4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 211: dialogue

"Sure enough ... I think so, this way you can talk to the future."

Among countless flying sharp stones, Sharine's clone ... is slowly drifting towards Lyn's battleship.

This avatar is also a phantom of past space.

But it looks like it's talking directly to the present.

"Is this ..."

Now Sharine flew out of the battleship and looked at the clone ... it looked a little surprised.

"Hello, me in the future." The avatar fluttered in the distance, said in a slow tone, "there is another creature that may appear in the future."

"Did you complete that method?" Sharin asked the clone.

"Our communication will be a bit out of sync," said Fang Sheng. "But it doesn't matter. I'll tell you simply that this space is part of the broken void ... This should all be known."

"The void itself is in a very strange state," said the clone, "the space it shattered from may be in different times at the same time."

"Some spaces can 'see' the situation in different times." The clone said: "Like the past, now, and ... the future. Of course, these spaces are not actually in the past or in the future. They can observe these, mainly Because ... a biological relationship, a pseudospace creature. "

The avatar next describes a creature.

This kind of creature is called ‘time keeper’ and it is a very interesting pseudo-space creature.

Simply put, their space and ancient space will be somewhat similar, they can make the space show some special scenery.

The displayed scenery is actually invisible in space. If you observe the situation outside the space in some ways, you will see the scenery of different eras.

According to the avatar, there are quite a number of ways to observe outside the space ... including looking directly from the space entrance and exit, you can see the scenery of different times.

It can also be said that as long as a creature tries to observe the outside, they will 'play' scenery content of different times for this creature.

The clingers of this era are generally divided into two kinds, the future kind and the past kind.

They play scenes from different times, mainly because they themselves ‘like’ the ancient times.

The adherents of these times, like other pseudo-space creatures, have special goals, and their goal is to 'lock in' an era.

Under normal circumstances, they will show the current environment. In some eras, the adherents will suddenly fix the time at a certain time and repeatedly play the content of this time.

The time period they play content is generally within one hundred Lish years, and after playing, they will start from the beginning.

And after a long period of time, it is still playing the content of this time, then it will become it has been playing a very ... ancient thing.

Time-keepers will not change after a fixed time, they will always play the content of this time.

So avatars call them this name.

The other kind of stubborn epochs, namely 'future species', have much fewer species than in the past.

Unlike the past, they are not so easily fixed.

They mainly broadcast the future situation, and what exactly the future is, they themselves are not clear.

Initially, these future species will continuously change the playback content according to the surrounding conditions.

For example, if there is something in the surrounding void, such as a star exploding, they will calculate the image of many things around this star after the explosion, calculate the future scene and then play it.

But if there is something else at this time ... like a big creature passing by and taking away the 'shards' after the star explodes, the future species will immediately stop playing the originally calculated content, but instead replace the Calculate the situation and play it again.

Because there are always many accidents in the void, the future species will always change the content they are playing. They cannot be stabilized like the past species. They must be recalculated each time an accident occurs.

But after so long and erratic for a long time, there are some future species that can reach an 'ultimate conclusion'.

After reaching this conclusion, this future species will never change its future broadcast content.

They will play content from a future age for a long time, and they will not be shaken by anything happening around them.

At the same time, this future content they play will always be implemented almost exactly the same.

The avatars do not know how they reached this `` ultimate conclusion '', of course, this is also the name of the avatars.

Whether these spaces themselves are thinking or not is completely unknown.

It's just that the fascination of this particular pseudo-space creature has been discovered by the avatar.

The avatars were not discovered by observing them for such a long time, but rather the history of some creatures, civilizations and the like.

Some creatures stay in the space of the keeper of the age. Using them to observe the characteristics of the future or the past can get a lot of benefits.

Each of these era clans is of course a separate space, but at some point the avatar found something very interesting.

That is, there are two eras of clingers ... merged together.

They are different species, one past and one future.

Under the influence of a creature capable of spatial fusion, the two different species are mixed together.

The space formed by their fusion is the space phantom that Lin and Shalin see now.

A lot of interesting things happened after the fusion, and all the avatars were observed.

After integration, you can see both past and future events in this space.

It feels like the capabilities of both parties are fully integrated, but there are many differences.

Originally, the future or past scenery had to be observed outside the space to see it, but now it appears directly in the space.

So when the avatar was studying, it saw ... such a scene.

Lynn and Sharine appeared here.

The avatar at the time was surprised ... it knew that this was some time in the future and he came here.

Although the avatar did not know Lynn at the time ... nor did she know Lin's ship, but she had a wonderful feeling when she saw it.

At that time, the avatar was thinking, if the future itself really came here, would it allow the future self to talk to the current self by seeing the past ...

The final result, it seems that the avatar is successful.

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