4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 332: Full growth

The bitter star.

Civilized creatures gave such a name to this creature made up of countless corpses.

The "stars" it said are these fragmented land masses, which are now connected together again to form a giant creature.

Although civilized creatures do not yet understand how this creature acquired knowledge that they have not recorded at all, it knows the purpose of this creature.

That is growth.

Like many creatures, it aspires to grow bigger and stronger.

The last hunt was just the beginning... The material obtained by the prey by the Star of Devour allowed them to continue to create the perpetual light.

Although the perpetual motion light produced this time is very small, they are more accurate.

Just like last time, the body emits the created perpetual light. The direction of the last emission was very scattered, but this time it was almost all launched in one direction.

After the light of perpetual motion was emitted, several Ersh years passed...a huge creature appeared again.

This creature is almost the same as last time, a creature several kilometers in size.

These creatures are called ‘stationary wanderers’. They come in many types, usually with huge bodies, floating in the surrounding void.

The creature that came this time hasn't completely died yet, although it's almost the same, the cause of death is the same as last time, it was gnawed to death by the parasite in the body, and the perpetual light hit it very accurately.

The large amount of scattering last time was obviously because the Star of Biter was not sure where the target was, so it shot around to search, but this time it was able to determine the target position.

Although civilized creatures don't know how it confirms it, it obviously has its own way of learning and perception.

After the creature approached this time, a large number of shells directly boarded the target without the need for roots.

They are mainly equipped with some small thrusters. After boarding the creatures, they begin to dismantle quickly. Of course, civilized creatures also passed by with them.

Civilized creatures studied this giant creature wandering in the void in more detail this time, and found that the giant creature is essentially a biological aggregate.

This kind of aggregate is stranger because it happens to be a little different from the creations that civilized creatures are familiar with.

They have always used a variety of internal organs, biological shells and other materials to construct new creatures, while the bitter star is composed of a large number of corpses, which can be said to be dismantled structures.

Wanderers are made up of complete organisms, and what constitutes them... is the parasite-like organisms in their bodies.

This group of creatures may originally live in places like land masses, and when they run out of local resources, a civil war will begin.

In the end, there will be a victor in the civil war. It will consume the corpses of all the defeated and grow bigger and bigger, and finally can reach the size of several kilometers... and they are only a few meters in size at first.

Then, the victors who eventually grow into giant creatures will have the ability to move in the still void, and they will look for those new resources.

The parasites in them are also a group of losers, but this group of losers did not participate in the civil war. They hid everywhere and survived.

After the victor grows up and begins to move, they live in it as parasites.

These creatures have almost no ability to store moving things, and after they grow up, they will have... So these parasites themselves can't make a big impact unless they are hit by the light of perpetual motion.

It seems that the bitter star also has a deep understanding of this wanderer.

After dismantling the first and second one, as expected, the shells used materials to construct the perpetual light to attack more creatures.

This is actually a long process, because it takes several Ersh years before the light of perpetual motion is emitted.

However, the perpetual light emitted every time can succeed.

Only a small part of these huge creatures are used as the emission material of the perpetual light, and most of them are used for the growth of the bitter star.

After the bitter star obtained enough resources, it began to grow and transform.

It did not grow randomly this time, but grew some peculiar structures.

This structure is actually the power organ of the drifter.

Wanderers can move in the still void, relying on a more special organ, and now the Star of Biting can create this organ.

However, the number of organs it creates cannot move all land masses.

After hunting ten wanderers, it never emitted the light of perpetual motion again.

Probably because it was found that there were no wanderers in the surrounding void, the Star of Biting had gathered most of the body structure on a land block.

Although it was originally widely distributed, it actually occupies a small area when the body is gathered together.

After it gathered here, it began to transform this land mass. In addition to producing a large number of bodies, it also created a huge organ on this land mass of hundreds of kilometers.

In fact, the resources obtained by hunting creatures cannot allow it to make such a large organ, so this organ is made up of a part of its own body.

At first, the bitter star seemed to want to keep hunting to grow, but after finding that this approach was different, it concentrated its resources to allow a land block to move.

In the end, the other land masses were left, and this land mass with organs left its original location.

It moved toward the depths of the still void, and of course civilized creatures still followed this land mass to leave.

While observing their granular creatures, its perspective was able to follow the land mass and leave its original position, and for the first time after a long period of time, it could see other places in the void.

The journey begins.

Leaving the position originally affected by the active field, the bitter star entered into a static state, but this had no effect on it. There were a lot of moving objects stored in the body of the land and the surface.

The bitter star is the same as its name, and its main purpose of this journey is to bring destruction to other creatures.

After a period of travel, the Star of Devourers encountered the first target to be swallowed. It was also a shattered world, and there was nothing special about it, except that there were many creatures on it.

The bitter star sent a large number of shells as an army, killing all the creatures on it as resources for recycling.

At the same time, it also excavated the surface of this fragmented world, taking away all the useful things it could find.

What's more special is that even if it killed so many creatures, it didn't kill the civilized creatures that followed it.

After absorbing the resources of a place, it continued to move forward, continuing to move towards the depths of the void... looking for more resources.

This creature will continue to grow until some time something changes.

And when Lin was'observing' these information, she also discovered some special circumstances.

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