4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 237: Era of connection

"Illusions ... there are many."

"But they are just some by-products, or superfluous."

"They're gathered here and deal with them slowly."

Sharine's avatar told Lynn something, like it was about these ... phantom creatures.

Illusions are not a kind of creatures in nature. They are very special in themselves and can be called 'cognitive phenomena'.

Simply put, a creature needs to know them to see them.

This cognition is quite complicated, and it does not mean that you can see it immediately if you know that such an illusion exists.

You need to go to some places to get information in order to open this awareness.

After opening, you can see more illusions by increasing the depth of cognition of illusions.

The avatar indicates that the illusion itself ... was created by Midgart, and has many illusions in many spaces that break into the void.

They are quite large, but in general they have a history of breaking the void.

These illusions have been recorded for a long time, during which all things such as creatures, things and so on have been recorded.

And the significance of the illusion itself is to make Midgart's consciousness in different ... times at the same time.

Lynn knows that Midgart has a state of "eternal observer" after his death. After Midgart's death, his consciousness will change into a state that does not directly interfere with the void, but can always "see" the void. .

This Midgart, who died in the cracked void, has some differences.

It also enters the eternal observer mode, but this state is different from other Midgart.

It is at different times.

In simple terms, this Midgart simultaneously 'observes' the void of different times, and these illusions are what he sees.

The ‘cognition’ of other creatures is actually a connection between their mind and this state of Midgart, so they can see these illusions.

The more you know, the more you can see.

But anyway, I just saw a little bit ... these illusions are actually much more complicated than what I currently see.

The avatar says so, but there are still many questions.

Like why other creatures can connect with Midgart, and why they can see illusions in this way.

This was designed by Midgart himself, or for other reasons.

The avatar does not know why, but it can now be sure ... these illusions mixed with the scenes of various times are the scenes `` seen '' by Midgart's eternal observer state.

Maybe this Midgart entered the cracked void and discovered some wonderful characteristics of this void, and then entered a special state of eternal observer here.

It seems that the investigator didn't seem to find this out, and the avatar said that only he who is an illusion can understand the illusion.

So the next question is ... what exactly is an illusion?

Are they really a vision of the bygone era? Is it just something from Midgart?

The avatar tells Lin ... it's hard to tell exactly what it is.

The illusion is actually a very interesting state. In the earlier memory of the clone, everything around it is normal ... It can also be said to be true, without any illusion.

But at some point, the avatar suddenly ... found something.

Then it found that everything around it had become illusory, just like these illusions that Lin now saw.

At the same time, these things no longer belong to the era of the time, but emerged from the mixed era of the future and the past.

The avatar felt special at the time, so some research was done.

Finally, after conducting a detailed investigation, the avatar found that it could return to its past true state.

In simple terms, since then, the avatar has noticed that its 'world' has become two sides.

On the one side, everything is real. This real world is also the time in which I live. Everything here is nothing abnormal.

On the other side is the world of illusions. Everything here is erratic and flickering. Everything is a mixture of times.

There was a way for the avatars to go in and out of the 'real world' and 'illusion world'.

It thought it had entered a special space at the time, and the way the avatar used to enter the illusion world was to use a fissure in the void.

Once the avatar decided to investigate the illusion world in depth, he entered the illusion world for a long time.

Later, the avatar found himself unable to return.

When the avatar returned to the entrance to the real world, the entrance disappeared.

And to his surprise, he saw here ... himself.

When avatars enter the world of illusions, they can see the illusions of various eras, including present and future, but these illusions ... do not have their own era.

Now the avatar sees the illusions of his era, and even sees himself in these illusions.

This makes the avatar feel weird, but it can't communicate with these illusions in any way. It can only watch them doing things of their own time.

Because the avatar finds that there is no way to return to the real world, the avatar starts to travel around this illusionary world.

It wants to investigate and understand here.

There is no such thing as "distance" when traveling here. In simple terms, it can only see various illusions no matter how far it is.

However, the avatar found that it could travel in time.

That is, if it 'moves' to a certain place, it can see the surrounding visions showing the future scenery.

On the contrary, it can make the surrounding illusions show the past scenery.

So, the clone performed some tests and found that the past illusions were limited.

Illusions can show some very ancient scenery and creatures, but after showing a group of creatures, it will not show more.

After determining the "past limit" of the illusion, the avatar tries to find the future limit.

The avatar said ... There seems to be no ceiling in the future.

The era in which Lin and Shalin are now is the furthest future for the avatars.

However, everything in this era is still progressing.

For example, the avatar can now see Lynn come to this hollow tumbler for investigation, which means that the future it sees ... will not stop at a certain position but will continue to do so.

There is just no way to show a farther future as quickly as before.

If you want to say, Lynn's time is the furthest future for the avatar.

At that time, when the avatar saw Lynn's time, it began to want to communicate with the creatures of this farthest future.

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