4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 132: Self-abandonment

"Useless...not meaningful...too useless..."

"No matter what life, it is impossible to record everything in life. They think so."

"It was born because of this, in order to record the information that was ignored."

"But... why is it so useless..."

A long time ago, the civilization of a normal void was dead.

There is no detailed record of how they perished. What can be found in the ruins of this civilization are... some useless information.

Whether it is a secret room that records the history of civilization, or a diary written by the creatures of this civilization.

Anything that can record information is recorded with useless content.

In the ruins of this civilization, there is only one ‘live', the record body.

The record itself has a certain amount of survival intelligence, such as self-damage will find things to repair themselves, lack of energy will be added.

In addition to these, it does not have too complicated thinking, only a strong idea ... or desire.

That is to send useless information.

Keep collecting information that is ignored by other creatures and that is meaningless, and then send it back to that creature.

It has been doing this kind of thing all the time, and it likes it very much.

It can also be said that it has a kind of waste that collects the organism, and then returns the waste to the other party's ... hobby.

Although it is not collected in kind but data.

After joining Abu, they explored the void team, the record body has been doing this kind of thing.

So of course it was useless by most of the members of the team, and the record itself felt very happy... happy.

It seems that the record body likes the creature to receive its information and starts to dislike it, feeling that its information is useless.

The record will send more information to the creatures who are disgusted with it, making the other party more and more bored until they die.

As long as it understands how a creature perceives it, it will continue to send useless information to it, and there is almost no way to get rid of it.

Almost all members of the team have ‘negligence’.

That is, when they see it, they don't completely remember all the things in the environment when they perceive the surrounding environment. They always ignore some information.

The record is constantly recording these ignored information and sending it back to them.

The more team members feel that it is useless, the more happy it is to send more information.

Its life goal is like this... It seems that it will never stop, but there is also a creature that makes it difficult to achieve its goals.

That is... the leader.

The leader has always been a 'full record', that is, something it has not ignored, and everything it sees will be completely recorded.

When approaching the team leader, the record body was the first time that it really felt useless.

It couldn't find the information that the leader ignored and sent it to the leader, and it was always trying to find anything that the leader ignored. But it never succeeded.

Slowly, the record is surrounded by unwanted emotions.

It likes other creatures to think that its information is useless, but when it can't collect any information itself... it will be very uncomfortable.

Moreover, it has always been...not convinced.

It always feels that the leader must have some information to ignore, so he has been trying to collect this information.

When the players leave the team one by one, the record is always followed by the leader, and its goal has never changed.

At the same time, the record body feels more and more useless.

Because it has never been successful.

However, the more it fails, the more it tries to find neglected information.

Until... go to the unforeseen place.

It is not the same as other creatures. It is not born as a hopeful space creature, but directly in the unpredictable void.

When the record body can't get any neglected information for a long time, it will doubt itself and think that it is really useless.

The idea of ​​'thinking that you are useless' will also be recorded and recorded by the record.

The longer the time passes, the stronger the idea of ​​the record body, because it is really...useless.

This is because it thinks it's useless, not what any other creature thinks.

The longer it follows the leader, the more it records the idea data that you think is useless.

When this kind of data reaches a certain level, it appears in the abandoned land.

It can also be said that the abandoned land gave birth to a record body that is exactly the same as the normal void. Although it has nothing to do with the space of hope, it seems that the way of birth is similar to the space of hope.

Because this record is completely composed of normal virtual air data.

As for why it was born here, the record itself does not know.

It only knows... it is full of abandoned things.

A variety of wastes are gathered here, which seems to have some similarities with the ‘concept’ of the record.

Then it continues to do what he has been doing here.

Understand the way biology thinks and perceives, then collect the information they ignore... and send it back to them.

And what it does here is much more intense than doing it in normal voids.

The record here will continue to send a large amount of neglected information to invade the creature's thinking... so that the creature's thinking is completely filled with such meaningless information.

This can also cause a creature to fail to do anything and die quickly.

The creatures that have been killed by the recorded bodies will have a black mud-like dream energy after their death.

Previously, Lin believed that the energy here was made from the neglected information collected by the record. In fact, it was not... these were the biological corpses that it killed with a lot of information.

The record body collected the mud and placed it in this place.

As for why it is doing this... Lin feels that it may have become part of the ‘abandonment’.

When the record came here, it did not feel the 'terror' here, but its purpose has changed.

In the past it just made other creatures feel useless, and after that it wanted to kill the creature with these useless information.

This place has been in a violent explosion.

The ground made up of biological growth continually oscillates like an explosion, and this place seems to be in a state of collapse at any time.

However, Lin can also perceive a lot of information, and by touching the black mud spattered by the explosion, the approximate history of the recorded body can be known.

At the same time, you can also know how to approach the abandonment itself.


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