Lynn once again saw the city... the city of suspension.

But this time it was not seen elsewhere, but in the floating data room.

Not long ago, Lin opened the data room to the maximum power and flew the place at the fastest speed.

The state of the hanging city looks similar to the previous ones, and the colorful clouds above are still immersed in pleasure without awakening.

It seems that Lin must be or something else to wake them up, and the same creature will attack.

Thinking, Lin controlled the data room and flew over.

Lin did not land directly on the platform of the hanging city, but landed on the edge of the biological jungle below.

The shape of the data room is now different from the previous one. It now looks like a creature called ‘thorn crown starfish’.

This starfish has a lot of wrists, and the whole body is full of spines, and Lin has now transformed the data room into this.

The data room looks like a starfish with ten wrists and a spiny star.

Of course it is very large, with a diameter of three hundred meters.

When Lin lost the dream energy she had found back into the room and let the data room break down, it also set its change pattern.

Now, the data room is like a starfish, and it climbs onto the jungle of the biological growth, and these soft objects are pressed under the thick wrists.

The spines under each wrist of the data room are hollow, they can penetrate the proliferator and quickly absorb them.

Soon a huge augmentation of the creatures was absorbed by the data room, and eventually disappeared completely.

In fact, they are all absorbed into the interior of the data room, and are broken down into... nutrients.

With these nutrients, the data room can grow bigger and bigger, and even grow into other dreamy structures.

Lin currently wants to create a larger unit in the data room and then look for more nutrients.

These creatures here are actually formed by the creatures that are coming to the city.

After these creatures are rejected, they will wander around the city because they are given a hint of they will not leave here to look for food, but will wander until they die.

After they die, their bodies become enriched and grow near the hanging city.

This is why the jungle is so large here that the growth of the creature seems to last for a long time even without any nutrients.

The city of suspension should always send signals to the outside, and many semi-conscious creatures receiving signals will gather here.

Then there will be a scene that Lin met before the door, and since most of the creatures are rejected, they will wander outside to die.

Now, Lynn can let these things be absorbed without being wasted.

Lynn let the starfish-like data room slowly swallow the growth, and it has turned into a flat sand.

The data room slowly moved in the direction of the city entrance, and when Lin approached the entrance, Lin found that the thundercloud at the entrance floated toward it.

"What the **** are you doing!"

The thundercloud that floated over sent a very angry message to the huge data room: "You can't do this! You are destroying it... it's hard to grow!"

Before Thundercloud did say that they were to restore their vitality. After understanding the situation in the above colorful clouds, Lin felt that Thundercloud was casual.

After all, these creatures are really not alive because they cannot grow for a long time.

"I said! You can't go in!"

The Thundercloud said for a while that the creatures that lined up ran into it when it was not there, so it quickly flew to the entrance to stop the creatures.

Next, Lei Yun did not run out to block Lin.

Lin also slowly let the data room swallow a large piece of biological growth.

These growth organisms have a growth range of more than three kilometers around the hanging city, so the current data room can not eat them once.

Instead, eat a portion, then absorb the growth and continue to eat.

For Lin’s behavior, although those thunderclouds occasionally see that they will run out to protest, they will not do anything.

However, in addition to Lei Yun Wailin also found that a relatively unexpected creature seems to have an opinion on Lin's behavior.

That is... oh.

Because Lyn had previously installed a transmitter on the cockroach, Lynn could detect that it was moving quickly to this side.

He stopped at a distance of almost one kilometer from the data room, and then Lin found it drilling from the ground and, as before, started eating the residue of the ground.

Then, the project room fired the ... shells after it solidified in the body.

Although these stone cannons can kill the clouds, but there is no harm to the data room.

They hit the surface of the data room and only shattered and spread, no use.

Lin asked the data room to aim at the cockroach and fired a spine on it.

The spurs of the data room are full of thorns that can be fired... This thorn has hit the target at an extremely fast speed and stabbed the cockroach.

The cockroach suddenly squirmed on the ground, and during the twisting process, Lin found that it was disconnected from the entire body and the whole body.

It left the part that was was actually a part of more than three meters including the head used to launch.

The rest of the body went underground and quickly fled.

Lynn feels that his reaction and the real jealousy are really similar.

So, Lin control the data room climbed to the part left by this cockroach, and swallowed this part with the wrist.

Lin examined this part of the cockroach, and Lin found that the indeed composed of normal void data.

And it is most likely from a cell creature.

Of course, these are things that cannot be known, such as why it attacks the clouds and Lin.

So, Lin continued to let the data room devour more enrichment here.

In the process of engulfing, 蚯蚓 did not appear again.

At the same time, there is no other danger, which makes Lin easily get a lot of energy.

Then, Lin used this energy to construct more devices for dreaming.

Lin built her own base around the city of suspension.

However, Lin did not affect the city of suspension to attract creatures. Lin felt that the city was still very interesting... so I wanted to continue to observe it for a while.

At the same time, Lin also felt that Lin could make a system similar to the city of hanging, that is, a system that uses semi-conscious creatures to obtain nutrients. As long as they are constantly imagining that they are in perfect life, it seems that the parts that can be used in the residue will continue to Was attracted.

In addition, Lin also found that there are more creatures that have opinions on Lin's behavior.

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