"There is a record of trying to get out..."

Here is a vast residue of sand, a thorn-shaped starfish with a shape of more than ten meters is using a wrist to dig a gravel like a real starfish.

It has already dug to the bottom, and after all the gravel has been opened, Lin sees the white ground filled with a lot of text.

Observing these words... Lynn learned some new information.

The builder has done experiments with jumping points.

There is no jumping point in the abandoned land, so it is difficult for creatures to leave here. This is the general idea.

After the builders conducted a careful investigation, it discovered several 'death jump points'.

These jumping points are jumping points that have been 'dead' for a long time.

If a jumping point has not been used by any creature for a long time, it will slowly lose its effect or even disappear completely.

It seems that too few creatures used for a long time will enter this state.

If it really disappears completely, it will not be found, but it will still be saved during the period of losing its function to disappear.

When a jumping point slowly loses its effect, it will become more and more difficult to be perceived by the creature. Usually, the creature cannot find this jumping point, so this jumping point is also called the death jumping point.

Because their fate is usually 'dead' slowly, it is difficult to resume use.

But builders have some way to detect them.

Even, it can restore the role of these jumping points, when the builders are trying to leave the abandoned land through these jumping points.

Although it successfully discovered these jumping points and began to use them, it found that the jumping points here are very weird.

They jump very small and can only jump in the abandoned land.

The farthest one seems to be only more than three hundred kilometers, and the others are several kilometers and ten kilometers.

Later the builder tried to add some further jump passages to it, but all failed.

It turned out that it seems that Abu and the sword cloud triggered a death jump point to jump to this position.

As for where they are now, it is not clear.

Because Lin found the Abu's transmitter when it was dug here, but Abu itself is not here.

Lynn thinks it might go somewhere.

As can be seen from this information, Abu may be affected by things like implied signals.

Because Lynn can see here... The information about the jumping point is just a small part of it, and the rest is... there is a hint about the signal.

It is mentioned here that this kind of suggestive signal...of course is also made by the builders, which was studying this signal at the time.

After detecting a large number of species abandoned, it slowly invented a signal that directly penetrated into the thinking of different species.

This kind of signal can change the behavior of the creature by causing them to have undetectable effects on their own.

Lynn found out that it wrote a lot of things about different signals here.

In fact, these signals are a way of sending, that is, by affecting the energy transmission of dreams.

It's just that this method of delivery is a bit special. It has developed signals that can actually invade their thinking based on different biological ways of thinking.

This kind of signal is roughly divided into several types, one is to call the creature to hang the city, this signal mainly affects those ... semi-conscious creatures.

Because they are weak in consciousness, it is easy to suggest.

There is also a second kind of signal that affects those creatures with a stronger consciousness. Its role is to speed up their conscious decay, and then they are affected by the first signal to hang the city.

The third signal... is specifically affecting the ‘abandoned’.

The creatures of the abandoned are not suitable for hanging, so there is a drive-off signal for them.

This leaves them not close to the city.

There is also a fourth signal.

This is a special mysterious signal.

It is said to be a signal that will be activated at the 'calling moment', the specific role is to gather a large number of creatures to gather somewhere.

But there is no explanation of what the call time is all about.

It feels like Abu and Jianyun are affected by the signal of this call.

However, Abu is a foreign creature. It should not have been studied by the builder. Why is it affected by the signal?

And it is also the core of the whole body of thinking... It has said that this creature will not be disturbed by thinking.

In short, Lin feels that it is still necessary to find it back.

Next, Lin continued to dig up more sand and looked at it. The next word didn't mention the signal but said something else.

Lin feels that the information inside is intermittent, and one thing does not follow another.

But at present, I can only understand this.

What is said here is something about the builder himself.

It mentions the builder...things to die.

After the builder had almost completed the mission in the city of suspension, it decided to leave the place.

When it was about to leave, it suddenly gave up on this idea.

To be precise, it is part of the body that gave up.

Because the builder's body was originally more than a thousand kilometers in size, the size of this thousand kilometers is a small part of it.

Its large body left, and the remaining half fell to this place.

This fall... seems to have crushed a lot of abandoned people who are here.

However, some have survived because the builder's body is not very complete, and there are many hollow cracks in between.

This part of the body has not been moved since it fell, so it is slowly buried by the sand.

In fact, the recorded information that these Lin saw was also written by it. It seems to specifically want other creatures to understand it.

And the rest of the body did not live for too long.

It is in a state of gradual demise, its consciousness is becoming more and more blurred, and it is slowly dying.

It recorded the last death situation here.

But this is not its memory, but the diary it wrote itself...so it was not written in great detail.

It seems to be what happened... wonderful things, let it decide to leave this part of the body.

And this part of the body is willing to die slowly here.

Next, it is to describe other places.

It mentions those ‘abandoned’.

Those who survived were originally decided to move out of the place... the farther the distance, the better.

But after they were affected by some wonderful effects, they did not leave, but decided to guard the builder.

They decided to completely forget the builder's body, and everything it left should disappear completely.

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