4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 303: experiment

Chaos cannot appear in other voids, including voids such as normal voids.

When chaos enters any void, it will slowly merge into this void and become a part of this void.

It was like what Lin saw in the Mead Void, like a cloud of colored mud.

According to Ersh, the chaos here has become a very strange form. It will not touch any objects, but will be perceived by most of the void creatures.

As long as a creature has a thought structure, it can see this ‘mud’.

The more complicated the thinking structure, the more colors of ‘mud’ you will see, and the ‘mud’ will disappear after a period of time.

Then, there is no trace left by the chaos here.

Ersh conducted a lot of tests at the time, and it believed that it could not bring chaos to other voids.

Unless the void is small, if chaos can drown it in a short time, its content will be completely chaotic.

And this completely chaotic small space will slowly approach and merge with the chaotic space.

Because the Mead Void is huge enough, it will not be completely eroded by Chaos.

However, Ersh also believes that chaos space can be used as a weapon, as long as you open a small exit when you want, let the chaos come out and erode the target.

Although these chaos will ‘mud’ in a short period of time and then slowly disappear, they can still chaos the things they come into contact at the moment they appear.

For example, the creatures in the Mead Void that were swallowed by chaos when the chaos gushed out, they also disappeared in chaos.

Since the chaotic space is also very large and there is no way to move it, Ersh made an idea at the time.

It feels that it can divide the chaotic space into a small part, and control this small space to move.

There is also a bubble area in the divided small space as a command room, because Ersh can't control the movement of the entire space in chaos.

If this plan is successful, then this small separated space can be called...Chaos Battleship.

It can also be regarded as a space warship, in addition to attacking with chaos, it can also swallow the target to chaos.

Ersh wanted to build some chaotic warships at the time, but it found that these warships were not very easy to handle, mainly the chaotic space... not easy to divide.

And the method of injecting chaos into small spaces to make warships is also useless, because these small spaces cannot move, and finally merge into the chaotic space because of the relationship that is attracted to the past.

In addition to this research, Ersh is still working on something else, that is, the...ecology of chaotic creatures.

Solid chaotic creatures are very common, and those relatively rare, such as shadow masks, Ersh finally decided to call them force field creatures...Although they are not directly related to normal void force fields.

Force field chaotic creatures are also with chaos.

Solid chaotic creatures will only stop moving when they leave the chaotic environment, while the force field type will disappear.

It can be said that they can only exist under the'rules' of chaotic space, and this kind of creature is also the key to chaotic space.

In fact, solid chaotic creatures are constructed by force field chaotic creatures. At that time Ersh felt...a force field chaotic creature could construct a new chaotic space.

The most important thing is to have no connection with this space, so that it can be used as a battleship.

In the end, Ersh conducted a variety of experiments in this huge bubble region, mainly creating some force field creatures.

Their source is the stable chaos.

At the same time Ersh also conducted some other experiments, that is, experiments to collect information.

It understands how the chaotic space collects the information in ‘nothing’, but why these pieces of information are piled up and become chaos?

However, as long as you know how to gather information out of nothing.

Ersh believes that'nothing' is not really nothingness, but an area that is difficult to perceive in a way that it understands.

But no matter how you study, you can't find out what kind of area Wu is.

Only at the end of the study, Ersh understood how to attract the information in ‘Nothing’.

In other words, Ersh knows how to turn the attracted information into chaos.

At the same time, Ersh also created a force field-type chaotic creature that it thought was very suitable.

This creature... is actually a dry star, but at that time it was not called a dry star. Ersh called it a structural point.

Ersh stabilized a huge amount of chaos and formed this creature. Ersh's purpose is to use it to create a large number of solid creatures.

Then, Ersh transported these solid chaotic creatures out of the chaotic space.

Of course they will stop moving after entering the normal void, Ersh stuffed them into a small space in the normal void.

The whole process was very long, but in the end, Ersh still filled the small space.

It can be said that it almost squeezes the entire small space into almost no place, and Ersh stuffed it together, and there is also a ‘attractive device’.

Finally, Ersh uses this small space to attract the information in ‘nothing’.

Ersh only attracted a little bit after making it for a long time. After this information entered the small space, it made the solid chaotic creatures in the small space active.

Then, Ersh exploded the chaotic creature that was moving, not using ordinary explosions, but a way to make them turn back into chaos in an instant.

Its explosion turned it into chaos and began to affect the chaotic creatures in the entire small space. When these creatures became active, they were blown up by Ersh one by one.

The chaos formed after they blow up fills the entire small space, and the chaotic warship is also formed.

The chaotic warship created by this method will not be attracted to the chaotic space.

Ersh finally left the chaos space and boarded the chaos warship of its own construction, not knowing what to do.

And the ‘structure point’ Ersh used to create the solid chaotic creature left Ersh’s original test field for no reason, floating in the chaos.

Finally, it ceased its activity and formed a special bubble area.

Dry stars are formed in this bubble region.

So Lin now roughly understands what Ersh did before, although the details are still unclear.

Ersh now believes that Mead Void also wants to build a space warship.

It's just that the entire chaos space is used, and it's not clear whether this warship is used for attack or for other purposes.

If it is not used for attack, it cannot be called a battleship.

And Lin thinks it should be used to attack something. Looking at the changes in the chaotic space, Lin feels that a battleship is indeed being generated here.

The spawning method is quite similar to the death battleship.

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