4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 188: Leap of consciousness

This place feels quite interesting ...

Lynn found the installation part of 'Saline's consciousness'.

It looks very interesting from the outside, just like Sharine's ... face.

It is over a hundred meters in size and is located somewhere in the starry sky simulator.

It wasn't originally like this, but it was assembled by itself after it was started.

This is a separate part. It can be said that it has its own operating system and separate energy supply.

It can operate independently, and can be activated as long as some special signal reactions.

And as long as Lynn touches it, she can feel some of Sharon's thoughts in it.

Such as Sha Lin's various thoughts in the void travel ... These ideas are not recorded in detail in the storage point, and many are recorded here.

And this information seems to be deliberately recorded here.

Some time ago, Sharine remodeled this small part of the simulation device, and then used it to store these ideas.

The purpose of this is unclear, but here you can see why Sharine went to lose the cemetery.

The main reason it went to the lost cemetery ... seems to be to find a lost creature there.

Later, after discovering that the creature was not lost in the graveyard, Sharine left.

The main reason for Sharine's construction of a peaceful space there was also because she wanted to find that creature.

After it left by itself, maybe that creature would come to the lost graveyard again, so put the calm space there ... so that if the creature came to the lost graveyard again, it could know that Saran was looking for it.

Originally, Sally's idea was that if this creature arrived, she could transfer the calm space to her own thinking.

It just seemed that none of the creatures had arrived.

So the 'friend' in the space remembers the space in his own mind, and then it dies there again.

This is the general situation.

It's just that those guinea pigs survived, and then they started to build Sharine's statue without knowing any changes.

Finally, Lynn arrived at the Lost Cemetery and inspected the wreckage ball before allowing the calm space to 'recover' again.

The main thing is ... Lynn can find clues about where Saran went next.

After leaving the Lost Cemetery, Sharine went on to the depths of the unpredictable place ... Its purpose was not solely to find that creature, but also to explore and some other purpose.

Sharine has sent all his fragmented ideas on the road here.

In the end, after Sharine left the Lost Cemetery, the next place to go was a deeper place in the unforeseen.

And this position ... In the Lost Cemetery, she can actually jump past, and Lynn can go as long as she finds the jumping point.

So Lynn started to let the other world find the jumping points around her.

Here Lin continued to let Veronica study the situation in this calm space.

Although it is constructed by a simulation device, it seems to mix a lot of complicated situations, especially this 'friend'.

So, Lin started to move on.

Lynn changed the telescope room, in fact, she transformed a nearby place into a telescope room, and the original one was reserved as a quiet space for the warehouse ...

At the same time, Lin also used various methods to observe the interior of the calm space and see the inside.

It was easy to observe because a crack was opened.

Lin found that this 'friend' seemed to be in a very calm state. It was usually watering flowers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, playing some games, and then recorded what she did today and went to sleep.

It didn't seem to be planning to come out or wait for sneak attack on Lin inside.

This is somewhat unexpected.

But since it doesn't do anything, keep watching.

On the other side, Lynn let the realm find a jumping point near the Lost Graveyard and started jumping.

Jumping is mainly to choose the position you want to reach through thinking.

Because Lin knew what Saline was thinking at the time, she could directly locate where it went.

It's just that Lynn found that this jumping point can't send the whole other world, it can only send small things.

For example, Lynn's arms.

So Lin stopped the realm at the jumping point, and then Lin's tree arm ... jumped over.

After thinking about the same way as Shalin, the scenery around Lin's tree arms changed instantly.

During the jump, Lynn could see a lot of fragmented ... images.

These images seem to be what Abu saw, various scenes of Sharine traveling in the void.

These are fragments that only last a few seconds, seemingly without any critical information, and are also very many.

It seems that here you can see these wonderful messages.

After watching a lot of footage, Lynn's tree armies came to a place ... that looked a bit like a calm space.

There are large flower fields here, and the colorful flowers cover the land, which extends to Lin's farthest field of vision.

The most numerous flower is a taller plant called 'Sunflower', and among these plants, Lin also saw one ... Ershimin.

This Ershimin has green hair and looks ... well-matched to this flower field.

"Um ... new here?"

Lin found that the Ershimin came under Lin's tree armies and said, "It seems ... somewhat different from before."

"Where is this?" Lynn asked.

"Don't you know where it is, you can come here?" It said: "This situation is really rare, this is a place to receive, a place of strong consciousness."

It points to Hanada's distant road: "If you want to know, just go there and look, but it needs to be transformed into adaptive style."

"Adapt to shape?" Lyn asked.

"That's it. Visitors need to become one of these looks to enter here, otherwise it is forbidden."

As he said, he spread his hands, and Lynn found a lot of images between her hands.

These images include Ershimin, and a variety of other ... differently shaped objects.

Some are like a big eyeball, some are spinning like a whirlwind.

"If you don't have the ability to change, or don't want to change, then you can't approach the reception." Ershimin said.

"..." Since it said so, Lynn turned the tree arm into Veronica's shape.

"It's very good." It looked at Veronica and said, "So ... just go ahead. There have been many visitors recently. If you meet them, you will almost know what's going on here."

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