"They are there..."

“Don't they come from the depths?”

Lynn's Veronica is hiding behind a large creature with three creatures.

Lin and them are all concerned about the situation in the distance. I saw a large hole in the ground more than 30 meters ahead.

In this pothole, there are many 'ghost swords' floating out.

These ghost swords are thought to have just arrived here because they don't have a 'sword' on their body, just like a ghost.

They are quite numerous, and there are currently hundreds of them around the potholes.

"Is this..."

Looking at this huge pile of ghost swords, Jian Yun suddenly said with some horror: "Do they have a relationship with the abandonment?"

"This... is this possible?" Another creature made of stone is also very surprised.

"This is indeed ... possible." Jian Yun continued.

It says... their forgotten organization has been going on for a long time.

But they never succeeded. They never let this place be forgotten, even for a little time.

Perhaps during this period, the abandonment of the abyss has been ‘growth’.

There has always been a creature that perceives it, which causes it to grow constantly, and these ghost swords may be some of the phenomena in which it grows.

Because they have never seen a creature come from the 'deep place' before.

The builder's body is very thick, and it is said to be at least three hundred meters, so Lynn Veronica and their location is the top.

The following layers also have a lot of weird things and huge space, but they are generally very empty.

Any intruders they encountered before were all appearing first, not directly from the inside.

The reason they appear inside is probably what has changed in the abandonment.

After the initial surprise, Jian Yun’s mood quickly calmed down, and even showed some... happy.

"If this is really a change in the abandonment, then it may be... okay." Jian Yun said.

"Yeah, this means that the change is weak," said Rock Life.

They have always believed that once the abandonment of the abyss begins to grow, it will swallow everything with horrible descriptions.

But if the current impact is only a strange creature, it means that the growth of the abandonment is very slow.

At least not horror to swallow everything, let them... there is still some time.

"We have to go and see below... solve these problems first!"

At this time, Jianyun suddenly moved, and it flew out directly after the growth of the creature, and began to rotate at high speed.

The surrounding ghost swords immediately surrounded, but because they did not have swords, they were cut into several pieces at the moment of contact with Jianyun.

Jian Yun quickly turned into the large group of ghost swords. These ghost swords were not so simple. After they found that they could not fight, they all dispersed and escaped.

Because they escaped quickly, Jianyun could only give up after chasing them after cutting a few more.

"This place... go look!"

Before the sword cloud floated to the pothole where the ghost sword appeared, it flew in and flew in the pit for a few seconds.

"I am going to contact other members!"

The rock creatures did not follow the Jianyun. Lin found that it was running in the other direction. They didn't seem to be in a long distance.

Veronica and Abu came to the hole and looked down. The wall inside was black, and it was a lot longer... it was like a red crystal.

As for Jianyun, it has disappeared, because there are still many holes in the wall, which may have entered a certain hole.

"It looks dangerous here..." Abu said: "I don't think we should just enter it...and so on..."

"My body!" Abu suddenly excites: "I feel my body part is below... very close!"

"Let's go find it!" Abu said excitedly: "I can fight in this way!"

"Let's go check it out." Veronica and Abu also jumped together. When they landed almost twenty meters, they pointed to a hole in the cave wall and said, "It's inside."

Veronica took Abu into the cave he was referring to.

After entering, Lin found that it was a very wide environment, which is probably the second floor.

The ground here feels like a layer of bone fragments, many white and gray irregular pieces.

And between these pieces... there are still a lot of creatures growing around.

"It's there!"

After looking around for a while, Abu ran out with two hands at a very fast speed. Lin followed it for a while, and soon saw his body... and two legs.

Its body parts are placed perfectly on a growing creature.

This creature grows strangely. It looks like a... King Flower, which is made up of several fat ‘petals’, but it has no core.

It has a diameter of more than ten meters, and Abu's body is placed in this flower-like biological center.

"It seems to be very suspicious..." Abu did not immediately rush, but picked up a piece of ground debris and lost it.

Flower-like growth has nothing to do with this.

However, Abu still doesn't think too much about it. It has been staring at it more than ten meters away.

After watching it for a while... Lynn used his hair to lick his body.

"It seems that nothing is wrong..."

Even so, Abu checked for a long time and confirmed that the body was fine before assembling himself.

"Great!" Abu, who installed his own, was very excited to jump on the ground: "I have finally recovered, and now we can go to any less dangerous place to take risks!"

Looking at it like it... Lynn remembered the time when he traveled with Lulu.

"you guys……"

At this time, Lin found a familiar figure.

I saw a group of clouds in the distance... Jian Yun.

"You!" Abu went to the front of Jianyun: "Now come back to fight again!"

Lin found that Abu seems to have changed her character after being assembled.

But obviously Jian Yun does not want to fight with it.

Because there is only one sword left on it, and this is full of gaps.

"I saw where they were born... so I wanted to ruin that place, but..."

"Can't you destroy that place?" Abu said: "Take me to see, I can definitely destroy that place!"

"It...is terrible..."

After that, Jianyun was dispersed.

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