"They were not cleaned up."

A long time ago, certain creatures lived in the area where ancient consciousness was located. Because of the excessive negative emotions, ancient consciousness was a form full of negative energy when it appeared.

At this time, the guardian of order arrived.

They destroyed all the forms of ancient consciousness, and of course those creatures here were also considered to have been polluted by negative energy, and they were all killed.

But the guardians of order did not hurt the ancient consciousness itself, they left directly.

What exactly is ancient consciousness itself? The leader said that it was similar to the distant shadow, a ‘thinking area’ covering a huge area ...

It's just that ancient consciousness will not cause any impact on the area it covers under normal circumstances, so it is not easy to notice.

Only when there are living creatures settled here for a period of time, ancient consciousness will produce many dream energy energies, that is, various 'shapes', according to the thinking and emotions of these living creatures.

Later, some creatures came to live here, but because they are more negative, ancient consciousness appeared to be negative.

Once the negative form appears, the creatures that settled in general would perish. Some creatures escaped and spread the news full of negative energy here.

This is why the guardians of order come.

It's just ... they didn't notice the ancient consciousness itself.

In fact, noting that ancient consciousness itself was not a creature in an unforeseen place, it was ... Rush.

Ershi didn't know how to notice it. It believed that the area where ancient consciousness was located was the source of bus thinking.

After the destruction of a large number of creatures, ancient consciousness also ushered in something special sent by Ershi.

A dream Ersh, and ... a starry sky simulator.

The Ershi people on the dream Ershi live here, and the starry sky simulator constructs the starry sky for them.

The original settings of the starry sky simulator were only to construct galaxy tumblers that allowed Ershmin to land, and there were no more settings beyond the distant starry sky for them to watch.

Ancient consciousness was also slowly collecting the thinking data of these creatures.

This is different from the past. Ancient consciousness did not create its shape on the dream Ershi.

Ancient consciousness has been continuously receiving a large amount of data at this time. In addition to Ershimin's thinking, it is the dream Ershi itself, as well as various data of the starry sky simulator.

In general, ancient consciousness did not receive data other than biological thinking, but this time it was a little different.

It received a lot of data from the star simulator, and got a lot of information about Rush from it.

Precisely speaking, it is Ershi's "predictive intelligence".

The dream Ershi predicted it ... a result of the evolution of the creatures on it, a lot of information, including many things in the normal void, are stored in the simulation device.

And ancient consciousness did not know why these devices were received.

At the same time, the ancient consciousness did not show the shape as usual, but ... in turn caused a lot of influence on the starry sky simulator.

It is said that some special dream energy entered the system of the star simulation device at that time, changing the behavior of the device.

This allows the device to continue to construct after creating a view of the starry sky.

It constructs those alien worlds.

The various imaginary worlds in Ershimin's works are constructed by starry sky simulators.

However, the simulation device does not originally construct them, and there is no related setting.

This is actually the effect of ancient consciousness.

Ancient consciousness ... it seems to input data from various works of Dream Ershi into the simulation device.

But those detailed settings seem to be supplemented automatically by the analog device.

This made the simulation device begin to construct fantasy fantasy worlds and the living environment there.

The main reason seems to be that ancient consciousness did not know when it had its own thinking.

Ancient consciousness itself has no thinking, although it can be regarded as a creature by the standards of unforeseen places.

But it does not take the initiative to do anything, and those forms that were previously shown based on biological emotions will not do anything special except to spread emotions.

After the arrival of the dream Ershi, the ancient consciousness seemed to have its own ideas.

It seems to like all kinds of materials from the dream Ershi, simulation installation, but also those works of Ershi Min.

It wanted them to be displayed directly, so it affected the analog device and let it build these worlds.

After more and more structures of the world, ancient consciousness condensed a 'shape' on the dream Ershi.

This form is the original ... leader.

It didn't know anything at the time, only thinking that it was an ordinary Ershimin.

However, it has a special ability after condensing, and can often go to various different worlds to experience life.

It's just that ordinary Ershimin's thinking has kept it from living in any other world for too long.

Until it was connected by other ancient consciousness.

Several other ancient consciousnesses are actually coagulates similar to the leader.

It's just that they don't have their own bodies, and they are condensed on different realms.

Although they were unable to move from the beginning, they all felt that to collect data, as long as enough data was collected ... they would become more and more complete.

Then you can move slowly.

In fact, the process of collecting data is not mainly collecting, but ... experience.

In other words, let yourself, as a creature capable of acting in the realms, experience all the things that happen in the realms.

Different cultures, different environments, different lives.

In the long adventure of the leader, it experienced quite a few things, and in the end it was only the 'war' that was not experienced.

Although there are many large and small wars in various different worlds, the mixed wars of various circles can supplement more experiences.

After a large-scale war, these ancient consciousnesses gradually became active.

Why experiencing these things makes them active? The team leader felt that this was a process of slowly perfecting ancient conscious thinking.

Although ancient consciousness originally obtained a large amount of data from Dream Rush, these data could not make itself active.

It needs to experience most of the content in this data. Only by experiencing its thinking can it be 'complete'.

The leader thought so.

In continuous experience, its thinking is rapidly becoming complete.

It is in the center of the simulation device, and you can feel not only the simulation device, but also other ancient consciousness.

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