4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 150: The remnants of order

"You filthy, evil, and sad creatures ... you must perish in the eternal doomsday, and we will establish a real order in this void!"

Seeing the activation of ancient consciousness, the guardians of order were very angry.

Since the guardian's leader was fighting the device and could not leave, they immediately ordered their army to attack ancient consciousness.

Countless soldiers like metal blocks attacked ancient consciousness.

And the ‘body’ of ancient consciousness has become countless twisted shapes, they collided with the army of guardians of order in the void.

Although the Guardian of Order's army looked almost as big as ancient consciousness, it slowly collapsed from the moment of collision.

Because the leader found ... the guardian's army would be affected by ancient consciousness.

That is, when they come into contact with the warped army, they will produce various 'negative emotions'. The longer they fight, the greater these negative emotions in their emotions, and they will soon collapse without any fighting ability.

They will even be transformed into something distorted after being completely devoured by negative emotions ... and become part of ancient consciousness.

As his army slowly collapsed, the guardians of order became more and more anxious.

Although they are powerful themselves, they are also worried that ancient consciousness really touched them.

After half of the army of order was wiped out, the leader of a guardian of order decided not to leave it alone.

It claims to be the master of order, the creator of order, the negative terminator, the strongest and oldest individual among the guardians of order.

It stopped the attack on the star simulator, and instead turned to face the warped army.

The attack of the Lord of Order immediately split a rift in the twisted shape that reached the end of the army, and a large number of twisted shapes completely died in this attack.

Since the distorted form is the body of ancient consciousness, the attack of the Lord of Order almost killed an ancient consciousness.

But such a powerful attack failed to launch a second time.

The star simulation device noticed the actions of the Lord of Order, and when the Lord of Order diverted attention ... it immediately launched a large number of attacks against it.

The Lord of Order ... was hit.

The powerful firepower of the simulation device instantly caused it to be severely damaged, and the other order leaders suddenly became nervous.

Although the Lord of Order was severely damaged, it immediately turned back to launch an attack on the simulated device.

This allowed it to successfully block the subsequent attacks of the simulated device, so that it was not directly killed.

However, its severely damaged body was already difficult to stop all attacks, and the victory began to tilt towards the simulator.

The ancient consciousness again launched an attack.

Although they have been attacked before, they can still consume the remaining troops of the Guardian of Order.

The guardians of order are again in a dilemma. They watch their troops slowly eroded by the distortion, but they are afraid that the attack of the simulation device cannot escape.

Although the Guardian of Order can launch various kinds of missiles throughout his body, and their main firepower must be concentrated in the front, those secondary attacks that are not very powerful, the ancient conscious forces can still resist.

In this way, the ancient consciousness slowly swallowed up all the order forces and began to spread to several order leaders.

At the same time, the team leader boarded an order leader with platinum skin.

The surface of their bodies is like a land made of metal, and huge platinum volcanoes rise above it.

These volcanoes spewed out volcanic bombs of dozens or hundreds of meters, banging into the creatures who came to the leader's skin.

This is the final battle.

The leader thought so.

Numerous volcanic bombs fell in the sky, and the cracked earth poured out blood like metal liquid. A fierce storm followed, and when they landed on these giant creatures, a series of horror phenomena hit them.

The leaders of the order ... seem to be destroying their bodies, they cause doomsday catastrophe on the surface of the body, preventing the twisted shape from coming to its skin.

In this environment, a large number of troops disappeared, smashed by volcanic bombs, or fell into the abyss of the skin crack. Under this environment, the leader was still advancing.

Countless attacks did not devour the leader, it avoided all danger, and finally ... it came to a special place.

At that moment, it felt the panic of this order leader.

The special site also looks like a volcano from the outside, but this is actually a place that has been called a 'point of influence'.

In this position, they can influence the mood of the leader of order.

The moment the team leader came here, he connected himself with all the ancient consciousness, and concentrated a lot of ‘negative emotions’ through them.

It then injected these negative emotions into the leader of the order.

After that ... the leader of the order went crazy.

Instead of attacking the simulation device, it turned to attack its surrounding companions, including itself.

Its behavior instantly caused this group of order leaders ... to collapse.

Not only was there a missing companion to resist the firepower of the device, but also several leaders were injured as a result of being attacked by it.

At this time, the simulation device also launched a full-scale attack on all order leaders.

This time hit all the leaders of order, their huge bodies like tumblers began to shatter under successive bombardments.

The leader also escaped the body of the leader of the order at this time. It watched these behemoths quickly collapse in the roar ... It thought they had won at the time.

At this time, the starry sky simulator launched a second attack.

If they are attacked again, the leaders of the order will surely be wiped out.

At this time, the initiative of order rose.

It used a marvelous ability to bring the shattered bodies of all the surrounding leaders together again ... and block them in front of them.

When the starry sky simulation device's attack arrived, these congregated leaders completely shattered [零零 看书 网.].

But the Lord of Order survived, its army, its companions had all dissipated.

The starry sky simulator did not attack again.

The team leader found that it seemed to run out of energy, and another attack should destroy the Lord of this order ... but it never started.

Actually it was not exhausted, but for some other reason ... Of course it was discovered by the team leader later.

The Lord of Order is also seriously injured at this time.

But it did not intend to stop, it decided to destroy all ancient consciousness before destroying the simulation device.

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