4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 235: Cognition

"Can't find it."

Lynn and Sharine arrived at their original positions.

However, I have not seen the avatar here, but I have seen many other illusions.

These illusions appear to be different creatures, and are species that have not been seen before.

They are wandering around, and the number is very large, the original ‘stones’ and avatars in war are gone.

I thought I could discuss something with the avatars about the history of the coincident, but ... there seems to be no way.

◇ Zero Zero Reading Network ◆ "What can you see here ..."

Looking at the surroundings, Lynn asked a special creature.

"This is also an area mixed with different times."

This creature ... is the special illusion of a coincident brought by Lynn.

Lin had talked carefully with this illusion before ... Lin knew from it what they could see.

The surrounding environment was originally 'real' to them.

In simple terms, it is no different from the real void, but the moment they realize that they are illusions, the surrounding environment changes.

Everything that originally felt very real became ... illusory.

It has become like the illusion that Lin sees now ... Of course, they also become unreal.

The main thing is that they have always been trapped.

There is a 'wall' around the coincident ruins that prevents them from leaving, and creatures like Lyn who can see them temporarily drill this wall away, allowing them to leave the area where they are trapped and go outside go with.

So Lynn brought out one of them.

At the same time, while investigating with the coincident illusion, Lynn was also using a number of arms to remain in the reuniter's ruins for a small pipeline of 'recovery'.

This recovery process takes a bit of time, so look around with the coincident first.

To say it was brought out was to let it follow, and Lynn discovered that this coincident illusion could fly at extremely fast speed.

But it can only fly to another place with an illusion, such as the area where the avatar is located.

So Lynn and it came here quickly, and after they arrived here ... they didn't see the avatar.

The Coincidence indicates that all the creatures here know it, because it has memories of the Coincidence gathered in various eras. The illusions here are all creatures that have appeared in the collapsed void but in different times.

At the same time it also said that it hadn't seen the avatar that Lynn said.

"Sure enough, that's the possibility." Sharine said to Lin, looking at the surroundings, "Let's go look elsewhere."

"What possibility?" Lynn asked.

"Midgart ... if that's what you said ..." Sharin said, "Maybe all this is it ... the real plan, anyway, let's look elsewhere."

After continuing to observe here for a while, Lynn and Sharine began to travel to other areas with visions.

These phantom areas are relatively similar, and some have been to Lin and Shalin before, but unlike before, they only show the illusions of a certain past era, but now they are all showing the illusions of the mixed era.

It seems that during the period when Lynn and the coincidents understood their history, some of these phantom regions changed.

Sharin thinks this is not a change in these areas, but a change in ‘cognition’.

Simply put, the illusions shown here will show different contents depending on what the creatures know about them.

Most void creatures passing by cannot see them simply because they are unaware of these illusions.

And if you recognize them in some way, you will see the more "basic" illusions, the ones that Lyn first saw.

After Lin learned about the history of coincidents, this 'cognition' seemed to change again, so she could see mixed illusions.

What is special is that even if there is only basic cognition, the illusion of the mixed era can be seen at the position of the coincident remains.

It is therefore possible to see these special coincident illusions to understand the general matter from them.

As for the avatar ... it may not be visible because of changes in cognition.

What Lin is more interested in is why this cognition affects the appearance of illusions?

This is an interesting place, and Lynn decided to study it carefully.

After visiting many places, Lynn and Sharine followed this illusion of the coincident to a special place.

This place also looks like a relic of civilization.

"This is ... their place!"

The coincident illusion was very surprised when he saw this ruin, and in fact Lynn also knew this ruin.

Of course, it was also learned from the coincidents, because this remains is ... the remains of the investigator.

It is said that after investigating all the information about Midgart, the investigators transformed themselves into a petrochemical form and placed themselves in the relics they created.

And the last remains of these investigators ... is here.

From the outside, this looks like a tumultuous tumbling man.

It has a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers, and there are countless complex protrusions on the surface, which looks like a large number of structures such as cities.

There are also many large holes on the surface.

These holes are several kilometers in diameter, they cover the entire surface of the tumbler, and the interior can be seen through these holes ... it seems hollow.

After watching for a while, Lynn and Sharine flew directly to the surface of the tumbler.

There are many ... creations on this surface.

They all look like statues of broken void creatures of various ages that have been seen before.

They all appear to be rock structures, and various shapes are built on the ground.

There are many kinds and quantities, and there are many kinds that Lin has not seen.

After reaching the surface, the illusion of the coincident showed a feeling of confusion ... It said that the investigator's creation was not like this.

Although the investigators did create such a ‘wounded tumbler ’s remains’, they did not place these biological sculptures on the ground.

What they put on the ground should be some civilized buildings or something.

So Lynn examined these sculptures carefully, except that they were indeed made of materials common in the void, and there was nothing special about them.

Lynn feels that ... if this is really the remains of the investigator, there must be a lot going on after so long.

After searching around for a while, Lynn and Sharine came to a big hole.

This large hole has a diameter of one kilometer, as long as you enter the hole, you can directly go to the inside of the tumbler.

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