4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 239: Real illusion

If the illusion is the 'visualization' of Midgart's eternal observer state, then how exactly did the illusion creature arise?

The clone thinks that this should have happened by accident.

Although it is said that a creature like Midgart rarely accidentally appears, it is like the creation of Midgart's void.

The clone also thinks so, it thinks that a creature like Midgart may be able to calculate what happened after it died ... a long time later.

This allows it to keep everything running as it wants without affecting the void in any way.

However, the avatar still believes that the appearance of phantom creatures is something that Midgart did not count.

Because ... it was the first illusion.

During a long investigation, the clone knew many phantom creatures.

These creatures suddenly found themselves as an illusion, and wandered around in the "illusion world".

Most of them are very confused about the surroundings and have no idea what to do.

The avatars found that they all have one thing in common, that is, they are born later than the avatars.

There is a way for avatars to know the lifespan of phantom creatures, which is calculated from their 'awakening'.

These creatures found that they were phantom creatures later than their clones, which were arguably the first phantom creatures.

These phantom creatures found that they were all born of themselves.

All the illusions in the world of illusions are not actually creatures themselves, all they can do is to demonstrate the history of the past.

But they may ... become creatures.

That is mainly because of the influence of the consciousness of avatars.

Each Sharine's avatar can be said to have a small part of Sharine's consciousness, which has some impact on the land of illusions.

In simple terms, it's similar to how Sharine now controls the body.

Sharine still wants to control the normal void body through unpredictable state through a state like ‘Cohesion of Nothing’.

And when Midgart died, he used something to make his eternal observer state manifest in the form of a phantom world in the breaking void.

The avatar is not clear what Midgart used, but the illusion world was not made right from the beginning, and it is not a complete Midgart memory. It may also need to detect the surrounding void environment and other talents. This illusion world.

In short, in the process of composition, it came into contact with ... Shalin's consciousness.

It may have been detected after the normal void of Sharine's clone, or for some other reason.

After being influenced by Sharine's consciousness, this avatar was born in the illusion space.

It is not actually directly related to the real Sharine avatar, and it can be said that the real avatar is not directly changed.

It was Sharine's consciousness ... that distorted a small part of the data in the illusion world, which led to the birth of this avatar.

To be more precise, this is the awakening of this avatar.

If it was not for the influence of Sharine's consciousness, this avatar would not notice that he was an illusion like other ordinary illusions, but would have been playing the role of his own time.

After awakening, the clone becomes the first illusion creature.

With the awakening of this avatar, the 'distortion' of the illusion world becomes larger and larger, which is why more and more illusion creatures awaken.

Most of these awakened phantoms were in a state of doubt in the early days, and later, as the number increased, they became even more ... doubt.

Some awakening creatures are constantly wandering, they do not know what the meaning of everything around them is.

Others feel like this is a tunnel of time, as they started as avatars, and then they choose an era they like and wait to live.

In general, it is difficult for awakened creatures to live somewhere, because they are surrounded by flickering illusions.

For creatures that perceive in any way, these illusions are almost the same.

However, this is mainly the case if they are not trusted.

That is to say, if they are false, they will become misty, if they are reversed ... they will become real.

There is such a small group of awakened phantom creatures. When they reach a position in the phantom world, they think they have reached a suitable place and can end the time journey.

These creatures will find that the original illusory illusions around them are becoming more and more real, and finally become ... ‘essential’ things.

Then they started to live normal lives here.

The avatar has seen many similar examples in the illusion world. Many awakened creatures think that they have time traveled or joined other awakened biological organizations. I heard that the illusion world is a tunnel of time travel.

When they fully believe this argument, as long as they reach a position where they feel they can settle down ... then everything around them will be realised and they will live normally.

Of course, to the avatar, the illusion world is a pure illusion, but the avatar can know what the environment is perceived by other illusion creatures.

What appears around them has something to do with what they believe.

Therefore, many awakened phantom creatures live in various places in the phantom world.

These phantom creatures make up a group, some of which are made up of the same species, or mixed with different species.

However, they are the same as the earliest cases of avatars. After realizing the surroundings, they can see a certain size of space.

They cannot leave this space.

Some creatures don't care, they continue to develop there, and some develop skeptical ideas.

If you are too suspicious of your surroundings, everything around you will return to the state of illusion, which is the same as the situation of avatars.

After some time passed, the clone found some phantom creatures ... a civilization had been established.

They have never doubted the surroundings, or the whole group is generally undoubted.

Then they developed in a world that was real to them, slowly developing a considerable civilization.

Although there is a limit on the size of the space, it is still sufficient as long as it is not too high.

The civilization developed by these phantom creatures has no idea that they are illusions at all. They feel that they are normal ... the civilization that lives in this era.

The life of these creatures was normal until the illusionary world suddenly began ... to solve them.

The avatar feels that this may be a mechanism for troubleshooting anomalies, and it was only activated very late.

This is the hollow tumbler that Lin now sees.

Evolution of the 4.6 billion ensemble

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