4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 247: Shooting blocked

The gatekeeper initially stayed inside the camera.

When they were born, they didn't know what they were going to do or what they were.

Although Starcraft made them, they have not managed them since.

The gatekeepers initially disassembled some parts of the star shooter as food, but otherwise they would not do anything.

They've been staying inside ... After a relatively long period of time, the gatekeeper began to have some curiosity.

They started to pay attention to and investigate the inner workings of the star shooter, and regarded everything here as the law of the world's operation.

The gatekeeper mainly relies on the shooting and recording process of the star shooter.

For example, the mini star created inside the star beater is used as the heat source, and the model made by the star beater is used as the material.

The gatekeepers have been developing slowly for a long time.

Slowly, they found that many of the structures inside the starbeater stopped working.

This is mainly because they dismantled too many parts, which caused the internal damage of the camera to continue to operate.

This has no effect on the gatekeeper, they continue to disassemble the parts, but initially they only used the parts as food or building materials, and they did not really develop until they reached the surface of the star shooter at some point.

Promoting their development is the star and a large number of floating objects around it, and the gatekeeper has the idea of ​​wanting to reach the stars and the surrounding floating objects.

As a result, they began to work hard and tried to fly out in various ways.

This also made the gatekeepers develop. They occupied a lot of floats during this time ... Although they did not enter the stars, they have spread to the surrounding floats and established themselves in these places. Civilization.

They belong to a comparison ... pure civilization, never war, the only driving force for development is to want to go further.

With the development of the gatekeepers, they have almost dismantled the original star shooters.

But they also found that the star shooter never disappeared.

Even if they remove all the original star-shooting devices, they will continue to appear.

All kinds of mechanical devices, aircrafts, etc. made by the gatekeepers may suddenly 'star shooter'.

Their internal structure changes, and they suddenly start recording and recording the stars.

Even some food-making devices will be star-shaped, and they will turn the food they produce into stars.

The gatekeepers have always regarded the appearance of the star shooter as a 'natural phenomenon'.

They haven't investigated the principle of the appearance of the star shooter. The star shooter is already a common sense for the gatekeeper, just like the emergence of flames for Ershimin.

But when the impact of star shooters is too great, they are more and more concerned.

Because the aircraft built by the gatekeeper is often damaged due to internal changes, of course, other things are also created.

This makes them unable to explore far away, and even causes a lot of trouble to their daily lives.

This phenomenon occurred because of the star beater on a large scale in a certain period.

So ... the gatekeeper began to try against the star shooter.

The gatekeeper began to find a way to fight the star shooter ... stop the star shooter from appearing.

The whole process can be said to be very difficult, because all their technology is actually from the star shooter.

The gatekeeper learns a lot by observing the operation of various structures inside the star shooter, so that he can imagine and create

The aircraft.

After that, everything they created was basically related to the star shooter.

It was only after the development of the door protectors that they nearly dismantled all star shooters with complex structures. Those newly changed were very simple star shooters.

They tried many ways to make the phenomenon of star shooter completely disappear.

At first they simply destroyed all the star-shooters, but this still couldn't stop the star-shooters from appearing.

Then, the gatekeepers started trying to transform their various things.

They believe that the appearance of star beats requires certain conditions, such as the part that can observe the star and the part that can record what is observed.

As long as they do not have these two parts, they can prevent the appearance of star shooters.

But soon they found that this was not the case, and even the simplest things could turn into star shooters.

Things with the right structure become faster.

But at some point, the gatekeeper finally found a way to stop the star shooter from appearing.

That is to find something else as material.

The gatekeeper accidentally found something floating from the distant void. Using these things as materials, the device created will not become a star shooter.

After discovering this, the gatekeeper wanted various methods to obtain construction materials from a distant void.

Although it is said that the starburst and the floating objects around the stars originally came from a distance, it seems that only the old floats will become starbursts.

New floaters, including those dragged by the doorkeeper, will not become star shooters.

The gatekeepers then tried to pull new materials back by various methods. At first, they could only send some high-speed aircrafts. Try to drag some materials back before these aircrafts were damaged because they became star shooters.

After pulling back enough, they made things entirely with new materials.

Slowly, the gatekeeper replaced all the old materials that would become star shooters with new materials.

In the gatekeeper's civilization, the things that will become star shooters have disappeared one by one. Of course, the star shooters have not completely disappeared. They still appear on the floating objects made of old materials in the wild.

In order to avoid any interference caused by these wild star shooters, the gatekeepers began to solve them.

The gatekeepers tried to launch all the old floats that might turn into star shooters ... some launched into the stars, some launched deep into the void.

They think that they completely get rid of the trouble caused by the star shooter, but they miss the last one.

That is themselves.

The gatekeepers noticed that they had lost all the old materials ...

They also become star shooters themselves.

Initially they started by seeing some individuals observe the star and record the state of the star.

And these individuals turned into star shooters, and they would fight back strongly against any attempt to obstruct them.

Thus, the gatekeeper civilization began the only and last war ever fought in the history of their civilization.

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