4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 308: Cognition

"Those things don't seem to be simple."

After the installation in the sky was activated, every city on the surface was plunged into flames.

Except... the city where Lin is.

The Ershites here watched in horror as the violent explosions exploded in the sky one after another, but they did not reach the surface at all.

Lin mainly controlled these explosives to explode before they approached the surface.

By affecting the chaos inside the bombs, it is easy to make them explode. After a period of continuous detonation, the ammunition of the destroyer is also consumed.

But this is not over yet.

When the city was saved from being destroyed in the explosion, huge objects fell into the sky.

This is actually not a whole object, but a huge thick silver fog.

What is contained in the dense fog are densely packed miniature machines, but they are not very miniature. Each is at least one centimeter in size.

This is the second weapon used by the destruction device when it detects that the city has not been destroyed after launching a bomb.

Because when the city is saved from destruction, the device will determine that there must be some Ershi forces in the city that have produced anti-missile weapons and destroyed all the explosive bombs that fell.

Although all the Ersh people were transported or dismantled when all the Ersh people were evacuated underground, it is still possible for the Ersh people on the surface to assemble some weapons.

Even if a weapon capable of intercepting sky missiles is made within one year, it may seem very low, but the world-killing device is still prepared.

The device drops these micro-mechanical rains and uses them to break down the city.

But Lin can still solve them easily.

Because there are also Lin's miniature arms in the air, after the mechanical rains, they invade the inside of these machines and slightly change the procedures inside. The machines inside can only fall on the ground and cannot move.

So the city was saved again.

So what's next...what to do?

There seemed to be nothing special to do, so Lin continued to live with them here with Veronica while studying Chaos.

And the chaotic space was slowly and completely occupied by the Mead Void during this period.

Although it was completely occupied, it actually left a lot of...vacancies.

Although the contents are assembled into various shapes, these assemblies only occupy a small part of the space, which makes the entire chaotic space feel like a normal void without a starry sky.

Even if it only occupies a small position, it seems that the Mead Void has gained control of the chaotic space.

These two voids... are currently moving in one direction together.

Just like travel space, the Mead Void seems to travel far away.

In addition, many new species have appeared in the Mead Void, which has a deep relationship with the influence of Chaos on them.

Lin thinks it is better to study the details of Chaos first.

The essence of chaos is information. Because the Ersh people in the chaos warship are ‘specially made’, they have the technology to control chaos, but they can only control a small part of it.

Therefore, Veronica studied while living in the Chaos Battleship...Soon a few more years passed.

The life of the Ersh people here is quite ordinary, because they are worried that there will be some bombs falling, so they move to the edge of the city, start farming, and live a good life.

Xing Jing's influence is still there, it always reminds Ershi people through different places to end the short and painful life.

Of course, it will also solve these Ershites by controlling some things, and the early launch of the World Destruction Device is a masterpiece of Xingji.

So... what exactly is Xingjing?

In fact, the essence of Star Silence is also a masterpiece.

To be precise, it is a work from a certain civilization. As the time of'observing' Star Silence is longer, Ershi Jiu recalls more... before it studied Star Silence.

The earliest source of Star Silence was a product created by a certain civilization.

Of course, this civilization itself is not a common individualized biological civilization, Ersh doesn't have many memories of them, and he probably knows that this civilization may come from other voids.

They believe that a kind of doomsday called the ‘cognitive doom’ will come.

To put it simply, if the intelligent creatures in the void have been using various perception organs to perceive the normal void and continue to think about the various phenomena in it, it will bring the "doom" close.

The last doom will bring everything to silence.

In this case, let them be quiet in advance.

This civilization intends to keep all other civilizations away from the cognition of reality. After a long period of time, they have developed this kind of creature called Star Silence.

The essence of Star Silence is similar to some creatures in unforeseen places, and it is also similar to the Ersh people's cognition of "gods".

Simply put, it is a collection of beliefs.

When a large group of creatures start to enjoy spiritual pleasure and not care about reality, a certain kind of ‘energy’ is produced.

This energy will slowly affect the entire civilization, causing them to have a consistent idea.

The outside world is full of helplessness and pain, meaningless, and there can be eternal happiness in virtual dreams.

Star Silence is not just one, but a large number of individuals. When a civilized creature has such thoughts, Star Silence will parasitize its thinking, which is also like a brain.

However, unlike Nao Ling, who has his own ideas, Xing Jing is more like a tool for guiding civilization to virtuality.

Under the influence of Star Silence, a large number of civilizations fell into silence.

Because it cannot parasitize group consciousness, Star Silence cannot affect the division of labor species.

In fact, it is indeed only the civilization of individual creatures that is affected, and the civilization that creates star silence also believes that these individual creatures will make the cognitive doomsday appear.

Ersh feels that the cognitive end may be a collision of voids.

Ersh then wiped out Star Silence, using a relatively simple method, which was chaos.

Chaos can kill Xingjing, or it can reconstruct the brain of a creature. Ersh can use chaos to ‘cleanse’ a creature’s thinking structure, and the cleansed creature will no longer produce Xingjing.

Of course, there are still ideas to have fun forever, but the difference is that emotions will not affect the entire civilization.

I don’t know why, the civilization that created the star silence thinks that there is such an apocalypse, how did they know it, and is this true? Why don't they take the method of destroying these civilizations to avoid the end?

Ersh didn't know, so it was tested.

In addition to destroying the starry silence in the void outside, the Chaos Battleship is also used to confirm the knowledge of the end.

If the cognitive doomsday is not a void collision but something else, then it may appear in the Chaos Warship.

Because these Ersh people in the Chaos Battleship have actually been cognizing the world.

Although the cognitive process is not long, they get a lot of information.

Because there is...chaos here.

Ersh condensed various things that had happened in the void for a long time into the Chaos Battleship. When Ersh people understood the chaos here, they were cognizing when they studied and utilized it.

But Ersh didn't know whether this group of Ersh citizens would trigger the "doomsday" that civilization called.

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