These creatures are called signal ghosts.

They are a group of creatures wandering around in the void, and from the outside these creatures look like translucent ghosts.

The shape is similar to jellyfish, and the body is generally several tens of meters.

According to Shalin, this is a very interesting creature, because they were born in the signal.

The reason for their appearance is mainly because there are many ruins of civilization nearby.

The ruins of these civilizations are the ruins that have long been extinct. They belong to many different civilizations ... But these civilizations have one thing in common, that is, they can communicate with nearby civilizations.

What is more interesting is that these civilizations have never actually seen each other.

They are far away from each other, and there is no technology close to each other.

I do n’t know which civilization originally initiated it. One civilization sent some signals and then it was received by another civilization.

The civilizations who received the signal were puzzled. Although they did not understand the content of the signal at all, they thought it was not a common natural phenomenon, so they tried to parse it, and then tried to reply.

The civilizations that originally sent the signal also received the reply signal, and then they also tried to parse ... and reply again.

I had never met before. I didn't understand the other party's civilization and tried to send signals to each other, and tried to understand the content of these signals. It slowly changed from being unable to communicate to being able to communicate slightly.

At this time, a third civilization discovered the signals of two civilizations, and then it also tried to parse and reply the signals.

Next ... is that more and more civilizations have joined.

None of these civilizations have the technology to navigate to the location of another civilization, but they can all receive these signals.

And they all have the idea of ​​trying to parse these signals and communicate with other civilizations.

Slowly, more and more content can be analyzed by these civilizations, and through the exchanges to understand the situation of other civilizations.

They began to carry out more exchanges, mainly related to technology. Although some civilizations are constantly strengthening their armaments and defenses, there has never been any war between these civilizations.

For a civilization to be able to reach other civilizations, there has always been only a signal.

They have created a lot of more efficient devices that can send more complex signals, and they have been trying to strengthen related technologies. Finally, they have produced very similar AC devices.

Because these civilizations continuously send signals to communicate, there are many areas where signals are interlaced in the void between them.

Spectres are born in this kind of signal, they may appear when a large number of signals are interleaved, and they will disappear after a while.

They are composed of a mixture of ‘materials’, some come from unforeseen places, and some are normal void.

But these things originally floated alone in the void, it seems that they were brought together because of a large number of signals, forming this kind of ghost-like ... shape.

Initially these signal ghosts are harmless, but slowly they become harmful.

Sharin said that they had caused a "signal war".

These civilizations that communicate with each other seem to be friendly on the surface, but in fact they are all envisioning the situation of war.

They imagine how they will invade other civilizations or be invaded by other civilizations ... so many civilizations try to use various methods to communicate more information about each other in the process of communication.

Each civilization is concealing its true strength and trying to understand the strength of other civilizations.

At the peak of their communication with signals, the signal ghost may approach a civilization.

When the ghost of the signal approached, the civilization produced much more serious skepticism in the past.

They will begin to suspect that a nearby civilization is extremely likely to invade themselves, and thus begin to produce a large number of weapons frantically ... and carry out various trainings for the invasion.

At the same time, there will be other opposing forces in this civilization. They believe that it is not necessary to prepare a large number of weapons, and that such preparations are meaningless and will consume a lot of resources and so on.

Then, there will be quite a lot of chaos in this civilization. When the ghosts approach, their emotions such as anxiety ... seem to be amplified many times.

So the entire civilization quickly fell into various civil wars and slowly perished.

There are also some more united civilizations, they also start to become anxious and feel that they should attack first ... They have assembled a huge force to try to invade other civilizations.

Some civilizations will also deliberately tell other civilizations to attack them, and then prepare a large number of troops waiting for invasion.

These civilizations have been doing this for a long time, and are constantly busy with possible wars.

But until the end, there was no civilization ... directly in contact with another civilization.

When they finally perished, their knowledge of other civilizations was limited to the exchange of signals.

Some civilizations try to attack and invade other civilizations, but they have never reached the location of the other party.

From the beginning to the end, many civilizations have seen such things as signal ghosts, but they have never connected the signal ghosts to their signal exchanges, just as a wonderful phenomenon of the void.

When these civilizations perished, the signal ghost ... did not disappear.

Because the communication devices created by these civilizations are still preserved, these devices can be said to be the most technical things in their civilizations.

They continue to send signals, and the ghosts of the signal continue to wander in the void of these civilizations.

Sharin met and studied these ghostly things at some point, learned about these civilizations, and confirmed that they were a creature mixed with two void ‘materials’.

However, they did not last long before they disappeared, because those signaling devices did not continue to operate.

What I didn't expect now is that these creatures appeared again.

And it has also become an obstacle to the vision of space ... After ‘hit’ these ghosts, space no longer advances as before, and it ’s not just that.

After hitting, Lin found that the whole space was shaking.

Moreover, a lot of things appeared in this small space with shaking.

These things are some ... creatures.

According to Shalin's description, these creatures are the group of extinct civilization creatures.

They suddenly appeared in large amounts in this small space. Of course, they are not entities, but something like illusions.

Lin noticed that these creatures are very small, each of which is less than one meter, and the shape is a creature with many limbs.

While Lin was still observing them, they suddenly attacked Sally in the center of the space.

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