4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 346: activity

After experiencing a huge disaster, the entire vortex population was in a state of distrust of the granular creatures. They decided to avoid the cave and develop in the distance.

Although they plan to no longer believe in particle creatures, they still follow part of the teaching of particle creatures.

That is to use ‘forever moving things’.

Because during this period of development of the vortex, they once again saw many events that were originally moving but suddenly stopped.

This phenomenon has never occurred in the eternally moving objects that the granular creatures guide them to obtain.

Therefore, they think that the granular creatures are telling the truth, and they are also studying the difference between the eternally moving things and the static ones.

When the particle creature fell from the belief in the vortex, it never communicated with the vortex again.

It turned its attention to the creatures living in the vortex civilization.

There are some ‘little animals’ in the vortex city. These creatures feed on the waste of the vortex. Although the vortex throws out the waste, it will accumulate for a long time before then.

Many creatures have the intelligence to leave the waste pile before the vortex throws away the waste, so that they can live in the vortex city, and the vortex doesn't care much about this group of creatures.

Particles have recently noticed that there is such a special group of creatures.

Their whole bodies are completely composed of ‘always moving things’, that is, they are always moving, and the general living things here, including the vortex, are in a state of being at rest and moving alternately.

Such creatures are called ‘permanent creatures’ by granular creatures, and it feels that they need to use these creatures to fight stillness.

It's just that these creatures are insect-sized creatures, and they are currently unlikely to develop civilization.

But granular creatures have different ideas.

It began to try to influence the thinking of some eddies.

This is not to directly communicate with them, but to influence their'subconscious' and make them generate some thoughts.

For example, let some vortexes be interested in their "permanent creatures".

The particle creatures are very effective in doing this. Many eddies have been affected, and they don't know who did it.

Many waste-eating ‘permanent creatures’ became interested in these waste-eating ‘permanent creatures’ and often observed and studied them, and even raised them.

And those vortexes that are not interested in this are not very disgusted with this, and even some vortexes that are not affected by the particle creatures... all began to be interested in this ‘popular’.

As a result, these ‘perpetual creatures’ slowly became popular pets in the vortex civilization, and many vortexes kept them, but this also caused some trouble.

Because this kind of creature has a strong reproductive ability, after large-scale breeding of the eddies, their numbers have become very large...Many eddies are worried because they can't keep so many.

Some vortexes will prohibit the reproduction of the creatures it raises, while others will ignore that many, and throw away part of them if they reproduce too much.

This allows many creatures to run around in the city. Since the original waste is not enough for them to eat, they will attack places like restaurants.

At this time, the particle organisms will have the second step of impact on the vortex.

It makes part of the vortex have the idea of ​​letting out these extra creatures.

The vortex has been in a state of ‘wandering’ now, and they are advancing towards the distant unknown in the void.

They don't know where to go, they just want to be as far as possible from the source of stillness, so they will pass through many biological gathering points, and when passing through these places, the vortex will stop to collect resources.

Under the influence of the granular creatures, the vortex put the over-reproducing "permanent creatures" into the biological gathering points passing by.

Most of these gathering points are floating rocks or the like.

'Perpetual creatures' can easily find food after they settle on it, and they begin to multiply on it on a large scale.

In this way, the vortex moved all the way, throwing a large number of immortal creatures into the void along the way.

Immortal creatures do not have any special advantages compared to creatures with a ‘quiescent cycle’ in their bodies. On the contrary, they have disadvantages...Because these creatures are kept active all the time, they need a lot of resources to maintain.

Living creatures that circulate at rest consume a lot of resources, and most of them have periods of letting the body rest to spend less food.

However, under the'infection' of the source of stillness, the advantages of immortal creatures are manifested.

Resting circulating organisms are prone to abnormal static in the body, and organs that should not be static can cause death.

This is also the reason for the mass extinction phenomenon before.

When these creatures die in large numbers, immortal creatures multiply on their corpses on a large scale, and even begin to...evolve.

Although immortal creatures are completely composed of eternally moving things, they don't necessarily have to eat similar substances. In fact, they can extract the nutrients they need from other static and non-eternally moving substances.

It can also be said that a stationary object can become a living thing through decomposition and transformation in the organism.

Although the granular organism is still unclear about the details, it knows that its method has succeeded.

These immortal creatures will spread in the void with the actions of the vortex, because they are decomposing the corpse, which can avoid turning the corpse into a star of bitterness.

As the original creatures slowly perished, these immortal creatures have also become the main force in the gathering points of creatures.

They began to grow rapidly, and the granular creatures began to try to influence their thinking.

Granular creatures discovered that it can affect the ‘subconsciousness’ of these creatures just like the vortex, and let them do something.

In this way, granular organisms try to make some clever creatures produce the concept of groups.

Most of them live alone, and the granular creatures let them notice the benefits of living in groups and at the same time produce higher intelligence.

In short, it is trying to cultivate these creatures and make them more and more powerful.

At the same time, they are also continuing to pay attention to the vortex, allowing them to spread more creatures into the distance.

In this way, ‘perpetual motion’ spreads in this still void. This is a war against stillness.

On the other side, the source of stillness has also undergone new changes.

The core of the Source of Stillness stopped at a position more than 100,000 kilometers away from the original entrance of the cave, and all the bitter stars that had gone into the cave were now gathered around the core.

They started...building around the core.

These bitter stars transformed the floating objects they took over into various civilized cities.

Mainly those civilized cities in the past, which made the particle creatures feel... as if they were building a new space.

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