4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 255: The last one

"It's over, our history ..."

It is said that this is a very old civilization.

They have been floating around in the starry sky all the time.

Like most civilizations floating in the void, they obtain various floating objects as resources in the void.

The long development in the void makes them constitute a huge fleet of small tumblers.

This civilization is a bit special. They need to approach different stars regularly and fly very close to them.

‘Very close distance’ is generally within… more than 100,000 kilometers.

They will fly around the star as a whole to obtain a special resource.

They have been targeting stars for a long time, traveling from one star to another, flying over it to obtain resources, and then leaving from there to the next star.

But at some point, their entire civilized ... navigation system changed.

This makes them no longer fly past the star, but directly crash into the star.

They tried many methods, but found that they could not make any changes, so they could only watch their civilization move towards ... the end.

In the face of the coming doomsday, these creatures did not have any negative, but gathered on the roof to discuss the past of civilization, the history of those developmental periods, and lament the many memories of the past.

This is a civilization that perished long ago.

However, Midgart seems to use some method to simulate the process of flying to the stars.

And this civilized fleet of small tumblers is all real, it seems that it was previously stored in the surrounding void.

The inhabitants above are all illusions, and they completely show the demise of civilization at that time.

Now they are flying toward the star as before.

The location of these tumblers is not certain, most of them appear very far away, and some appear directly near the stars.

A small tumbler rushed into the star at a very fast speed.

Its figure disappeared into the light along with the dense city above, and it did not seem to have any effect on the star.

But Sharin in the small space inside the star suffered some damage.

When the little tumbler crashed into the star, Shalin showed a painful emotion.

Although it only lasted for a few seconds, Shalin once again entered the previous unstable state.

You can see Sharin's figure flashing, and her speech has become intermittent, with a feeling of disappearing.

So Lin felt that it was necessary to stop it ... then the tumblers approached.

In addition to this one, some small tumblers also appeared very close to the star.

But none of them crashed into the stars because they were disturbed by ... Lynn.

Some arms were fired by Lin on these little tumblers, and then Lin tried to modify their internal system.

There is a very interesting engine in the little tumbler, mainly using the gravity of the surrounding galaxy to change the speed and direction.

As long as some adjustments are made, they will bypass the star and fly in other directions.

These little tumblers are set in advance, and they will not adjust the way they go back.

When the very close ones all bypassed the stars and flew away, Lin began to pay attention to the little tumblers who were far away.

They are quite numerous, but it is not difficult to reverse all their directions before they all fly here.

Lin can build many arms on these little tumblers, and then shoot them at nearby little tumblers.

Although Lin felt that this would not be easily reversed by Lin, she decided to give it a try.

Lin used the arms that initially flew to some of the tumblers to use buildings and other structures on the ground to transform into a 'factory'.

Then launch them on the little tumblers around, and then continue to invade these tumblers, and create more ... factories.

Then quickly spread to all the little tumblers.

When they are close to a distance of 100 million kilometers from the star, Lin's arms have reached every little tumbler.

This time Lynn didn't just adjust them to change direction, but stopped them completely by controlling the internal engine.

When Lynn acted, she did not suffer any obstruction, and it seemed that they had no defense system.

Soon, these little tumblers stopped one by one in the void.

They didn't start again, and because there was no little tumbler approaching again, Charlene was slowly recovering.

At this time, Lin found something special.

Those on the little tumbler ... illusory inhabitants.

They noticed that all the little tumblers stopped, and then they all showed surprise.

"Why ... are we saved?"

"How could this stop? Haven't they been completely changed?"

These illusions were very surprised by the current situation, but when Lin tried to communicate with them ... they didn't respond.

Although they could see the little tumbler stopped, they couldn't see Lin's arms.

While Lin was investigating them, Lin suddenly discovered that a small tumbler had made an unusual move.

This little tumbler is located at the outermost edge of the army, and it suddenly flew towards the depths of the void at a rapid speed.

Because there are Lin's arms in this little tumbler, Lin feels very strange, because its engine ... is not started at all.

But it still flew, and it didn't go in the direction of the stars ... it flew in the distance.

So Lin asked the soldiers to quickly detect the condition of the little tumbler.

The illusion of this little tumbler is strange, they are still in the state of thinking that they are flying to the end ... and they are still discussing the demise of civilization as before.

While Lin was observing these illusions ... he found such a weird individual.

This individual did not participate in any discussions of the same kind around him. Although he also stayed in the building with a group of illusions, but ...

'boom--! ’

Lynn tried a burst of bombs on it with the observed arms.

After the bomb exploded, the phantoms on the top of the building continued to discuss as if nothing had happened.

The special individual that Lin noticed was gone.

Sure enough, this is rather strange.

When Lin saw it again, it had reached more than a hundred meters away, and she jumped quickly between the buildings, still escaping quickly.

Lin also let the arms here catch up quickly to see if she can catch it.

Lin feels that this is the same as the shadow that appeared in the space before, it should be directly controlled by Midgart.

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