4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 215: polymerization

"Their consciousness ... are the same."

Ershi's consciousness is said to be 'identical' to this consciousness.

The avatars felt ... the civilization in this space, the ‘energy information’ left behind by their combined consciousness.

This 'energy' is something very strange.

The avatars mainly perceive this information by studying their various records of civilization, and by reforming their own thinking structure.

After the avatar reformed its thinking structure, it found that it could not only perceive the energy information left by consciousness, but also something else.

For example ... the 'emotion' of the consciousness itself.

The avatar cannot know the specific idea of ​​the consciousness itself, but can feel some of its thinking fluctuations and the like.

What makes the avatar more concerned is that the consciousness of the mind has undergone a drastic change after the collision between the two spaces. After the change, this consciousness ... seems to become another species.

The main thing is that its thinking fluctuates after the change ... much like Elsh's thinking fluctuates.

At that time, the avatar had communicated with Ershi more, so it knew that Ershi's thinking fluctuated.

This feeling is like finding that the 'brains' of the two creatures are almost the same, which made the avatars very concerned at the time, so I tried to investigate more.

Although it did not find out what would happen after the space collided, it did find some more ancient information.

Finally, the clone named this civilization ‘Coincider '.

The civilization itself has a mission to reconnect all fragmented spaces.

They are a civilization from the broken void ... though I knew it before.

When they came, they had a very clear goal-to investigate all the broken void data, and then integrate these data to create a mixed space environment.

After testing and final data testing on these mixed void environments, they set out to their true goal ... combining all the fragmented spaces back.

This is divided into many steps. The beginning is to collect data of various spaces and experience different spatial environment life in it.

Next, the data of these spaces is mixed together to create a space that fuses all environments.

The avatar found that although the environment of many spaces has huge differences, the civilization of this coincident has a certain method ... to mix them together.

But the main reason is because these spaces are the same.

After the environmental blending, they will start the final stage ... attracting other spaces.

Although it is said to be the final stage, the final stage is also the longest.

At this stage, they will slowly merge other spaces into one space ... The entire process may take as long as creating a void tunnel.

What is special is that each phase of the coincident civilization is memorized separately.

They don't know they have such a 'mission', or they don't know most of the time.

For example, in the stage of collecting spatial data and simulating these spaces, the inhabitants of the entire coincident civilization feel that this is ... a very interesting thing, so they do it.

They have no idea what their ultimate goal is.

Of course, I do n’t know if I started from the collapse of the void, nor do I know why I have the ultimate space generating device, which can integrate all the space environments.

This is what they created in earlier times, the period of custom planning.

After planning the plan, the coincidents removed their memories.

Then they started to collect all kinds of spatial data, using entirely new memories.

At the same time, when the plan is to merge all the spaces, they will delete the last memory and use a new one.

Simply put, at each stage of the plan, they will respond with a new memory.

Although removing the memories of the previous stage will make them forget the whole of the plan, it does not seem to have any special influence on the completion of the plan, and they will still follow the customized plan.

The avatars have not yet figured out why they are doing this.

And their plan ... seems to be a failure.

Because of the strange invaders' relationship, these invaders gave some of their individuals a 'chronochronism', and then they predicted the collision of space.

Facing the collision of space, they combined into a consciousness.

Since then, it has been different from what was originally planned.

Separation found that their plan is not to synthesize the overall consciousness at this stage of collecting spatial data, but to use individual consciousness to carry out.

When they are synthesized ... it is tantamount to deviating from the plan.

And when this overall consciousness decided to make the two spaces collide, the plan ... halted almost forever.

Those marvelous invaders are actually related to the ‘time keepers’.

The invaders ... also known as ‘shadows’ by the avatars, they are considered residents of the stubborn of the times. .

These things appear in the space of the era's keepers. They have no shape, and the initial shape is similar to a dark shadow.

At first they could do nothing, just wandering in the space of the era's defenders.

And when the civilization of the coincidents began to study a lot of things related to the era's adherent space, these 'miracles' also began to move.

They invaded the space of the coincident civilization in a large amount, and changed into living creatures inside. Then, using ‘out of time’, it affected many coincidents experiencing the space environment.

The last space collision is what the era's adherents did.

Because the space that collided was an era defender, it collided with the space of the coincident.

Although it is not known exactly how the collision results, the avatar thinks that maybe Rush is the product of their collision.

To be precise, part of Ershi's consciousness is.

As for the other parts of Ershi, such as its own body structure or something, it comes from somewhere else.

It can also be said that Ershi is a 'hybrid' from many different places, even different voids.

The avatar indicates that it can know the reason for the overall plan of this coincident civilization ... not actually it found it.

It can know this, and it is mainly told by the stubborn of the times.

It learns something about the future through an age clinger.

The numerous plans of the coincident civilization need not be known until that future.

This future is where Lynn and Sharine are now.

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