4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 162: development of

There are only two such grandiose all-round alliances.

The first was against the mighty guardians of order.

The second time was to fight against what they thought was rather weak ... Ershimin.

The prosperity of the poaching phenomenon has also led to many other alien creatures that originally hated the Rush people hate them even more.

Not only do they kill poachers, they also attack places like the Minsh in the alien world.

They hate everything that is of Ershimin.

The conflict between the two sides became bigger and bigger, and eventually led to that war.

The alien creatures on the wasteland once again came together for a goal, and Ershimin felt that it was just right.

Because the aliens caused too much trouble, Ershimin also decided to deal with them.

They originally decided to divide a certain foreign land into a 'foreign protected area', and then 'protected' all the alien residents there.

However, it is very difficult to “persuade” all the residents of the other country to go there, they are scattered and difficult to catch, and sending troops will only be plunged into endless consumption.

Now that foreign residents are willing to gather, it is much easier to put them in protected areas.

Residents of the outside world assembled a large army. Many heroes roamed in multiple worlds to find the remaining creatures and let them all gather in one place ... that is, the city where the leader originally established.

Because the jumping points of all the worlds have been 'fixed' by the leader, Ershimin cannot control these points to trap these alien creatures.

However, Ershimin was also ready. After the army of the aliens was almost assembled, Ershimin also sent troops.

The fighting between the two sides was very fierce, and the Elche civilian army slowly fell into a disadvantage.

They appeared to be inadequate firepower, and they retreated while fighting. The alien forces immediately pursued when they saw the situation.

In fact, many alien creatures find it strange, but they are just formed troops, and they have no overall command.

They can't use any strategic tactics, etc., just in a state where they can fight when they see the enemy.

As a result, Ershimin kept back, attracting foreign troops into their planned ... 'protected area'.

There are very few jumping points in this reserve, only three.

This allowed Ershmin to look after these creatures very well.

When most of the alien army came in, Ershimin immediately dispatched an ambush to cut off the rear path of the alien army.

After ensuring that they could not escape, the Rush civilian forces immediately fired, and at the same time activated many traps that had been buried here.

In one fell swoop they defeated the forces of the other world.

Of course, they did not kill all the outsiders. Although most of the explosion weapons of Ershi civilians, many outsiders were just seriously injured.

Except for a few who did not follow up, most alien creatures were trapped in the reserve by Ershi people.

Ershimin then began building various facilities in the reserve.

Most of them are buildings that contain them. Although it has the role of a prison, Ershimin has made as nice as possible ... comfortable buildings.

Then build a large wall to surround it.

The main purpose of Ershimin is to 'educate' these creatures.

Let them lay down their hatred of Ershi people and learn to live in Ershi people's society.

As long as they are willing to receive education, and finally learn well, they can obtain the status of residents of Ershi and go to live in Ershi.

Which country they go to is mainly based on the work where they were born, or how they look, and where the culture is biased.

In general, these roles have been treated fairly well ... Of course they need to be educated first.

Each character is great for every film, video, games, etc. company ... publicity.

They will immediately sign a contract with these characters who come to live in Elche and use them to promote themselves.

Those villains who are evil by nature and hard to advise, and those who are stubborn in character, have been kept in the reserve.

Later, the reserve began to open to the general population in Ershi, and many Ershi people went to the reserve to see their favorite characters.

Of course, they also have opinions on the role of these characters being held here, although they are not useful.

At the same time, some characters escaped, they were mixed in the dream Ershi, living a low-key life ... or being a mercenary or something

Seeing this, the team leader thought that Dream Ershi did ... have been pretty good.

Although there are still scattered alien creatures that have not been recovered, they can hardly pose a threat.

Dreamland Rush began a comprehensive 'golden age' at that time.

They developed rapidly, exploring the void, finding simulation devices and establishing colonies on them.

As development grew more prosperous, they considered themselves to be a void civilization.

But this group of Ershimin also felt strange.

Because there is no starry sky around.

After the leader closed the device, they kept wondering how the stars disappeared.

Although the team leader told them at the time ... everything around them was made of simulation devices.

But this group of Ershimin thought that the starry sky should be real. Later, after the starry sky disappeared, they got into great doubts.

Now that they have grown so powerful, they can finally explore this void and see what the void is like.

Ershimin dispatched a huge fleet.

Their main goal is to find jumping points, because they think that there are jumping points in the outer void.

They want to find out if they are there for long trips.

At the same time, they tried to find the nearby void to see that there was nothing floating.

After the group of Ershimin left the realms, they found ... there are really too many wanderers outside.

This is not the view of the void in what they think, in fact there is nothing in the void that matches their original cognition.

These weird wanderers, and the creatures above them, are hard to describe what they are.

They find that the original knowledge does not seem to apply to these things.

These new things made Ershimin excited, they began to send more troops, and constantly brought back these ... unforeseen wonders for research.

They notice that these things can give them far more knowledge, technology, and so on than ever before, and countless things that are enough to make their civilization change in an instant.

But Ershimin also found something.

These interesting things are slowly moving away from myself.

At first they were able to find a lot of wandering things in the surroundings and they were reduced a little bit.

In the end, there was almost nothing left.

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