4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 334: Large civilization

This group of creatures was given such a name.

Their civilization is built around a huge cave, the diameter of the cave is more than 6,000 kilometers, but the thickness is only a few hundred meters.

Viewed from the ‘front’ of the entrance, it is a large, pitch-black hole with a rock-like ring around the edge of the hole.

As for what it looks like from the rear, it is not clear.

Now the bitter star must face the...challenges of this civilization.

It did not escape. In fact, the group of invaders encountered before seemed to have accidentally discovered the Wandering Object-Eater while exploring and swaying around, and then landed on the surface of the Object-Eater.

Now, the bitter star knows the location of this civilization and seems to decide to destroy them.

This is obviously more difficult.

Because the civilization of "Worse" has tens of thousands of cities floating around the entrance of the cave. Each city is several kilometers to tens of kilometers in size. They are tightly guarded like fortresses. Each city is semi-circular. Covered by the shell, there are only some small entrances and exits on the giant shell for the aircraft to enter and exit.

At the same time, there are a lot of things like gun emplacements on and around this huge protective shell. In fact, they don't look like cities from the outside, but weapons of war.

Obviously, this group of creatures has developed very large, so the bitter star did not directly rush over, but stopped more than 100,000 kilometers away from the vortex civilization.

It observes the conditions of these civilizations from a distance.

The bitter star itself can observe something in the distance through the still void, but civilized creatures could not see it at the time, so it doesn't know what's going on.

However, if you keep observing their granular creatures, you can see the situation of the bitter star and the vortex civilization.

The vortex actually found the Star of Biting, and they sent some troops to fly towards the Star of Biting.

And before this troop flew there, the Star of Biting had observed the source of development of the vortex.

In this huge cave, there was an abnormal change in the six thousand kilometers in diameter, and its interior was spinning like a whirlpool.

It looked as if there was a huge storm inside, and countless fragments flew out of this storm.

The vortex city outside the cave also activated their firepower system. They smashed many pieces that hit the city directly, and those that would not hit the city let them fly by.

The vortex lasted for a thousand seconds and then stopped. During this process, countless fragments ranging in size from tens of meters to hundreds of meters flew out. After waiting for complete calm, the city of the vortex sent a large number of troops.

Large and small aircraft flew out of the city, flew towards the debris floating between the cities, and dragged some of the debris back.

Because they are so, the granular creatures call them vortexes. This civilization mainly relies on the resources surging from the entrance of the cave. These resources allow them to develop and become so huge.

But I don't know what the development process is like, because these fragments are dangerous in themselves, and without strong defensive firepower, they can easily destroy these cities.

Therefore, the vortex is probably not a species developed here, but drifted from a distance, and they themselves have a certain strength to reduce the damage to them by the fragments.

Not long after the fragments gushed out, Huang Wu's team also boarded the Star of Devourers.

This time there were fewer troops. They arrived on ten 100-meter-long aircraft, and only one hundred vortexes were landed and explored.

They obviously don't regard the bitter star as a threat, maybe they have never encountered such a creature before?

This time, the bitter star did not directly attack the exploratory team, and its shell troops were hiding in the ground without any action, and the civilized creatures were dragged back by the shell when they wanted to look on the ground.

After exploring the vortex for a while, they left, and then they sent a large number of aircraft.

These aircraft are more than one hundred meters in size, but there are many hundreds of them.

This group of aircraft is used to drag the bitter star back.

They dug a large number of deep pits on the bitter star, and used these deep pits as anchor points to fix the chain locks connected to the aircraft, and then these aircraft started to drag the bitter star to their city. .

At this time, the bitter star is also anxious to prepare. It is not preparing an army or anything, but dismantling its original army.

It disassembled each body into some... pieces that couldn't see what they were.

At the same time, it also decomposes the organs that it used to grow before...

And it also constructed many small animals.

These little animals are all types that it has encountered before attacking some places. It has created many of this harmless creatures... and allowed them to live underground.

Or it seems to live underground.

The reason it did this is obvious, but it didn't want to be treated as a threatening creature.

Soon, the bitter star was dragged back, because it was too big to be accommodated by a city, so it was dragged to the side of a city.

After being dragged to the location, many small aircraft over ten meters in size flew out of the city.

They brought a large number of researchers to the surface of the bitter star.

After that, a large number of vortexes have established many large and small bases on the Star of Biting, and they are constantly collecting samples of the Star of Biting for research.

Of course, they also found the entrance to the underground, and found many small creatures below.

At the same time, they also discovered...civilized creatures.

When the bitter star was transforming itself, it did not do anything to civilized creatures, so it could only hide everywhere underground after the vortex came, but it was finally found and brought into their city by the vortex. in.

The Devouring Star itself is as it thinks, it is not regarded as a threat by the vortex, the body of the Devouring Star is a large number of growths located on the surface and underground, some of which are like fungi, and the vortex does regard it as Harmless creatures similar to fungi.

They didn't know that this was the culprit of the destruction of the previous exploration team, maybe they had not received the contact of the exploration team.

In short, in the long-term research, many parts of the bitter star were cut off by them and brought back to the city for preservation and research.

As a result, the bitter star split, and it was finally dismantled into a large number of fragments of different sizes. The land where the bitter star itself grew was completely decomposed by the vortex, and the minerals on it were recycled as resources.

Everything seems to be over, but in fact...not yet.

The bitter star is still alive, and it uses this method... to begin to erode this civilization.

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