4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 275: Residents

They have lived here for a long time.

Their initial shape is very similar to that of the Ershi Min, and they live a common life similar to the Ershi Min.

But their direction of development is somewhat different.

The main thing is that they are developing ... transforming technology.

That is to modify the nuclear information of one's own body in order to transform one's own body.

Because they have a stronger sense of curiosity than the outsiders, they have always wanted to explore various unknown mysteries.

They quickly explored the world they were in, and then they began to explore the void.

What is special is that the void outside is dark to them.

They can't see anything in the void, and they can't see anything at all with various observation instruments.

At that time, they did not have the technology to fly into the void, but they could not wait to understand the void, so they used many methods.

At some point they stumbled upon them, and they saw some ... light spots appear in the surrounding void.

This is only visible to a few of them.

These individuals have a characteristic that they have made some changes to their brains, mainly to improve memory and the like.

However, they found that this transformation allowed them to see the emergence of different things in the void.

So they quickly came to a conclusion, maybe their brains were not complicated enough to analyze the scenery outside.

Because they are proficient in transformation studies, they know that the things that organisms see will make a big difference according to the brain's analytical ability.

Generally speaking, the more complex the brain is, the more complex the sensory organs are, and the more complicated the scenery can be seen.

So they began to study body transformation carefully, and as their technology improved, they could see more and more things.

Their void is no longer dark, but more and more gorgeous, just like the starry sky.

However, as their transformation technology improved, they also slowly appeared some strange events.

Some of them started to go crazy.

The reason seems to be that the brain has been transformed so much that it leads to incredible things.

At first, only a few lunatics appeared, and the number of such lunatics quickly increased.

Although they know that they will go crazy in the end, there are still many of them who are constantly trying to strengthen the analytical ability of their brains, purely because ... Curious about what the madman finally saw.

From the mouths of those crazy and not so fast individuals, they can often hear the words of incredible things they see.

Although they all went crazy in the end, those who weren't crazy still wanted to know exactly what these crazy people saw.

Then, a large number of lunatics kept appearing.

Because these complex brain transformations can only be done by high-level wealthy individuals, because they are mad and die less and less, which makes those middle and low-level individuals 'climb' a lot of the original high-level positions.

In addition to enjoying the life that they didn't have, a large part of these climbing individuals started to be interested in what the madman saw.

Then they also tried to transform themselves so that they saw the crazy things in the void.

Although they kept going crazy and dying, those who didn't go crazy always wanted to know what they saw.

It seems that no matter how much they die, their idea will not disappear.

Then, the number of their entire population became less and less, and the last small batch finally came to life.

They think that the strong desire for knowledge is what caused their population to collapse.

At first, they destroyed all the technical data that was transformed, but they also thought it was not enough.

Because as long as they have a curiosity, they will study it again.

So they started to transform their bodies and tried to get rid of this strong idea.

In the end, by constantly transforming their bodies, they have been able to modify most of their emotions.

But this point about curiosity has never been able to change, and the madman continues to appear.

Then they even more ... reinvent themselves crazy, and finally they have come up with a way to transfer all the memories of thinking to the machine.

Then they became what Lin was seeing now.

Now this group of creatures has completely replaced parts of their own cells and turned into pure ... mechanical creatures.

It's just that their intense curiosity hasn't stopped, they will still try to see the chaos outside.

It's just that they have become mechanized, and they have no worry about genocide. It is much easier to create new mechanical offspring than hemorrhagic offspring.

But they are also trying to curb their curiosity for knowledge. They mainly achieve it through ‘difficult life’.

They found that when they meet most of the needs in life, their curiosity will be very strong.

Conversely, if life is difficult, their focus is mainly on living.

Therefore, they try to lower their living standards as much as possible and put themselves in a state where they have many things they want at one time.

In this way, the desire to see chaos is relatively reduced, but these creatures have lived ... a very painful life.

Of course, all this has been done.

Ersh came here before, and in this chaotic place, he found some safety.

That is, some ball-shaped safe areas separate chaos like giant bubbles.

Then Ersh put these creatures in it.

Ordinary creatures cannot directly touch the chaotic information outside, and they may die if they glance at it.

As a result, Ersh changed the analytical function of their brains, allowing the brains of these creatures to display the chaos outside as dark.

But at the same time, Ersh also gave these creatures knowledge about the transformation of nuclear information, which allowed them to slowly change their brains, and through this little bit of chaos became ‘visual’.

At the time, Ersh wanted to let these creatures come into contact with Chaos slowly, which was indeed successful.

In the long course of development, they came into contact with the chaotic things outside little by little, and through continuous transformation, they saw the true face under the darkness.

In fact, they did not see the full truth, and those who went mad and died saw only a small part.

But it also made them unbearable.

It's just that the strong curiosity that Ersh ‘empowered’ them has always made them want to see clearly.

Then, this group of creatures kept trying, no matter how long, they could not adapt to chaos.

In addition, they also encountered some 'chaotic creatures'.

In their long history, there are some records about chaotic creatures.

These creatures themselves are not chaotic, that is to say their forms can be directly and stably observed.

It ’s just pretty dangerous.

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