Contact... and integrate.

The abandoned aura has been moving in its infinite black world.

In addition to the spotlights that appear, it can also 'see' things that are not black.

That is it.

It can feel the size of the 'body' in this darkness, usually much larger than those light spots.

These spots are constantly approaching it and then swallowed.

Until a team member appears here, and then close to the abandonment.

The members of this team seem to be a big ray in the abandonment of the abandonment, and there is no change in the process of approaching it.

It has remained fairly bright and close to the abandonment of the abandonment, and finally touched it.

Then, it merges with the abandonment.

This team member became part of the abandonment of the abandonment, and the abandonment of the land also felt that its 'body' became more massive after it was merged.

But after that, things haven't changed, and the abandonment still lives in its own dark world.

It must be said that there is any change, that is, the range in which it devours those spots is even greater.

It can also be said that its 'terrorist' influence range is stronger than ever.

Caiyun told Lin that this is mainly because the abandonment of the abyss after the integration of the team members ... it can turn the team members' ability into a part of terror.

The ability to record useless information and send it to creatures, such as the record body, became part of the abandonment.

However, it is not a capability that will be integrated into it. It is said that it can only be integrated into the ability to ‘forgetting and abandoning’.

The one who can understand all this is the builder of the city of suspension.

It is like the previous Abu guess, the builder is also a team member.

The builder thought that he came here by chance, and when it arrived, he became very curious about this place.

The original reason for the establishment of the City of Suspension was mainly the way it came up with a way to extract energy from the waste of the land.

Later, the builder had other purposes.

Because it found out... the abandonment.

Caiyun told Lin that before the arrival of the builders, there was an organization that had forgotten the adherents.

They have been hunting all kinds of creatures on the ground that are aware of the abandonment. These creatures are usually here by chance.

This organization caused a lot of obstacles for the builders to establish a city of suspension, and later the builders came up with a way to stop them.

That is to use the kind of 'implicit signal' that Lin found before.

This implied signal can affect all members of the forgotten adherent, limiting their proximity to the city of suspension.

The builders also have a great interest in the abandonment of the forgotten sturdy ones. In fact, any creature that comes here, if not too weak, will be interested in this.

This is also the reason why they have been unable to eliminate the creatures of light cognition.

The builders have studied the abandonment in many ways, and it has learned a lot about it.

It is not arbitrarily approaching the abandonment, because the builder knows that the abandonment itself is quite dangerous... it studies the place a little bit.

It slowly learned a lot about the many characteristics of the abandonment, but also learned a lot of things.

For example, there was a team member who was close to the abandonment.

It investigates the information of many of the team members and understands what the last team member was involved in.

Of course, this integrated player is the record.

The builders found that although the team members were closer to the abandonment than other creatures, they were completely swallowed up by the moment of contact and became part of the abandonment.

However, even members of the team cannot arbitrarily approach the abandonment.

Close to the abandonment of the abyss, and fully integrated into the abandonment of the abyss, must first abandon themselves.

Or say... let yourself be related to abandonment.

In fact, it is just like the record body.

It stores a lot of ideas about being useless, and it has been recording useless information all the time.

This kind of abandoning feature makes it quickly approach the abandonment of the abandonment and is absorbed into the abandonment.

The builder himself thinks that he does not have the characteristics of such abandonment. It does not feel that he is useless. Of course, he does not want to abandon himself.

Like it, it is impossible to get close to the abandonment and be abandoned.

Or, it will be like Abu. If you don’t abandon yourself and stay here, you will slowly... feel the horror of abandoning the land, and finally can’t get close, or be killed by terror like a normal creature. Will not get in.

In order to get close to the abandonment, the builder transformed himself into a creature with abandoning characteristics.

It transformed its own body...

The builder's body that Lin sees now is the result of its transformation.

It has a lot of layers, from the top to the bottom, the degree of terror will continue to increase.

This kind of horror is an effect created by the builders to imitate the abandonment of the abandonment.

To put it simply, the creatures go deeper and feel the greater the horror. At the bottom, you will feel that everything around you is away from yourself, and you seem to be floating in the boundless darkness.

And it's not just the feeling of floating in the void, but forcing the creature to think that it will last forever, and it is never possible to leave this state, let the creature feel completely abandoned by all things.

This sense of desperation of silence is the greatest horror, and it is also the horror effect that the builder thinks is closest to the abandonment.

It transforms its body into a scene of horror that is abandoned, just to get close to the abandonment.

Then the builder started testing.

The builder does not want to make himself feel horrible like a record, let himself produce a feeling of being abandoned, otherwise he can't do anything himself.

It believes that this can be replaced by abandoning emotions that accumulate a large number of other creatures.

Finally, it chose the color cloud as the test object.

The color cloud itself is also a part of the energy generated by the city of suspension, and these creatures are often over-represented.

Because they continue to multiply during the enjoyment, the builders grab the excess clouds and put them on their transformed body, and induce them to go down one level.

In the process of deepening, the clouds will feel more and more profound... the horror that was abandoned, they will find that their perception is abolished a little, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only a piece of darkness.

The builders are collecting the emotions that these clouds have felt in the process of going deep, and decided to use these emotions to get closer to the abandonment.


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