"They ... have arrived."

This alien world ... is slowly flying between the ruins of the 'Palace of Order'.

There are a lot of huge floats floating around this place.

Most of them are tens to hundreds of meters in size and look like metal blocks.

These things are the buildings built by the guardians of order ... the remains left behind.

When this alien flew here, Lynn let it slow down and observe these things well.

These wreckages flew in the sky, but they were not attracted by the gravitational force of the outside world, they just passed by very quietly.

Lynn found these wrecks ... all quite big.

In fact, the buildings originally built by the Guardians of Order were about the same size as the wreckage.

Now these seem to be only a small part of the building, so ... Lin thinks there is such a possibility.

Perhaps at some later time, the Guardian of Order never moved the building.

These buildings are getting bigger and bigger by them, but they have not become the leader of order, so they are very huge.

This should also be related to the collapse of their beliefs.

However, this is only a guess. It is difficult to say what happened in such a long time.

The current guardians of order have almost become wild creatures. Although they still have a certain level of intelligence, they have no idea what happened in the past.

Many people don't even know that they used to be a 'civilization'.

I know this because ... Lin met a lot of guardians of order on the way.

Now there are some closed in this realm, they are all curious to see the realm and then land here.

Then, they were all resolved by local residents, and some were caught and put in prison.

Underneath this "steam city", there are many prisons ... Most of these prisons are filled with other alien creatures.

And now, there are more ... guardians of order.

These creatures, like metal blocks, were piled up in a large cell that was tens of meters wide, and armed guards looked at them.

"Why the **** do we keep these weird creatures in there? I don't know, it is said that this is God's will."

These guards are all wondering why they should be shut down.

Although most of these inhabitants have discovered many characteristics of unforeseen land, in general they still do not accept that they are this void creature.

When they see various dream creatures, they only feel strange monsters, and they can't understand why they should be caught.

And these guardians of order have little resistance, they belong to a very negative state.

Although he would wander around looking for food, he would only resist a little when he was in danger and would not move anymore.

Lynn's army ... the tree called ‘God’ is also watching the prison.

Because the root system of the tree can reach the top of the prison, Lynn can always detect their ... emotional situation.

Although these creatures are prone to emotional breakdown, they do not know what is going on.

Lynn can feel that they have been in a state of loss all the time, feeling that it doesn't matter and doesn't want to do anything.

Lynn found that their emotions would shrink or enlarge.

When the feeling of loss is relatively small, they will want to move and even think of running away.

When you are older, you do n’t want to do anything.

Their emotional changes are mainly related to the direction of this alien world.

Lynn has been controlling the direction of this world.

This world had always been marching towards the 'ejection target', which is an environment imagined by the residents of this alien world.

Of course, the place they imagined was not the hall of order, but Lynn could stop moving to the target after arriving here, but instead take the initiative to control the movement of the other world.

Lin controlled the alien world to sway around this ruin, looking for interesting things ... and Lin found that when the alien world moved in a certain direction, the loss of emotion of these guardians of order would increase rapidly.

When they move in the opposite direction, they reduce this emotion.

This obviously means that ... something in that direction affected them.

So Lynn adjusted the direction of the realms and let the realms fly away in a direction that made them more lost.

As they fly in this direction, these guardians of order also become more and more ... collapsed.

Their original lost emotions began to accumulate, and in the end they even felt that their lives were meaningless, and they thought of suicide.

But because they didn't want to move even a moment, they did not commit suicide.

"This is ... we found something approaching!"

As their lost emotions grew stronger and stronger, Lynn discovered anomalies.

In the void, there are hundreds of meters of debris that are approaching at high speed.

This is what Lin saw on the side of the starry sky simulator, where she can observe the 300,000-kilometer radius.

These fragments were originally not in danger as long as they did not hit them by themselves, but now a lot of fragments seem to have turned into meteorites and flew directly towards here.

This can also be observed by urban residents on the surface.

Because Lin has been teaching them all kinds of things about unforeseen places, and has built many observation towers.

These observation towers also look like towering, ducted metal buildings that can observe the situation in the void.

"Smash them."

Lin let the tree-arms issue instructions to the residents of the city. In fact, Lin could control the weapon system herself, but Lin wanted to see the power of these creatures' own weapons.

The ordered residents immediately activated their weapons.

These weapons also look like towers, they stand between cities,

When threats approach, they can launch ... shells into the void.

'boom! ’

Black cannonballs flew from the top of the tower, and they rushed into the sky, flying towards the debris that was coming from the void.

These artillery shells are not affected by gravity, of course, this is also adjusted.

When they flew into the void and hit the huge pieces that came, the huge targets were instantly broken.

It seems that they are quite fragile, although they are hundreds of meters in size.

This can also mean that the weapons made by these people are quite good.

The power of the weapon itself can also be increased with complexity settings, and the effect of the weapon itself is very special.


Suddenly, Lynn found screams from the residents on the street.

Lynn saw them doing something like crazy, like ... attacking the same kind next to him.

At the same time, Lin also noticed a figure in the void.

Seems to be just the last ... creature that Sharine encountered before she was disconnected.

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