4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 188: Hidden monster

'Boom. ’

The strange voice echoed in the pyramid, and Lynn listened to the sound and walked under the wall in front...

It seems that it came here... The spy reached out and knocked on the wall, and the voice of ‘咚’ rang again.

Sure enough, there was something inside... Lin was preparing to hit the wall hard, but Lin suddenly heard a footstep, and the spy turned and looked at it. I saw five emerald dragons running from the entrance, including black pepper. Also inside.

"They are all dead!" The black peppers saw a lot of jade dragon bodies on the ground suddenly screaming, and they also noticed the spies who were preparing to knock on the wall. The black pepper immediately asked the spy: "What is going on? ”

"They were killed." Lynn simply replied: "The one on the ground."

"This is..." The black peppers noticed that there was a strange scorpion with a sickle on the ground. The black pepper immediately said to an emerald dragon: "I have never seen such a species, I have to report it to the king! Also, Calling a multi-point dragon to come in, you must deal with the body here!"

Emerald dragon has a fixed habit, and the same kind of corpse must be buried after it dies, no matter what position it was before.

"Yes!" The Emerald Dragon ran out quickly after listening to the order, and then the black pepper said: "There should be a lot of erections here, where are they going?"

"I am looking for it." Lin looked at the wall in front of her eyes again: "Maybe here..." said, Lin raised his hand and slammed it against the wall!

‘Hey! The wall that had been hit suddenly had a crack, and then the crack began to spread rapidly... But Lynn felt a bit strange. This crack does not seem to be knocked out by spies. It was just a crack that appeared when the spy hit the wall.

"In the wall?" The black peppers also came over. There were more and more cracks on the wall. Suddenly, with the bang, a huge creature emerged from the cracked wall.

This is... making a brain?

Lin looked at the creature about three meters long behind the wall. Is there any connection between Lie and the brain? Or to say... Lin noticed that there was a room behind the brains, and there were actually corpses.

Is it a brain-killing killing?

Lin hasn't fully figured out this situation, and the brain-screaming screams suddenly and slams her mouth, biting the spy's head in her mouth.

‘Hey! 'And then. Not waiting for the brains to force, the three spears suddenly inserted in the face of the brain-creating, it suddenly screamed and let go of the mouth, and then escaped to the room inside.

"What kind of monster is this?" The black pepper and a few emerald dragons came over, and the spears were just the ones they cast.

After the spy touched the neck and confirmed that he had not been bitten, he said to the black pepper: "That is a brain-eating creature."

"Brain-taking creatures?" Black pepper is obviously surprised by this matter. Black pepper seems to have no doubts about the spy, but immediately to another jade dragon: "Hurry up and report to the king!"

"Yes!" When the Jade Dragon ran out, many jade dragons came in at the entrance. They are just black peppers ordered to come in and clean up the body.

"You don't get this first!" Black pepper called out the jade dragons who were preparing to deal with the body: "Now we have a monster, come and solve it first!"

Black peppers with these jade dragons approached the caves on the wall. They are all regular guards, dressed in fine sutured leather armor, and the latest stone or bone-built weapons, although there should be no problem, but Lin followed them.

"The corpses are all here..." The room was darker, but it was still possible to see the corpse of the cockroach. Some of them were bitten by the carapace. Some of the heads were gone, and it was obvious that It’s a brainstorming...

This situation is really strange, why is the brain blame in the pyramid? And what is the problem with the sickle outside? Why is it alone? Didn’t fight with the brain?

Indeed, these situations are very weird. Lin’s speculation may be that when the pyramid was empty, the brains ran in by chance. Later, they were hiding in the pyramid because they were besieged by the Jade Dragon. A lieutenant begins to deform and grows a sickle. It may be that he wants to rely on a sickle to break the siege of the Jade Dragon.

Then all the remaining ones hid in the deeper room and glued the walls together, but after they were glued, they just found out that the brains were also inside, so there is the current situation.

This is indeed a possibility, because Lie is smoked and weak, so brains can easily kill them... but there are still many problems. They hide in deeper rooms and seal the wall. Don't continue to be affected by the smoke, but why should you keep your sickle and stand alone? However, the sickle was obviously not smoked, and the jade dragon that came in later was killed.

The brains and the shackles, these two should be the species of the Atlantis, perhaps because the brain is dead, the brains and the cockroaches can not communicate with each other.

Lin believes that there should be hundreds of stands in the pyramid, but there are fewer rooms in this room. It is estimated that there are other rooms.

After walking through this pile of corpses, Lin could see that the brains were shrinking in the corner of the room, and the blood ran down the spears inserted in his head...

Including black peppers, there are a total of ten jade dragons here, they are scattered, holding the spears in their hands to create annoyance.

"This monster has killed the place here." Black pepper said: "Be careful..."

The brain-hunting looked at the emerald dragons, and it stood up immediately, but the spears that were inserted in the head made it feel quite painful.

Lin remembers that the brain-creating genius once killed the white dragon of the entire village by the ability to release brain waves, as if it had no effect on the jade dragon...

"Oh!" Suddenly, the black pepper shouted, all the emerald dragons rushed up, and the brain-making body was suddenly pierced by several spears, accompanied by a strong scream, brain-making The blame fell to the ground.

"Resolved?" The black pepper went to the fallen brains and looked at the creature's brain carefully: "I have never seen such a thing before, and I have to paint it."

"Hey..." At the moment when the black pepper was finished, the brain-making monster suddenly moved. It opened its mouth and bit the black pepper.

The black pepper was shocked, but it responded quickly, and backed away from the attack. The teeth of the brains only left a little scar on the legs of the black pepper... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature) The novel is better updated faster!

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