4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 233: Record and deposit

The coincidents perish.

But also survived.

Just in a new form ... the form of small pipes.

When the original coincidents had completely disappeared, they were used by investigators to make historical illusions.

And the small pipes ... survived.

In fact, the investigators did not pay attention to where the small pipe went. Most of the small pipes that have lost their minds have been floating in space, and there is such a small pipe that behaves in a special way.

Of course it is the one with the coincident mind.

This little pipe explores everywhere in space ... in fact it's mostly focused on investigators.

It pretends to be a small pipe without thought, and has been trying to observe them near the investigator's 'construction'.

The investigator also seemed to have not noticed it, and never paid attention to it.

In observation, the small channel found that the investigator was 'cultivating' various spaces.

This is mainly because there are many spaces with special environments. Investigators are mainly strengthening the environment in these spaces, such as raising various creatures in it, and restoring the environment inside.

Because these spaces have been exploded and 'cleaned up', there is only dust and debris floating around, and investigators are restoring the environment in these spaces.

However, they only recover part of the space, and most of them don't care.

The spaces recovered by the investigators were spaces that they thought were affected by Midgart's organs.

They want these spaces to grow.

At the same time, they set up their own illusions in these spaces, making it possible for various space creatures to see them.

But investigators don't seem to be satisfied, they also plan to let more creatures know all this.

Once this small pipe went to a special space.

In this space, it sees that investigators are communicating with ‘the past’.

There are many illusions in this space, and these illusions are some past illusions.

That is, creatures that have not yet broken apart in the Crashing Void.

Although these illusions do not appear for the first time, the small channel can know from the memory of the coincidents it absorbs that this space has the function of showing the future or the past.

But this is the first time that it has directly communicated with past visions like an investigator.

And these illusions are much clearer than before.

Investigators are communicating with these past illusions, all of which are more intelligent species that lived in the past when the void was intact and intact.

Investigators are telling them what is going on.

To be precise, tell them about Midgart's ... the failure of the whole plan.

Most of these creatures are very confused and don't know what they are talking about.

Other creatures have shown interest in the investigators themselves, wondering how they came to be here in the future.

Of course, some creatures don't believe they are coming in the future.

It now seems that to these past creatures, the investigator appeared to them like an illusion.

It seems ... these investigators are really talking to the past.

They don't care if the past creatures can understand it, they just tell them this.

Investigators have been doing these things all the time. In addition to making illusions, they also engraved Midgart's things in many different biological languages ​​in many spaces.

They seem to want to record the entire process of Midgart's 'failure' and let more creatures know.

Although they do not directly communicate with the future, they only want to let future creatures know about this through various records.

This little pipe does nothing on its own, it just keeps watching the whole process.

Investigators took a long time, they slowly restored various spaces to a very good condition, and complex biological groups filled these spaces.

Investigators were prepared to recover in this way, and they had stored many species that had originally lived in space before the replies blew up the place.

At the same time, investigators also created a lot of things like relics of ancient civilizations, and then recorded the story of Midgart in these relics.

Finally, the investigator finally did everything.

They think that they have perfected everything and recorded these things in the past, now, and the future.

What is strange is that the investigators did not go to the normal void, they took these spaces ... these dozens of spaces as the place where they recorded.

After investigators thought they were perfect, they also ... perished.

To be precise, he committed suicide.

Throughout the race of investigators, they have turned themselves into part of the ruins they made.

There are many kinds of relics, some of which are more similar to rock-like structures, and some have 'energy' structures.

Investigators transformed their bodies into this form, also indicating that they completely disappeared.

The small pipeline that observed the whole process also learned some special techniques, that is, the techniques of communicating with the past.

It knows how to make clear illusions and communicate with those creatures of the past.

I even figured out how to adjust these illusions, for example, to make creatures in a certain place at a certain time.

In the end, the small pipe made an illusion of a creature.

This creature is the oldest coincident.

In fact, it is the coincidence who has the highest civilization before the collapse of the void.

By communicating with the illusions of these coincidents, the little channel knew them completely.

At the same time, the small pipes also told them all things now.

Although it was completely unbelievable at first, after a long period of communication, the small channel gained the full trust of these earliest coincidents.

After learning about these coincidents, the small pipeline created information on the body using the information of the earliest coincidents ... some creatures.

These creatures can also be said to be their descendants, that is, a group of small pipes.

Although shapes are pipes, their data comes entirely from the earliest coincidents.

Then, the small pipe took these cubs out of these spaces and went to the normal void.

Because it made an agreement with the earliest coincidents through illusions, these coincidents expressed their desire to let their own population ... in the future, continue in the normal void.

And these cubs made by small pipes are the latest generation of coincidents.

As for why the shape of the small pipe is not known.

Small pipes take them to the normal void to keep them alive.

Then it took a long, long time ... until Lynn saw these little pipe cubs.

It seems that they have not developed.

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