4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 213: Break away

"They must be ... somehow connected."

When Sharon's clone carefully investigated the remains of civilization, she found something very interesting.

This group of civilization creatures has been exploring the farthest space.

After the collapse of the void, most of its space is integrated into the normal void, and it is said that there are also some directly ... 'crossed' the normal void and went to a fairly remote place.

These civilized creatures collect data on these broken-out spaces through surveys of various spaces.

They store most of the data, and some are for their own use.

That is to simulate a lot of different environments and put them in a 'light column', and then experience them by yourself.

It was found that these civilized creatures did not choose those good environments for enjoyment ... but ‘tested’ themselves.

When these civilized creatures simulate a space environment, they will also temporarily forget what they have remembered, and live in this environment in a state where they know nothing.

However, their main purpose is to find all the spaces and collect the data of these spaces.

The final goal ... the farthest space.

Civilization has been trying to approach this space and collect environmental data there, but it has not been successful.

And in the end they ... perish.

Because they have been attacked.

One kind of creature invaded this civilization, and civilization also recorded the whole process. The invasion of this kind of creature is quite special.

They first appeared in various space environments simulated in the pillars of civilization.

In these space environments, there are usually a large number of space organisms that are also simulated by them.

The first invading creatures, they disguised as species in these simulated spaces and began to attack the ... civilized residents who are experiencing life.

These invaders use a more special way to attack civilization. They do not directly damage the civilization, but let their perception appear ... delay.

Intruders can cause a kind of thinking disturbance to civilized creatures, causing them to see the ‘reality’ and the real reality a little later.

At first it was very short, and civilized creatures didn't feel much, but with their interference, this delay gradually became longer.

Civilized creatures also noticed this.

Everything they see is after a few seconds or more of 'reality'.

This will cause a lot of troubles to their lives. In fact, the most immediate trouble is that they find that they can't touch the things in front of them, but they can touch them after a while.

They found themselves out of sync with their surroundings, and the condition of these civilized creatures was then called 'Achronism'.

They are treated as a special disease.

Although the civilized creatures experiencing life do not know what happened because they have no memory of the past, the space managers at the time have noticed this.

So they started trying to treat this needle.

During their ongoing investigations, they also noticed those intruders.

These intruders are very similar to the original space creatures, but they still show special features at some time.

Civilized creatures began to identify and kill these intruders.

After that, the invaders also began direct attacks on civilized creatures.

Because these invaders are very hiding, and the original civilized creatures did not want to destroy the simulated space environment, which made them not solve the invaders quickly.

The invaders hid slowly in these spaces, and also killed many civilized creatures that chased them.

But the main reason to keep them from being completely destroyed is that they have strange technology.

Their own direct combat capabilities are relatively weak and cannot cause much damage to the armed forces of civilized creatures.

But they can create a lot of ‘mirages’.

For example, let an area show past or future scenes to interfere with the civilizations looking for them.

Civilized creatures caught in this illusion also have a high chance of becoming 'out of time'.

The number of these invaders is also increasing, and their presence seriously interferes with the simulation space of these civilizations.

As a result, civilized creatures began to take some drastic measures, such as shutting down the entire simulated space and killing any suspicious objects inside.

Although their various actions have solved many invaders, many civilized creatures ca n’t recover ‘out of time’.

They can 'see' an increasingly distant future.

Some creatures that have been too far away now cannot live normally and can only survive if they are fully taken care of.

But ... these acrostic creatures are also available.

Because most of them "see" the future, most of them will happen.

Although these acrochronic creatures can't sense anything that is 'now' and can't communicate with other people of the same kind, they can still know what time they are in and what they see by examining their thinking methods. thing.

As a result, this civilization slowly took advantage of these chronically ill individuals and used them to learn about some of the future ... dangers.

After the invaders have been completely resolved, these outdated individuals are still the same, their thinking is in the future.

Then something strange happened.

Individuals with these achronisms were able to see different times before, some of them were tens of seconds later, some were years later, and each was different.

But at some point, their time is suddenly integrated, and the time they see is exactly the same.

And what they see ... is the scene of their own civilization being destroyed.

In their 'future perspective', they can see that their space is slowly squeezed and finally crushed completely.

Squeezing their space ... is another space.

This space is a 'timeholder'. I don't know why, it is going to attack this civilized space.

It's not necessarily an attack, it might have happened for some reason.

After discovering this situation, the entire civilization was in a state of tension.

To cope with this possible future, they have entered a state of full alert.

They decided to adopt an emergency measure to prevent the space from being crushed.

This measure ... may have something to do with the birth of Ershi.

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