They are learning... their history.

Civilized creatures seemed to be too lonely, so they talked to their motionless bodies.

Then, these bodies began to move.

They seemed to understand what civilized creatures said, so they began to gather in the ruins of civilized creatures.

They found the historical data left in it and began to look at it. Text

The "words" of this civilization are actually excreta. Like cellular organisms, they excrete the remaining substances from digestion, but they will not be offensive to excrement.

This is because their excrement is only a harmless thing to them, and it is not as easy to spread germs as the excrement of cellular organisms. Most microorganisms live in the epidermis of the organisms, but very few in the body. .

As a result, this group of civilized creatures has the habit of using excrement as language as they develop.

At first, they only expressed things based on the similarity of shapes. Later, after complex development, they have been able to use this special text to describe various things, and they have also manufactured recording devices to store knowledge.

The recording device is like a fertilizer box, and for this group of civilized creatures, each box contains a wealth of knowledge and history.

After the eternal light exploded, these knowledge-containing excrements were also eroded by microorganisms because they were no longer still, but many remained intact.

Because they digest what remains, most microorganisms don't eat much.

A large number of bodies came to the underground historical archives, they searched for the history inside, but... even if they saw these records, they didn't do anything. They just looked at some parts and stayed in a daze.

And that civilized creature was very happy with the behavior of these shells, it felt that these shells would still move.

As long as there is a stimulus, they can be made to perform a certain behavior, and this stimulus is... education.

It began to teach all kinds of things about these bodies, very detailed, such as how to use the body, how to hold it, and how to walk.

It teaches so meticulously because it finds that this group of bodies does not understand this.

Everything that the shell does is biologically related to this civilization, including the initial walking and looking for things in historical buildings. These rummaging movements, they will not do at first, they will only bump into each other indoors. It wasn't until the civilized creatures opened up the information in a box to show them in person, that they would follow suit in a similar way.

Civilized creatures teach all kinds of knowledge about these bodies, and also teach them how to use language and how to understand the... meaning in each excrement.

The body is amazing, although it doesn't understand anything, but it can understand the words of civilized creatures.

Of course, their words are not sound, but touch and action.

In addition to general teachings, it also talked about many ideals with these bodies, mainly about their future development direction. This civilized creature wants to never have war again. They should devote all their energy to exploration.

Although there is no starry sky here, civilized creatures believe that there must be more creatures in distant places, and there may be a world that is broken into pieces like here.

Civilized creatures feel that as long as it continues to teach, these shells will sooner or later become a normal creature and become its kind.

However, it quickly discovered the weirdness of these shells.

They will follow it to learn and perform various actions, but many actions, including language, etc., they will only do it once and then stop doing them, and continue to fall into a daze.

And when the civilized creatures taught them all kinds of ‘literal’ messages, these bodies once again gathered to the historical archives.

They began to study the materials in the archives, and they did not leave no matter what civilized creatures and what they said.

It's just that they will now react to the attacks of civilized creatures, and if they hit them, they will also counterattack.

So civilized creatures can only look at this group of shells... research materials all day long.

In fact, they are not very interested in the history of civilization, they mainly study...structure.

Like the way civilized creatures construct their bodies, they have learned through research.

The shells began to construct more ‘kind’, and they created a large number of shells, which also moved under the contact of the roots.

Now they don't need the teaching of civilized creatures, and they can learn new knowledge on their own.

Civilized creatures' expectations of them gradually turned into fear from the beginning.

It began to be scared, what are these things that look exactly like it.

Are they a whole new group of species? But this is different from past creatures. Why are they so keen on research and learning?

After these bodies made more of the same kind, they began to march into the ruins of civilized creatures.

They are not interested in buildings, they just constantly collect materials from these ruins and pile them up in one place.

Civilized creatures have discovered that they are collecting materials for the manufacture of ‘perpetual light’.

Perpetual Light is a very large explosive bomb. In order to make this explosive bomb, they have collected a lot of materials.

But in fact, most of it was useless, and the remaining materials were now found by the shells.

Then the shells began to make things out of these materials.

Civilized creatures were surprised to find that they were also creating perpetual light.

At the same time they also made some other things, which are propulsion devices.

This is a very common propeller, but in fact, civilized creatures have never made something similar, and of course there is no related record, but the body has been made.

This is the result of this group of shells researching various material combination explosives.

It can be said that they have the ability to innovate, rather than just learning.

And the main reason they make thrusters is to mount the thrusters on the explosive bombs.

The ‘perpetual light’ created by the body is very small, far from the original type that can affect the entire land mass, but they can also create many.

Then they fitted these small perpetual lights with thrusters, and launched these explosive bombs into a dark void.

It seems... they want to hit something with explosive bombs.

Civilized creatures watched these shells doing this until they used up all the materials they could use.

They probably produced thousands of explosive bombs and launched them.

Of course, it gets smaller and smaller later, they only pursue quantity.

In addition to the materials found in the city, they also go to the wild to dig, but there are not many materials that can be used.

Civilized creatures have been watching them do these things, and it doesn't know why they do it.

The only thing it thought of was that it had talked about its ideals with these bodies, and felt that there might be creatures in the darkness outside.

So the behavior of these shells is attacking other creatures?

It is indeed like this.

Because before long it saw... foreign creatures.

It can also be said to be an outside world.

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