick and short-lived pleasures to ease your life’s stress. .

The joy that these colorful clouds have enjoyed here is similar to this short-lived happiness.

They will constantly come up with a series of ideas, such as what they want to eat, what they want to play, what they want to do, and then use dream energy to make them.

Each time the entertainment is formed will last only a short time, and then they will immediately enter the next entertainment.

Although they don't have the same life pressure as the Ershi people, they never seem to have had long-term entertainment, but they have filled their lives with short entertainment.

Caiyun has been living in countless short-lived entertainments, and they feel very satisfied with this.

Under the continuation of happiness, they forget the time and forget everything around them.

But even if it is such a happy life, there are still some clouds appearing 'failure'.

The joy of a colorful cloud is mainly seen by the richness of their colors, and the group on the platform looks happy.

Once they feel unhappy or bored with such entertainment, they lose their color.

The clouds will slowly turn grey, and you can't use the dream energy to make what you want.

At the same time, their emotions will become more and more violent and irritable.

What they lose together is the qualification to live in the middle city.

These colorful clouds will eventually be banished to the ground, the thunderclouds that Lynn saw below.

Thundercloud's work below is to monitor whether the hanging city is functioning properly. Although the entire city is almost automated, there are occasional minor problems.

Thundercloud is to rule out these problems.

But how does Leiyun volunteer to carry out these tasks? Lin is not clear. From this colorful cloud, I can only know that the abnormal individuals in them will be exiled and become thunderclouds working in the lower layers.

Thundercloud is said to have always been in a state of being uncomfortable, but they are willing to keep working.

Caiyun regards these similar things as very stupid and despicable, and does not feel that they are their own kind.

And there is another special creature in the city... they call this creature a 'polluter'.

Polluters are a group of very weird creatures that move in the hanging areas of the lower levels of the city, and those hanging creatures are likely to return to normal within their active areas.

The hanging creatures themselves are ‘semi-conscious creatures’, so they can hang up.

Polluters can cause them to become more normal ‘full-conscious creatures’, and they will have some doubts about their current hang-up state.

If the influence of the polluters is allowed to spread, the entire city will collapse.

For this kind of creature, it is mainly solved by a defender of the hanging city. Of course, Leiyun will also help, and Lin has not seen such a defender.

It may have been destroyed along with the city.

Although it is quite clear that the details of the operation of the whole city are remembered, it does not know what happened in the city.

It only knows that he has been enjoying himself all the time, as if he did not notice the situation outside, and did not feel that it was attacked.

It is constantly immersed in happiness.

Until... now Lin appears.

It said that Lin is a pollutant... that is, the polluter is quite normal, because the polluter is the only creature that is likely to reach the middle.

Of course, there are also defenders in the middle, so they will be destroyed immediately.

Lin was not attacked, so this cloud noticed Lin... It seemed to be awake at the moment of attention.

It only discovered that everything around it seemed to have been destroyed. The once huge and splendid city actually left this small piece.

This colorful cloud suddenly produced an emotion that lost all hope.

It feels that the remaining small city may soon die out, or if it suddenly waking up, it may die unconsciously.

So, it told Lin the greatness and splendor of the city. It wanted Lin to know how wonderful it was.

Now... it seems that nothing is gone.

According to it, Lin basically speculated that it was a long time ago that there were powerful creatures that came to this abandoned place, and there were a lot of semi-conscious creatures wandering around in the abandoned place.

They should all be creatures like gray legs.

Then it built a city on the abandoned land that uses semi-conscious creatures and absorbs dream residues as an energy source.

The founders of the city may be the colorful clouds themselves, and they have forgotten everything after enjoying the city.

It may also be something else, because the color cloud is just in the middle layer.

In any case, the city seems to be over, it has only one thing left, but it is still running.

This kind of operation does not know when it will collapse.

And the semi-conscious creatures that live around are very few. In a large area, Lynn only found gray legs.

"Why..." When the cloud said all this, its shape was slowly changing.

The color on it is getting less and less, and it seems that its mood seems to collapse.

"We should enjoy... happy and wonderful why it is over..."

The mood of Caiyun became more and more angry... Finally, its color completely disappeared.

The whole color cloud also became like a gray cloud like the Thundercloud below.

At this moment, Lynn found a thing flying from the distant sky.

This thing looks like a stone, it flies directly toward the discolored cloud... and it just happened to be on the cloud.

The cloud was instantly smashed by this stone.

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